Chapter 2

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When I woke up the next morning,I did my usual thing to get ready.I through on my Bon Jovi t-shirt and tied it with a hair band and tucked it under my shirt,put my black jean shorts,my black folded combat boots,and my dark makeup,with lip butter. I opened the store and waited.Then at 2:30 pm I saw Brian come in.

"You're back." I smiled.

"Were you expecting me not to?" he asked.

"Yeah I kind of thought Mia scared you away when she said I was only 17." I smiled. I grabbed his 2 dollars and gave it to him. "You gave me extra." 

"Have it." he said "Why would you say that?"

"Because I was hoping you were interested in me." I looked down at my hands avoiding eye contact.

"How's the tuna?" he asked.I looked up and he was smiling.

"Crap." I smiled back.

"Hey April." I heard a voice say.I looked over and saw Vince coming in.

"Hi,Vince." I said breaking eye contact and making Brian his sandwich.I handed him the sandwich and he ate it.

"Thanks for the tuna.I'll see you tomorrow." Brian said as he handed me some money.I smiled and took the money from his hands.

For a couple days Brian has been coming for the tuna here.

I saw his red truck park outside and I already put his order in.He sat down and before he said anything I cut in.

"Tuna on white,no crust." I smiled.

"No crust." he said with his sexy deep voice.Dom was in the back working on his stuff.I grabbed the bread,put the tuna in,and cut the crust before I gave it to him.

"Thank you." he said and he was about to take a bite until we heard cars coming down the street.We both looked over and saw four cars.A red,white,blue,and a white and blue one.I already know how they are.And by the looks of it,I think so does Brian.They all parked perfectly diaginal and they all stepped out of there car.Letty looking sexy as always stepped out of her car first and made her way inside.They all surrounded Vince's engine they talked but all I could here is mumbling.

"Have you ever seen a car like that up close?" he said.

"You want the truth." I smiled. "I'm a street racer.Shh...don't tell anybody," I pressed my finger to my lips. I looked at them as they came in. "Hey guys."

"Hey April."

"How ya living girl." Letty said.I smiled. "Hey Dom,you want something to drink?" 

Dom lifted up his drink never pulling his eyes off the paper.I looked over and Vince pushed the little cup of sugars towards Brian.They looked at each other.

"Vince...Vince!" I said the second time louder.

"What?" he asked.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked back.

He didn't say anything,he just nodded. "You look good."

Ugh.I rolled my eyes.I saw Brian stand up and pull out his wallet. "Well,thanks a lot April.I'll see you tomorrow." 

He put money on the table and walked off.I saw Vince get angry.

"No." he slammed the table and get up.He followed Brian to his car. "Try fat burger next time.You can get yourself a double cheese burger with fries for 2.95 faggot." Vince yelled.

"I like the tuna here." Brian responded.

"Bullshit asshole,no one likes the tuna here." Vince yelled back.

"Yeah well I do." Brian said without turning back.Then before you know it Vince pushed him against the truck and Brian punched him across the face.Vince tackled him and pushed him next to the truck again.They started going on 1 on 1. 

"Shit.Jesus christ would you get out there I'm sick of this shit." I yelled at Dom.Dom kept reading the news paper ignoring me. "I'm not kidding get out there!" 

Dom stood up and saw them punching each other. "What'd you put in that sandwich?" he joked around.Clearly I didn't find it funny and Letty noticed.

"That's really funny." I spoke.

"Dom!" Letty said with her mouth open.

"Alright." he said as he walked out there.Vince was on top of Brian punching him in the face.Then Brian pushed him off him and against the yellow car,then pushed him on the ground and started punching him in the face.Dom grabbed Brian and pushed him on top of the car.

Brian held his hands up. "Hey man,he was in my face." 

"Oh yeah well I'm in your face." Dom said.Then he was pushed unsuccessfully pushed and Vince tried to attack Brian again but Dom pushed him back. "Relax!Don't push it! You embarrass me!" Dom yelled.

Vince was pushed by the guys to calm him down. "Jesse give me the wallet." Dom said as he opened it.

"Brian Earl Spilner.Sounds like a seriel killer name,is that what you are?" Dom asked.

"Nah,man." Brian responded out of breath.

"Don't come around here again!" Dom yelled giving him his wallet and walking off.

"Hey man you know this is bullshit!" Brian pushed.

Dom came back to Brian. "You work for Harry right?" 

"Yeah just started." Brian said.

"You were just fired." Dom said. I looked at Brian with a sad face as he looked at me shocked.He got in his truck and left.

"Dom..." I chased after him. "Dom what the hell?!"

"You wanna come street racing tonight? Let's go street racing." he said.

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