Chapter 5

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A P R I L 

Jesse put a disk inside his computer and an image showed up. "Tell me what you think about this.Plently adjustables." He grabbed the mouse and started clicking on some things.He started explaining things and Brian just looked amazed at him. "This is your basic layout of the car and that's pretty much what it could look like when its finished.Red,green.." 

"Man you should be going to M.I.T or something." Brian said to Jesse.

"Yeah right.Nah,I got that...ah what's it called...that attention disorder-" Jesse said.

"ADD." I added.

"Yes exactly.That shit.You know I was in algebra,and like math and shit everything else...I failed.Dropped out of school.I don't know it's just something about engines that-that calms me down,you know." Jesse explained.

"We went to the same high school.I also dropped out.I wasn't wanted there." I chuckled and Jesse looked at the car model.

"Come on let's eat." Dom said.Dom made a barbque for us.I didn't really eat that much meat,I prefered to eat something else but I'll eat meat if I don't have a choice.Like this barbque.As Letty and the others arrived I set up the table.Vince looked at Brian.

"I'm outta here." Vince said hanging over the bags to Leon.

"Aw come on." Leon said.

"Vince,get over here and give us a hand." Dom said.

"Looks like you got all the help you need brother." Vince got in his car and drove away.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed the beers for everyone and my juice.We all sat down in the chairs and prepared to eat.

"Wait hold up," Dom said. "Because you were the first one out of everyone here to reach for the chicken,you say grace." 

Dom pointed at Jesse and then proceeded to put his hands together in front of him.

"Dear heavinly,uh..."

"Spirit." Leon said.

"Spirit...thank you." he thanked Leon. "Thank you for providing us with the direct port Nitris injection.and umm...titanium...something.Thank you." 

Everyone clapped and said 'amen'.

"Can you pass the salad?" I asked Dom.He passed the salad and the meat.

"Eat it.It's really good." Dom smiled.

"I bet it is."

"Of course it is,I made it." Dom laughed.

"I'll try it." I smiled.Brian looked at me confused. "I'm a pescatarian," 

"Oh." he smiled.I looked over and saw Vince.

"I thought you weren't hungry pumpkin." Leon said.

"Well you know I gotta eat." Vince added.

"He's always hungry." Letty said.

"Alright sit down." Dom said and waved his hand over.Vince sat across from Brian.This was awkward.

"Let's eat some grub man." Letty patted Vince on the back and everything went back to normal.When the dinner was over I was stuck doing the dishes.I washed a couple plates when Brian brought more stuff inside.

"Need a hand with anything else?" he asked as he set down a plate on the counter.

"No I'm good you can join the guys." I said.

"I see the cook doesn't clean the dishes." Brian said as he picked up a rag and started drying off the dishes.

"Yeah well..." I looked down.I glanced over at him drying off a plate and putting it in the dish washer.

"You know I think we shold go out sometime." He said.

"I don't date Dom's friends." I gave him a small smile and passed over another plate.

"Wow that sucks...I guess I'll have to kick his ass then." He looked out the window.

"Oh I'd love to see that.I'd pay to see you kick his ass." I smiled and looked at him.I felt Brian look behind him and I look to see Vince there smiling like an idiot and putting the popcorn in the microwave.

"Wash my car when you get done." Vince said.

"What?" I asked turning off the water and turning around to face Vince.

"Nah,girl.I'm talking to him." he pressed the numbers and pressed start. "And when you're done with that I'll put you in a dress and send you back on the streets where you belong cutie." Vince laughed.

I rolled my eyes and turned around.Vince turned to see that the microwave wasn't working and he pressed the numbers again. "Damn thing broken?" he hit the microwave a couple times. "What's wrong with this thing?"

"Hey,Vince.What's that place you said you wanted to take me out for my birthday?" I asked him and he faced me,

"You mean the one with the little red candles and its cuben?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"Yeah what's it called?" I asked him with a smile on my face.

"Cha Cha Cha." he said.

"Oh nice." I turned to Brian and walked towards him. "Well you can take me there on my birthday.At 8.Is that good for you?"

I got really close to Brian. "Yeah it's perfect."

We looked over at Vince and he angrily walked out.

"I think I pissed him off." I whispered.When I said that I heard the door slam.He smiled and I got on my tippy toes and put my hand on his face then leaned in for a kiss.He put his hands on my waist and he kissed me back.

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