Twins Day Part 1

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AT Anna's House
Anna's Pov
Me: we need to start advertising for your party this Saturday

Jade: how?

Me: at school duh!!

Jade: right

Me: first we need a theme to your party

Jade: how about summer?

Me: noo Tiffany had a summer themed party

Jade: what about a pool party?

Me: thats a good idea but it can't just be about swimming because then everyone would come over in the swimming suits

Jade: and everyone would smell like chlorine

Me: right

Jade: What about tanks and shorts? that way they could wear their swimming suits under their clothes

Me: and they would have something to change back into after swimming

Jade: right we could have mini shower heads outside so they don't come in my house smelling like chlorine

Me: right but what are we going to wear to advertise the party though?

Jade: I got the perfect bestfriend outfit. I was saving it for your b-day but its soo far away


Jade: We just would have to get dressed at my house in the morning

Me: okay you still got your key?

Jade: yess why?

Me: no reason


Jade's Pov
I spent the night over Anna's house so we could have our twin day aka promote for our party this weeknd. We woke up at 5:00am and drove to my house to get our bestie outfits. I unlocked my door.
Anna: J, can i please make some coffee
Me: yeah ig just don't have more than 2 cups okay?
Anna: okay
Me *yawning*: can you make me a cup too?
Anna: of course bestie
Anna hugged me then ran straight to my kitchen to make our coffee. I went upstairs to pick out our outfits. I opened the double doors to my walk in closet. I picked out two black crop tops that said Like A Boss in white letters and set them on my bed side to side. Next i picked out two shorts one white and one black. Anna was going to wear the white shorts and i was going to wear black shorts. I set out black NIKE shoes for Anna and white NIKE shoes for me. I set out black bra set for Anna and a white bra set for me. I went into my purse bag which was filled with all types of purses with all types of colors. I picked out one white purse with a silver chain and a black purse with a silver chain as well. I put the black purse with the silver chain with Anna's outfit and put the white purse with the silver chain with mine. I went to my jewelry box and picked out two chains one a silver heart and the other a key. Next i picked out a black and white nail polish. I will paint our nails after we get done with our hair. Then i picked out our cell phone cases one white with black polka dots and the other black with white polka dots. I put the white one with black polka dots with my outfit and the black one with white polka dots with Anna's Outfit. There i was finished.
Anna: knock knock can i come in ?
Me: yes you can just in time too i just finished our bestie outfit.
Anna : that's great. can i see?
Me: yep
Anna walked in and looked at the outfits.
Anna: I'm guessing the one with the
white shorts is my outfit
Me: your right how did you know
Anna: it looks like something i would wear
Me: i know
Anna: well here's your coffee *hands me a coffee cup* and I'm going to take a shower
Me: okay I'm going to start getting dressed since i took my shower last night
Anna left the room with her a outfit. I changed clothes then did my makeup. I know what your thinking: Since when did Jade wear makeup?. Well i tell you when, when I wanted to promote for a party and maybe impress my crush/future boyfriend. When i finished my makeup, i decided to do my nails.
Me *yelling*: Anna!!!
Anna ran into my room with her hair dripping wet from her shower and nothing but a towel on.
Anna: what?
Me: i wanted to know when you wanted me to do your nails
Anna *yelling*: Jade don't scare me like that!!
Me: I'm sorry
Anna: its okay and you can do my nails when i get done with my hair as you can see (points to hair).
Me: okay
I waited until my nails dried , then i put on my lip gloss . I put on my bestie necklace then picked up my purse. I put my car keys and my phone inside my purse. There now I'm done, now I have to wait on Anna.
Me *yelling*: Anna!!
Anna walked into my room in her bra and underwear.
Anna: yes
Me: why aren't you dressed?
Anna: i was doing my hair *flips hair*
Me: okay , are you ready for me to do your nails yet?
Anna: yeah go ahead
I did Anna's nails then waited for them to dry. After her nails dried she left to finish getting dressed.
15 minutes later
I walked out my room to go check on Anna who happen to come out the bathroom at the same. We checked out each others outfit.
Anna: Damn we look good
Me: i know right
Anna: you ready ?
Me: yes
We headed towards my car outside. I was preparing myself mentally. Anna opened my front door to reveal a small black box on my front porch. We exchanged glances. Who left this box? Why did they leave this box?
Anna picked up the box and put it on the coffee table in the hallway.
Me: should we open it ?
Anna suddenly looked terrified.
Anna: i don't know
Me: lets just open it when we get home.
Anna: okay
Me: where should we put it ?
Anna: in your room or the attic or the basement.
Me: okay im going to put it in the attic
Anna: okay im going with you
Me: okay
We went upstairs to put the box up. I pulled the string that let down the ladder that goes to the attic. Our attic was pretty cool. I helped my mom decorate it. It looks like a guest room/library/office it has a queen sized bed, a desk, and many shelves of books, it also had its own makeup station. Also the family's safe was up here all of my family's money for generations in that one safe. We would never open it unless it was an emergency. Me and Anna used to play up here when we was kids.
Jade POV
*Doorbell rings*
Me: i will get it!!
I ran downstairs to open the door. Mann i was soo excited my best friend in the whole world is coming over today!! We are going to talk,play games, paint each other nails, watch tv, go shopping,eat smores,go swimming, go to the movies, and go to our favorite celebrity meet and greet !!! This is all in one weeknd then i have to go back to boring old school but until then im going to have lots of fun!
Me: Anna!
Anna: J!!
We screamed and jumped up and down. I gave her a hug then screamed again.
Me: i cant believe you are finally here !!
Anna: me either
We both screamed again.
Dad: ladies ladies please come inside!! Anna where is your parents?
Anna: my mommy just dropped me off she had a special business meeting to go to. She said she will come back over when shes done to talk to Jades mom. She said they had some things to catch up on but when i asked her she said it was for grown ups like what does that mean?
Jade: it means your mommy is keeping a secret and doesn't want you to know about but don't worry we will figure it out
Dad: j, no you wont and if you do try to find out im calling off this sleepover
Me and Anna *screaming* : No !!
Dad: okay then
Me: Anna lets go upstairs
Anna: okay
Dad: what time is your mother picking you up on Sunday?
Anna: uhhh she said she is picking me up on Sunday
Dad: yes but what time ?
Anna: on sunday
Dad: okay
My dad locker the door as we ran upstairs to my room. Once we got there I helped Anna unpack her stuff. Me and my mom moved an extra twin bed in my room so we wouldn't have to sleep in different rooms. We also moved a dresser in here so she would have somewhere to put her clothes.
Anna: j i brought snacks and some movies
Me: cool !!
Anna: I tried to bring the notebook but my mommy wouldn't let me she said no because it had some nasty parts in it.
Me: we could've fast forward all the nasty parts or close our eyes
Anna: right !
Me: you saw wanna go ask my mommy if we can watch it on demand ?
Anna: yeah
Me: come on shes upstairs
Anna: i thought we were upstairs ?
Me: no upstairs in the attic
Anna: okay
Me: lets go
We went down the hall to the attic. My mom left the stairs down.
I put my two little feet on the first step
Anna: wait!
Me: what?
Anna: is it scary?
Me: no, come on!
I grabbed Anna's hand and ran upstairs into the attic.
Me: mommy !
Mom: im right here jade
Me: where?
Mom: by the desk
Me: oh
We walked over to the big desk. Where my mom was doing work for her job.
Me: mommy we wanted to ask you something
Mom: oh hey Anna
Anna: hi
Mom: how are you? Hows your mom? Hows your dad?
Anna: im good but you can ask my mom and dad how they are when they come over later
Me: i thought your mom was just coming over
Anna: i think my dad is coming too im not really sure.
Me: okay
Mom: okay what was it you two ladies wanted to ask me ?
Me: mommy you know i love you with all my heart
Mom: yes
Me: can we watch the notebook on demand in my room downstairs
Mom: no. Im sorry but it has too many nasty parts in it
Anna: thats what my mommy said
Mom: how about you two go play over there in the makeup station
Me and Anna: okay!!
We thought it would be better to give each other makeovers than to watch a movie with nasty parts in it.
Me: Anna can i give you a makeover first?
Anna: sure but j?
Me: what?
Anna: what is that big box over there?
Me: my mom said its for special storage thats why it has a special lock on it
Anna: okay , beautify me
We both giggled at the big word she used.
Anna: j, j, Jade!!
Me: what?
Anna: you okay ? You just was staring into space for a minute
Me: yeah im fine lets put it under the bed.
Anna: okay
We got on our knees and put the box under my bed.
Me: when we get out of school we will open the box
Anna: okay. can we go im hungry as hell!
Me: McDonalds or Burger King ?
Anna: BK duh
Me: because we royalty
We pretended to put on an invisible crown.
Anna *starts laughing*: girl lets go
Me: okay okay
We ran back down the stairs of the attic.
We grabbed our purses and left.
After we ate breakfast we went straight to school.
We walked to our lockers and started to take out the stuff we need for class. When a Diggy and his crew came over to us.
Diggy: hey Anna hey Jade
Me: hey digs
Anna: hi and hey Jacob why you so quiet ?
Jacob : because I can be
Some dudes started laughing
Me: what's so funny?
Jacob: nothing Anna
Anna: that's what I thought c'mon J we don't have time for this
Jacob: for what?
Anna: for bs
Me: C'mon Anna just ignore them today is our twin day
Anna: you right bestie today is our twin day.
I grabbed Jades hand and we started walking down the hallway.
Diggy, Jacob L,Jeremiah,Stan,Charlie,Henry,Ethan, Anthony Lewis and Trevor Jackson: Damn !!
Some of them Whistled as we walked away.
Me: ugh!! Guys are annoying
Anna: I know right
Beep Beep
To: Qveen J
From: BaddieBrittany
Squad Meet Up !! At 9:30Am Morning @Library !!
Anna: who is that?
Me: Brittany, she said everyone is meeting up during 1st hr in the Library.
Anna: okay
So then we went to our first hour. I sat down in my assigned seat which was by the windows side of the room. Jade seat was in the front but we were texting the whole time so it didn't make a difference.
Text Convo
QveenJ: What do you think she wants to talk about?
QveenAnna: idk but we are about to find out
QveenJ : when should we leave ?
QveenAnna: 9:30
QveenJ: okay
I was trying to think when me and Anna should leave and what could I say to the teacher , When the intercom came on
Assistant: Mrs. Norawoods?
I instantly recognized the voice as Brittany in her teacher voice
Mrs.Norawoods: Yes?
Assistant: Can you please send Jade and Anna to the Library the book club is having an emergency meeting have them bring their stuff they won't be back for the rest of the hour
Mrs.Norawoods: okay Jade and Anna you have leave
We got up grabbing our things then left the classroom. We waited til we was in the hallway to start laughing.
Anna* laughing*: wasn't that Brittany ?
Me* laughing*: yes
Anna*laughs harder*
Anna grabbed my hand.
Anna: c'mon j let's go to the library
We went to the library. All the girls was sitting in the back at a circle table . There was only two spots left.
Bobbi: Did y'all get called down too ?
Anna: yeah
Me: Brittany did a pretty good impression
Brianna: I know
Samantha: she almost had me fooled
Sammy: right
Then Brittany walked into the Library beaming.
Brittany: Good Morning everybody
Me,Jade, Brianna,Bobbi, Sammy,and Samantha: Good Morning
Brittany: Sqaud !!!
Me,Jade, Brianna,Bobbi, Sammy,and Samantha*fetty wap voice* : Squaw !!!
Brittany: Sorry to interrupt your learning but this is more important
Bobbi: yeah why did you interrupt our classes ?
Brittany: Jade is throwing her very first party this weekend !!
Everyone turned and looks at Jade .
Brittany: so we need to do all we can to help her
Brianna: Agreed
Bobbi: so Jade what do we need to do ?,
Me: well for right now we are advertising.
Me and Anna are twinning to help advertise the party
Brittany took out a piece a paper and a pen and starting taking notes.
Me: then we were going to start making invitations because the party is invite only
Brittany: what is the theme of the party ?
Me: the theme of it is Pool Party
Anna: but she wouldn't want people to just show up in their swimming suits
Brianna,Bobbi, Sammy,and Samantha*saying in agreement* : no
Brittany : so what should we do about it ?
Me: well I was thinking people could come in tanks and shorts
Brianna: that way they could wear their swimming suits under their clothes
Brittany: and they would have something to change back into after swimming
Bobbi: right right
Samantha: but what about people smelling like chlorine?
Me: well I was thinking we could have mini shower heads outside so they don't come in my house smelling like chlorine
Brittany: that's a good idea
Bobbi: where would you get those though?
Jade: I don't know
Samantha: My Uncle is in a company that makes bathroom stuff like bathtubs sinks showers and stuff like that I can see if he can get us some shower heads he didn't use or some he just made and didn't want
Jade: that would be great
Samantha: I got you
Anna: you getting all this Brittany?
Britany: yeah I am
Brianna: Jade we could meet up after school today to make your invitations my mom has a printer that prints color and it has all types of cool fonts
Me: okay that's cool
Brittany: okay that's it y'all can either go back to class and I would have to write you a pass or we could talk about our weekend until the hour is up and then go to our 2nd hr
Samantha: how about we just stay here until the end of the day
Brittany : I wish we could but no
Samantha frowned. So then we all talked about our weekend until the bell ring releasing us yo our next class. So then we all said our goodbyes and went iur separate ways to our classes I didn't see them again until lunch which is where all the drama started. We sat at our normal table with our normal people : Me, Anna, Brittany,Brianna,Bobbi, Sammy, Samantha,
Jacob L ,Jeremiah,Stan,Charlie,Henry,Ethan Anthony Lewis and Trevor Jackson. We all was sitting chillin' we all of a sudden Whitney, Jessie and Ashley just had to come over and start some stuff with us.
Whitney: hey you guys !!
Bobbi: who is she talking to?
Bobbi stood up and the cafeteria got quiet
Jeremiah: Babe, calm down
Bobbi: no because I'm a girl she over talking about guys
Bobbi walked over and stood in front of Whitney who stood in front of Ashley and Jessie.
Whitney: I was obviously talking to all the guys at the table but sense you answered you must be one
Ashley and Jessie giggled .
Anna, Sammy, and Samantha got up and stood behind Bobbi.
Samantha: is there a problem ?,
Whitney: nope just talking to a couple of guys here
Once again Ashley and Jessie's giggled .
Samantha looked back at Anna and Sammy. Then she started putting her hair into a ponytail.
Then i stepped in front of everyone.
Me: lets just stop this mess before it gets out of hand just tell me what you want.
Whitney: I heard from a little birdie you was throwing a party this weeknd
Jade: that's true
Whitney: I was wondering why me and my girlfriends here haven't gotten any invitations
Me: well, I haven't made any invitations yet
Then I stepped in front of Jade.
Anna: and if she did your wouldn't be getting one
Whitney scoffed then turned and walk off.
Ashley: I'm pretty sure we will be getting one
Jessie: right
Anna: try me bitch
Ashley: I'd rather not
Me: that would be a good idea
Jessie: thank you Jade
Ashley: bye guys
Then they walked off to find Whitney.
Anna: ugh they kill my whole vibe
Samantha: right
*Lunch Bell*
Me: well we better get back to class now
Anna: right bye y'all
Brittany,Brianna,Bobbi, Sammy, Samantha,
Jacob L ,Jeremiah,Stan,Charlie,Henry,Ethan Anthony Lewis and Trevor Jackson : Bye
Then we all went our separate ways I didn't see anybody else until the ends of the day. Where we all would usually meet up at my locker and say goodbye to each other.
I did my locker combination and opened my locker.
Me: hey Anna how you holding up
Anna: I'm good
Me: you sure
Anna: yeah
Me: Positive
Anna: Positive
Then I hugged her. Honestly she is the only person I can trust right now. Then Brianna walked up to us.
Brianna: hey Jade you ready ?
Me : yeah bye Anna
Anna waved then closes her locker and walked away.

Anna's Been Kidnapped (Sequel To "Being Kidnapped")Where stories live. Discover now