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  • Dedicated to Paul Walker

Before anything else,this is my first time publishing a story to wattpad,so if you can take it easy on the comments that'll be wonderful.Oh and I know there is a bunch of misspellings but look I don't really care.You know what I'm talking about.

A P R I L 

They talked for a few minutes deciding what was my punishment.I understood nothing but mumbles.I stood there in an orange jumper that was very loose.My hands were in cuffs.I looked at my foster mom's lawyer and he looked back.

"April Vasquez-Daniels." the judge commanded.I stood up. "Convicted with assult,assult with weapon,burglary,hit and run,and grand theft auto.While only being 13,she will be tried as an adult.She is pledged guilty and 3 years in prison." I looked down and the police grabbed my arm and took me to a police truck and shoved me in the back.There were cages just in case a convict like me trie anything.

As we drove out to the prison I looked outside and saw a dried out land.It was rocky and hot. I sat back with a serious look on my face.They stopped by a gate and opened the back.

"Come on." the guy said.I got out of the truck and they escorted me to a jail cell.The girls looked at me with crazy faces and they yelled and shook their cells.They put me in a jail by myself and released me from my hand cuffs.

It was lunch time and we were all released out and we walked towards the food court.I grabbed a tray and began to pick out my food.They gave me a burrito,juice and a salad.The women stared as I walked through.I sat down at a table and began eating my food. 

"Looks like we got new meat here." a woman behind me said. "Oh and she's only just a child." 

I didn't bother to look over.I opened my burrito bag carefully and my juice also.I heard them laugh.

"How old are you little runt?" She asked but I never responded.She clearly got annoyed that I wasn't talking. "Hey,you little shit I'm talking to you!" She went to the opposite side of the table. "Clearly you don't know who you're messing with.I'm Razya,I run things around here.I could make your life a living hell,or you can bow down in exchange for protection.It's your decision."

I looked up from my food and finally looked her in the eye.I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Alright,you little shit.Girls take care of her." she said.They tried to punch me but they missed because I ducked.I elbowed one in the face,tripped the other one making her fall on her head,and hit the last one in the head with my tray.By the time she turned around all her followers were on the floor.She furrowed her eye brows at me and screamed as she ran to attack me.When she tried to punch I went under her legs to dodge her.I was on the other side when she grabbed my neck and tried to strangle me.I pulled her arm from my neck and elbowed her in the face.I ran to the wall,ran up it,backflipped and hit her in the face with my foot.She layed on the floor.

"13." I responded.The guards got me and took me to a solitary room.I looked at all the other rooms and one convict cought my eye.He was buff,white,tall.He looked at me too.I looked away as they shoved me in my own solitary room. 

"Now stay there and think of what you've done to Valaria." the guard said.

"I don't need to think about it,I kicked her ass.That's what I did." I responded with attitude.

After about 8 hours they finally let me out,and they let me go to my cell.I did nothing but lay down.That's when they gates opened again and let us outside.Recess is a mix between us girls and guys.I guess that's what other people would think is good about this place but I don't really give a crap about guys.They did let me have a piece of paper and a pencil.I sat down at a table and started sketching out a couple of things.I saw Valaria walk pass me with a big bruise on her eyebrow.She looked kinda mad but I shrugged it off.I looked over and saw the guy that I saw in the solitary confinment.He looked scary when he isn't sitting down.In the middle of sketching,I was grabbed by two people and taken to the back of the building. 

I squirmed and fidgeted to get out of there arms but they were two strong.I had no problem fighting girls,or guys,or like a couple of cops,but these guys were the real deal.They were pretty big.They slammed me to the wall and it hurt my back.

"You think you can get the better of me,April Daniels? Or as you like to be called,Vasquez?" Valaria walked infront of me with a metal pipe slamming it in her hands every couple of seconds.I hated being called Vasquez.That was my real last name.I didn't like to be called my last name. "Poor little Vasquez.Being switched from home,to home.All because mommy couldn't pay for bills,and daddy disapeared when they needed her the most."

"How do you know all this?"

"Oh so you do speak? It's not that hard getting information out of a security guard." she smirked. "You were brought in here for acting out.Am I right?" 

I didn't answer her and she chuckled.She stopped dead in her tracks and swung the pipe at my stomache.I coughed.

"Right?!" she yelled.When I didn't answer because I was in pain she hit me across the face.The guys let go of me and she kicked me in the stomache. "I'm gonna ask again.Am I right?"

"Yes." I coughed and tried to catch my breath. "Yes it's true." I layed on the floor holding my stomache.

"Pfft.Pathetic." she said throwing the pipe on the floor. "Do what you want with her." She left.

I couldn't see anything.It was blurry.I was picked up but then I was dropped again.I couldn't see anything but I opened my eyes a couple times when I could and saw the guy that I saw in the solitary room beating up the guys who held me to the wall.

When I opened my eyes I saw myself in a different room then where I was.My eyes shifted and saw a doctor cleaning up my wounds.

"You're going to get a narly scar on your nose.You took one hell of a pipe to the face." the guy said. "You wanna see your face?" 

I sat up and he pulled out a mirror.I looked at the mirror and saw that I had a cut on my head and another one on my nose. I noticed that he had an English accent.

"Can I ask why are you in here?" he asked.He was young. I didn't respond. "You're right.I'm sorry.It's none of my business." he cleaned up his stuff.

"Grand Theft Auto...Assult...Hit and Run...Burglary..." I responded.He looked at me.

"Well I'm sorry for that..." he said as he left.

The next day I kept an eye out for the guy that defended me.As I went to where I sat yesterday I saw him sitting in the table right next to mine.I sat down at my table and didn't say anything.I didn't know what to say to him.After a couple of minutes I said it.

"Thank you..." I said. "For doing that for me yesterday." 

He looked at me. "Your welcome.I'm not gonna let a little girl get beat up." he said.

"I'm April..."


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