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I walked to my locker and got out all the stuff I need for class. Today is going to be a long day. I thought to myself.
Jade: You ready for class ?
Me: yea you?
Jade: yes
Then we walked to our first hour .
Jade: hey have you noticed Prince,Roc,Ray,Prod, and Ej isn't here.
Me: Yea I did and I'm happy
Jade: maybe Diggy knows why
Me: why dont you go ask him?
Jade: no
Me: why ? I know you like him
Jade (giggling): what?
Me: do you want me to get him ?
Jade: no please no
Me (yelling): hey !! Hey!! DIG-Gco
Jade put her hand over my mouth. Diggy turned around and looked at our table.His eyebrows went up in confusion.
Diggy (yelling): what!!
I looked at Jade. Who still has her hand over my mouth.
Jade (whispering) : please dont say anything
She slowly took her hand off of my mouth.
Me: okay i won't but either he is gonna come over here or you go tell him what you want.
Jade: okay I will
I waited for her to get up. I knew she wasn't. I know Jade and Jade is the shy type. I looked over at Diggy who was back to talking to his friends.
Jade: come with me
Jade: fine
Then she got up and walked over to diggy who now just getting out the lunch line.
Jade Pov
I was so nervous my hands was shaking. Crap I hope he doesn't see me shaking. I quickly put my hands behind my back.
Me: heyy Diggy
Diggy:hey Jade...... are you hiding something?
Me: no
Diggy: then why is your hands behind your back?
Me: no reason
Diggy *sarcastic* : okay
Me: hey i wanted to ask you something
Diggy: okay ask
Me: have you seen Prince,Roc,Ray,Prod, or Ej today ?
Diggy: no have you ?
Me: no do you know why they aren't here ?
Diggy: no
Me: okay
Anna Pov
When Jade went over to talk to Diggy someone put their hands over my eyes.
???: Guess who?
Me: I don't know
???: Its your future bae
Me: then move your hand so I can see who it is
Me: move your hands so I can determine if you are future bae or not
???: okay
He moved his hand. It was Anthony Lewis. I should have known it was him. I knew he would be crawling back to me after that kiss. He kissed my cheek as I started to smile. Then he sat down across of me at my table. He set his tray down before he sat down.
Anthony: hey
Me: hey,, how are you?
Anthony: I'm good how are you beautiful?
Me: I'm great actually
Jade walked over to our table. Diggy walked over behind her after he put his lunch tray down, he put his arms around Jade's waist and turned her around. I could tell her body tensed up when he touched her. She doesn't do that to all guys just him. Diggy has that affect on her.He hugged her, whispered something in her, ear then kissed her cheek. After that he let go of her and sat down next to Anthony. I could tell Jade was blushing. She sat down next to me.
Me: sooo
Jade *whispering* : i will tell you at home
Me: okay
Anthony: wassup Diggy and Jade
Jade: hi
Me: Hey digs
Diggy: sup Anna
Jade: so Anthony have you seen Prince,Roc,Ray,Prod, or Ej?
Anthony: no why?
Jade: they have been absent all day. I think they are skipping.
Diggy: if they are they better have a good reason why
Anna: they probably will make up an excuse.
Then Brittany,Brianna,Bobbi, Sammy,Samantha,Jeremiah,Stan,Charlie,Henry,and Ethan walked up to our table and sat down.
Brittany: hey everybody
A/N btw Brittany,Brianna,Bobbi, Sammy,and Samantha are cheerleaders.
Me: hey Brittany
Jade: hey Brittany
Anthony: wassup
Brianna: hey have y'all seen Prince,Roc,Ray,Prod, or Ej
Me, Jade,Anthony, Diggy,Brianna,Bobbi, Sammy,Samantha,Jeremiah,Stan,Charlie,Henry,and Ethan: No
Brittany: wow
Jade: i think they skipping
Stan: they better have a good reason for it.
Diggy: right
Anna: i think they are just going to make up an excuse
Brittany: like always
Brianna: they get away with everything
Bobbi: its not fair
Sammy: Life isn't fair
Samantha: shut up Sammy
Sammy: you shut up
Brianna: Sammy please be quiet
Sammy: okay Brianna
Then the Lunch Bell rang telling us Lunch was over.
Me: aight y'all I will see ya later c'mon Jade
Jade: bye everybody
Brittany,Brianna,Bobbi, Sammy,Samantha,Jeremiah,Stan,Charlie,Henry,Ethan,Diggy and Anthony: Bye
I walked into the girls locker room and changed into my gym clothes. I have been thinking about what Jade is hiding from me all day. I can't help it I'm so curious. I can't wait til we get home I need to know now. I'm going to ask Jade a few questions. Imma find out what she is hiding. I finished changing and went into the gym. I walked up to Jade and we started doing our stretches.
Me: so you and Diggy
Jade: are just friends
Me: I dont think so
Jade: what do you mean
Me: I see the way you act around him. I know you like him more than a friend.
Jade: okay okay yes I like diggy more than a friend.
Yes I got her to say it. Now all I need to know is if he feel the same way.
Me: ha ! I knew it
Jade: but he doesn't feel the same way about me.
Then we started jogging around the gym.
Me: how do you know?
Jade: because he never told me and he never shows it
Me: c'mon you know that's a lie.Just because he never told you doesn't mean he doesn't like you. And he does show it all the time. He be dropping you clues all you gotta do is catch them.
Jade: what clues ?
Me: do I need to need to explain
Jade: yes
We sat down to take a break.
Jade: give me 5 reasons why
Me: okay
1) He is always flirting with you
2)He always smiles when your around
3) He gave you a very amorous hug today
4) When we was playing truth or dare he kept asking you questions
5) He already acts like you are his Girlfriend.
Jade didn't say anything after that. I think she was thinking it over.
Jade: okay okay maybe he does like me
Me: do you want me to ask him?
We started to walk and talk around the gym
Me: okay imma ask him in 7th hr.
Jade: okay
Coach: aye everybody go to the lockerrooms you got 10min to change.
Me and Jade went to the girls locker rooms. We changed back into our regular clothes. Then the bell rang and we went to our next class.
* Fast forward ⏩⏩to 7th hr.*
OmiGosh I'm soo tired. I can't wait to get home, imma be knocked. I just can't want to plop down on my big queen size bed and go to sleep. I walked into my 7th hr class amd sat down next Diggy.
Me: hey Diggy I'm Anna aka Jade's best friend. How are you today?
Me: I will be asking you a couple of questions today
Diggy: about what?
Me: Jade
Diggy: okay
Me: Do you like Jade more than a friend ?
Diggy: yes
Me: How much do you like her ?
Diggy: I like her a lot
Me:Do you like her enough to go out with her?
Diggy: yes
Me: so ask her out already !!
Diggy: I am
Me: when?
Diggy: today
Me: when today?
Diggy: After this class I'm going to walk up to her and ask her in a date
Me: that's good
Diggy: and if the date goes good I'm going to make it official
Me: that's great
*Bell Rings*
Diggy: bye Anna
Me: bye Diggs
Jade's POV
I was getting things out my locker when I seen Diggy run up to me. He is sooo fine. I wish he was mine. Hmm the things I will do to that boy. Wait what? Jade snap out of it! He is just a boy. A sexy 12-pac boy who is running up to you right now. Quick distract yourself. Crap I hope he didn't see me staring at him.
Diggy: hey
Me: hey
Diggy: What are you doing after school today?
Me: Nothing why?
Me: I was wondering if you would want to come over my house today after school
Me: today .... I can't I was suppose to go over Anna's house
Anna: its okay just drop her off at my house when you two are done
Jade: okay then I will go .

Anna's Been Kidnapped (Sequel To "Being Kidnapped")Where stories live. Discover now