Chapter 6

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A P R I L 

Today I woke up early and started working early on the car I was working on the other day before Brian came with the shitty car.I threw on a white mid-belly buttton tank top that said "parental advisory explict content" and my blue jean shorts.I let my hair be in its natural friz.I put my black ripped up vans and did my normal makeup on.I put my silver,gold and black bracelet stacks and my black choker with the cross on it.I put my black pearl earings on and went to the garage.

I began working on my car.I popped the hood and began to tighten the battery back to its place.

"What time you'd wake up?" I heard a voice say.I looked over and saw Dom standing there with a juice in his hand.I turned back to the car.

"Early..." was all I responded.

"How early?" he asked.

"I don't know..."

"Did you even sleep?" he shot back.

I didn't respond.Even with my makeup,I looked sleepy.I couldn't sleep though.

"Did you take your pills?" he asked.When I didn't respond he walked up to me. "April."

"Yes." I responded.

"Why do you look tired?" he asked,

"They didn't work." I said.

"Did you take the whole tablet?" he asked.


I lied.I didn't take the pills.I haven't for a while.I've had about 30 minutes of sleep for 3 days.The reason why? I gave them to Ricky.Ricky deals,and he needed pills when he ran out so I gave him my.My insomnia isn't as bad as it used to be.

"We're going to refill your perscription later..." he said. "But for now can you just go and try to get some sleep?" he asked. 

I nodded. "Ok..." 

I drove off back to the house and went to sleep.

I could hear muffled cries from the other room.I slowly walked over and saw my mom lying on the floor with her hands on her face.There was glass every where.I walked over and accidentally stepped on a piece of glass.The weird thing is...I couldn't feel the pain.I took the piece of glass out and walked towards my mom.I went up to her and hugged her.I looked over and saw that all of our stuff was gone.Or...all of my dad's stuff was gone.

"Where's daddy?"  

I was woken up by someone shaking me. I carefully rubbed my eyes because I still had my makeup on from earlier.I looked outside and saw that it was dark. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Late.Let's go." I put on my denim jacket on and followed him to Jesse's car.I opened the door and saw Jesse,Brian,and Vince.I had no clue what was going on.

We arrived to Johnny Tran's place. "What are we doing back here?" I whispered.

"Just follow me." Dom said.Dom hopped over the fence.Brian boosted me up so I could hop the fence and we climbed on top of the room and we got inside.Brian hopped down first and then he helped me get down.I jumped down to the car and then he grabbed my hand and I jumped off of the car. 

"Thanks." I thanked Brian.I turned my flashlight on and started looking.I still had no idea what I was looking for or what the hell we are doing in here.

"Yo Dominic." Vince said calling Dom over.We walked over and we saw what Vince was looking at. "No engines." 

"How were they planning to race with hopes and dreams?" Dom said sarcasticlly.I looked over and saw a whole bunch of panasonic TV's. 

"Brian..." I said.He walked over to me and saw the panasonic TV's.

Dom's phone went off and he answered it. "What Jesse?"

"We got a wolf pack.It's Johnny Tran and he's coming your way really fast." I heard Jesse say from the other line.

"Alright we got company." Dom said.The lights went on and I looked at them one by one turn on. "Spilner,April." 

Brian and me ran for cover behind a car where Dom was.A whole bunch of cars came inside.Dom handed me a gun. 

"No," I mouthed. 

"Just in case." he whispered very quietly.

"Let me ask you a question,Ted.Do you see anything wrong here?" Johnny asked.

"No." Ted bluntly responded.Johnny went up to him,grabbed his head and put it in where the car with no engine.

"We got no engines do we?!!" Johnny yelled.He kept shoving his head inside until Ted broke loose from his grasp. "Just before race wars huh."

"Probably." Ted responded.

"You're smart Ted...too smart." He took off his jacket. "What are you feeling Lance? 40 weight? 50 weight?" 

"Ah,40 weight sounds nice." Lance responded.He was holding a gun to Ted's head.Johnny grabbed Ted and shoved him to the floor.He grabbed an oil tube and started putting it all over his face.I felt my heart start beating fast,and my stomache start to churn,This is disgusting.I wanted to look away but I couldn't.

"Where are they Ted? Where are they?" Johnny asked still putting oil on his face and mouth. "Where are they?"

"In the warehouse." Ted broke.Johnny stopped putting oil in his mouth and stood up. "There in the warehouse man." 

Ted was on the floor spitting out oil from his mouth.

"Ted...kiss my shoes." Johnny commanded.Ted crawled over to Johnny to kiss his shoes but instead Johnny kicked him in the face. "Let's go get our engines."

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