Chapter 10

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A P R I L 

"I'm asking you not to go,why aren't you paying attention to me?" I asked Dom with tears in my eyes.

"April,listen to me-" Dom said but I cut him off.

"No don't give me that crap,why are you insisting on doing this?!" I asked Dom.He tried to get close to me but I kept backing up.He looked like he had enough so he just went inside his car. "Dom," 

But he just ignored me. "Dom!" He drove off with the rest of the 'team'.I watched them go off.I clentched my hand into a fist and with the other hand I ran my fingers into my hair.I walked and made my way to my car.

"April." I heard Brian's voice say behind me.

"Crap." I didn't face him I just kept walking.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"I don't know Brian." I lied.

"Yeah so,what you always have tears in your eyes every time Dominic drives away?" he asked raising his voice.

"What is the matter with you?" I asked.

"Come on what's your brother racing off in the middle of the night for?" he asked wanting an answer.I didn't respond. "I'm talking about the trucks,you know about the trucks?"

"No,Brian!" I said angrily facing him then facing forward. "What trucks!? Jesus christ!" 

I sped up but Brian grabbed my arm making me face him. "What?"

"Listen to me..." he paused for a second. "April I'm a cop." 

I paused then shook my head. "What are you talking about Brian? What is this?" 

"Ever since the first time I met you I've been undercover..." he stopped. "I'm a cop." 

I felt the tears start to form again in my eyes.I shook my head and walked away from him. "April.-" He grabbed my arm again but I yanked it off. "Let go of me!" 


 "God Brian.I told you things I shouldn't have told you! I told you about Dominic,god I slept with you!" I let go once again but again he grabbed me.

"No listen to me!" he shook me, "Everything I ever said about you is real,I swear to god.Believe me but right now this isn't about you and me.Your brother's out there about to pull a job and we're running out of time.Those truckers are armed,and maybe they'll make it through the night but every single law force is coming down on them!If you don't want anything to happen to Dom,to Letty,to Leon,and Vince,you have to just get in that car with me you have to help..."

I looked at him in the eyes trying to believe what he is saying.

"April,you are the only person who can help me right now." he said. "Please April...please help me..." I felt the tear drops fall off my face.

The next thing I knew is that we were in his car driving,trying to pin point Dom's location. "Civics is stashed some where during thermal."

"But it's way to high patrolled so what does that leave us with?" he asked.

"Leaves us with all this." I said pointing at the whole entire map.He looked at me then at the map then at the road.After a couple seconds he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Yeah this if officer Brian O'Connor seriel number 34762.I need a cell phone trace." he said into the phone.I looked at him and he looked back at me. "April what's the cell phone number?" 

I didn't want to respond. "Come on April she needs Dom's cell phone number now." 

Another tear fell from my face but I just grabbed the phone. "323-555-6439..." I said into the phone then handed back to Brian.

"Thank you." Brian said. "Did you get that?" 

It was beginning to get brighter outside.When he hung up the phone there was nothing but silence.  "You lied to me about your last name O'Connor,anything else you want to tell me?"


"Save it..."

"I promise you I will explain everything to you when we get out of this mess." he promised. "Ok April?"

"Brian you don't get it.Once Dom finds out that you're a cop,he's never gonna let me see you nonetheless talk to you." I explained.

"I'll explain everything to you I will I promise." he said.I shook my head and let myself cry.

"You let me fall for used me."

"It was the plan but I really do care about you.I really do like you.Not once did I lie to you about my feelings."

I ignored him and looked out the window.

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