Twins Day Part 3

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I pulled up to a nearby to a nearby Taco Bell.
Speaker: Uhm Are you ready to order yet ?
I stared at the speaker in strangely. Why does that voice sound solo familiar?
Me: yeah can I get 2 soft tacos 2 potato bowls and one crunch wrap supreme.
Speaker: thatwouldbesevenninety
The speaker said muzzled. It sounded like they were trying to disguise their voice, but why would someone do that ?
Me: I'm sorry I didn't get that
Speaker: $7.90 it will be 7.90
They yelled into the mic. That when it clicked that sounded just like ,wait no it can't be. I pulled up to the window to see Prodigy. I was so shocked I haven't seen him since since . I was kidnapped. I felt unwanted anger coming up. But I decided to push it away. Instead I smirked. I mean look at my life compared to me. Highschool dropout and works at Taco Bell for money like come on .
Me; You said how much sir ?
I said trying to hold back my laughter. Karma is bitvh
Prod locked eyes with me and looked away instantly .
Prod's manager walked in and was standing in the doorway.
Prod: I said it was $7.90!!
He said catching an attitude. Which made my blood broil because just a moment ago he was terrified to turn around to face me and now he wants yo act like I'm the problem psssh 😒😒.
Me: oh
I handed him my credit card. He swiped my credit card and handed it back to me smirking at something his boss said but I couldn't hear.
Prod: Pull up to the-
I snatched my card back and pulled off to the next window not wanting to hear anything else he had to say. A lady handed me my bag of food and I thanked her. I checked the bag to make sure we had everything before pulling off. Then I was off to Brittany when I wondered about his family Prodigy was that one spoiled rotten kid who got everything he wanted and he parents always made sure he went to school. Maybe they kicked him out but why ? he looks differet too. Much more skinny then the last time I seen home. I thought to myself as I pulled into Brittany's Driveway. I seen her front door swing open and she ran out. I turned my car off got out grabbed the food and locked my car.
Brittany: Anna !!!,
Me: Brit!!!!
She hugged me tightly. Then started looking around. I held up the Taco Bell bag and her smile got bigger. She grabbed the bag and took off running. I chased her into her house. I ran into to house to suddenly fond myself lost. I've never been in this part of her house before. I had the front door slam shut downstairs. I turned around and stared walking down the stairs following the sound. When suddenly Brittany jumped out of nowhere. I jumped and screamed. Then she started laughing. That's when I noticed that the food wasn't in hands. My eyes widened and she stopped laughing .
Brittany: chill its in the kitchen
I let out a breath as she grabbed my hand and ran into the kitchen. Where the food was at. We talked and laughed as we reminiscence at old memories.
As me and Brittany got ready to go to bed. We made Snapchat videos ,a few vines, took thousands is pictures and have talked about almost everything.
Everything was going great. Right now we are face timing each other. Because I'm in her guest room and she is in her room.
Brianna: so whatever happened to Prince and them ?
Me: I don't know ...
Brianna: you haven't heard from them since the incident?
Me: yeah
Brianna: why did they even kidnapped you ? I mean have you ever thought about it ? Why you?
I sat up as i started to tear up.
Me: of course
I managed to say before I burst into tears. This was still a very sensitive subject for me. So of course i think about it I think about it all the time. I think about why Prince did what he did? Why Roc tried to kill me ? Who tried to kill Prince? What happened to Prodigy,Ray,and EJ they all disappeared after Prince was out in the hospital. Why did they kidnapp Anna? Why isn't she seemed to be phazed by it ? I was sobbing into my cover when I was engulfed into ahug with 4 arms. I looked up to see Brianna and her mom hugging me.
Me: how long was I crying
Brianna's Mom: Brianna came and got me when you first started
Brianna sat on the bed
Brianna: I am so sorry J, I didn't know it was still a sensitive subject for you. I mean you and Anna was acting like nothing was wrong so I thought you guys were over it. I wouldn't have ever asked if I knew
Me: well I only acted like that because Anna was. I tried to push it back so I wouldn't remember it. But it keeps coming back in my dreams. Its like every time I close my eyes I'm reliving those moments every time.
I said as I sobbed some more.
Brianna's mom: we maybe you should go to a therapist sweetheart
Brianna: Mom!! She is not crazy she is going through something right now
Brianna's Mom: no she is obvisouly traumatized by some horrorfic events that has happened to her!,in which she needs to talk to someone about
Brianna: mom she-goc
I suddenly cut her off thinking about what her mom said.
Me: She's Right Brianna!,I mean I do need to talk to someone and get this off my chest. Also to get advice
Brianna looked lost for words.
Brianna : okay
She said slowly.
Brianna's Mom : Are you going to be okay honey?
She asked with concern.
Me: yeah I'm fine
I said ,her mom got up and started to leave the room then she turned around and looked at Brianna.
Brianna: imma stay and talk to Jade some more
Brianna's Mom: okay but ladies don't stay up too late it is still a school night
She said before she left the room.
Brianna: Oh shit! What time is it ?
I began to laugh.
Me: I don't even know
Brianna started to pat the covers around me in search of my phone. One she had it she looked at the time.
Brianna: 11:30 pm
Her eyes widened as she looked at the time.
Me: wow we must have been talking longer than we expected
Brianna stared back at me with worried eyes. She is those type of students who always and I mean always made it to school on time and if she didn't she always had a logical excuse . she always got enough sleep , she just kinda was perfect .
Me: at least its Friday right ?
I said trying to cheer her up. Her face formed a smile as she giggled.
Brianna: yeah right. I will come in get you in the morning
Me: okay
She gave me a hug and said goodbye as she left the room. I said my prayers and closed my eyes . I wonder how Anna's night ended..... I thought ad I drifted off to sleep.
Anna's POV
Me and Brittany talked til about 7. That's when her parents got home.
Brittany: usually they don't come home this late but my mom just started working a different shift and my dad said he had a doctors appointment and he would pick her up on the wag home .
She explained to me. The only question to pop into my head was "who had a doctors appointment in the middle of the evening ?" Since I have known Brittany since like 6th grade. I have grown to know her parent well.
Brittany's Mom: hey Jade !! Hey Brit !!
She said as she hugs us. Then turned as she went upstairs to get out of her work clothes.
Brittany Dad: Hey Brit did I can say you can have company over ?
Brittany' Dad raised an eyebrow at her as I turned to look at Brittany. If I'm not suppose to be here I don't wanna be here, bug her mom seemed so welcoming like it wasn't a problem. She looked at her me then at her dad
Brittany: you never said I couldn't have company over
She said with a confused look. Her and her dad stared at each other for a moment . him with a serious face and her with a confused one. After awhile she mocked his facial expression and they both started laughing.
I honestly didn't want to ruin their family time so I thought I should go.
Me: Brit km gonna head out
Brittany's Mom: not before dinner you're not
I turned around to see her standing at the top of the stairs in a T-shirt and sweats with her hair in a messy bun. Brittany Dad shrugged
Brittanys Dad: its fine with me
Brittany squealed causing me to jumped as she hugged me and spun in a circle.
Brittany Mom: Dinner is in a hour
She anniucrd as she went back into her room.
Brittany: Besides Dad,
She said as she put on arm around me and the other on her hip. Her dad was halfway up the stairs now, he turned and gave her his attention.
Brittany: Jade isn't a friend she is family
I smiled and hugged her.
Brittany's Dad : agreed
He said then turned back and continued up the stairs .
Me: I have an idea
Brittany: okay spill !!
She said as she plopped down on her bed. Brittany's room was on the Second floor under her Dad's office room.
Me: you know jade needs a little help with her advertising
Brittany nodded
Me: so I think we should help her out . by twinning tomorrow.
Brittany: that is a wonderful idea
She said in a British Accent.
Me: I was thinking you could ask your mom if I could spend the night and we could pick out our outfit in the morning.
Brittany : I will ask her at Dinner
Honestly I had a gut feeling Jade wasn't coming back for tonight and I didn't wanna be bored all night.
We ate dinner and Brit asked her parents if I could stay. Of course they said yes. They called my parents and they talked to them. After Dinner We played some video games and got in social media for awhile. You know the usual : Snapchat,insta,
We said our prayers and went to bed. I couldn't help but think of Jade. I hope she had a great night like I did.


I'm Back!!!!! Sorry it took so long I apologize. But I had a terrible writers black now that I had found some inspiration. Which means yes I will be updating all my stories !!! Sorry if this chapter is too short lol comment what you think of it and please don't forget to vote !!! Btw there would be 4 Twins Day Parts !!!!

Anna's Been Kidnapped (Sequel To "Being Kidnapped")Where stories live. Discover now