Chapter 7

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A P R I L 

I looked in the mirror and admired my outfit.Today was the day I was going on a date with Brian.Meaning it was my birthday.I wore my black shoulder off wolf sweater,along with my burgandy pants,with my black alpachee lace up boots.My makeup was regular,my hair was normal and my jewlery is much the same.I wore my nails pure black this time.I'm 18 today.

B R I A N 

"Any big plans tonight?" Dom asked me.

I looked at him then looked back down. "Yeah we're going to dinner." 

He looked at me and I looked back. "You break her heart,I'll break your neck.I've been taking care of her since she was 13.Keep in mind I'm only letting her go with you because she's 18 now and she likes you." 

"It's not gonna happen." I responded.

"Come on...I wanna show you something." Dom said as he wiped his hand on a rag.

A P R I L 

Brian picked me up and we went to the place.It wasn't fancy,but it wasn't trailer trash either.It was just right.

"So how was it that the gang came to be?" He asked.

"The what?" I chuckled.

"The gang." he repeated.

"No,not the gang.They don't call themselves the gang." I smiled.

"Oh well what do they call themselves?" he asked,

"There a team,they call themselves a team." I responded.

"Ok so how was it that the team came to be?" he asked.

"That's a whole lot of history." I looked down then I looked at him.

"I got time."  he said.

"Ok well,you know how I came into the picture.Vince grew up Dom.He never actually grew up But they were friends since kids.Letty lived down the street.Always into cars though...since she was 10 years old.So naturally.Dom always had her attention,then she turned 16.-"

"And then she had Dom's attention." Brian finished the sentence for me.

"Exactly.It's funny how that works huh." I smiled and he smiled back at me.

"How is Jesse fits into the whole thing?" he asked.

"Well,Jesse and Leon showed up one night and never left.It's just the way Dom is.Dom is..." I couldn't find the words. "Dom's like gravity...everything just gets pulled to him....even you." 

"Mm-mm...nah." He put his cup down. "No...the only thing that pulls me is you.Being friends with your guardian is just a bonus."

He said it so smoothly that it made my heart pound.I laughed a little and looked down at my plate then at him.

"That's...that's good.It's um...nice to come first every once in a while." I smiled at him.It was silent for a couple seconds before I spoke up. "Wanna go for a drive?" 

Once we paid for our food I got into his car and started driving it fast.Showing him how I raced.He looked amazed I my driving and I giggled.I made a sudden turn and drifted making a U turn and continued driving.He looked surprised that I made the turn but I'm a drifting queen.

We arrived at Brian's place and he pinned me to the wall and started kissing my neck.I wrapped my legs around his waist.His lips went up my lips again and we began a full make out session.He took off his shirt and I took mine off too.

"Are you sure?" he asked between kisses.

"I'm sure." I said continuing to kiss him.We fell onto the bed.

I was woken up by Brian talking on the phone with somebody.

"Yeah." he said.

"Who is that?" I asked him half asleep.

He hung up the phone quickly. "Uh,wrong number."

I looked at his beautiful colored blue eyes and he stared into mine.He grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss.I kissed back and we slowly fell onto the bed and he grabbed my waist.I put my right hand on the back of his head and the right one on his back.

The next morning I woke up and Brian wasn't there.I saw a note on the pillow next to mine.

I left early this morning.Don't wait up for me.I'll see you later. ~Brian 

I sighed and quickly got dressed.I left his apartment and went back to the Dom's place.When I arrived Mia was cooking dinner but Dom was no where to be found.

"Where's Dom?" I asked.

"With Letty in the garage.Don't bother them though." she said cutting up the carrots.I nodded but before I went upstairs she said something. "How was your date with Brian? Or should I say,night?" 

"It was good."

"The dinner or the sex?"


"Might I remind you that you are to young for him? You're only 17 he's too old for you." Mia said.

"Don't give me that shit,I'm 18 now.I can do whatever I want Mia." I responded back.

"Look I love you as a sister April,I'm just worried about your well being.I don't want you to get hurt.Guys like him are good for nothing," she said.

"Well I appreciate you trying to look after me,but like I said,I'm 18 I can look over myself...I have done it in the past anyway." I said and I ran upstairs without saying another word.

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