Chapter 1

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I drove up in my 1965 red comvertible mustang and parked it right in the front.It was one in the morning I hope everyone was asleep.I tip toed my way to the front door.I got my keys and unlocked the door.I quietly closed the door and then I saw Dom and Mia sitting down.Here we go.

"Do you know what time it is?" Mia asked.

"I know I'm sorry I should of texted.There was a lot of traffic and I couldn't get out." Lie. "There was an accident on the freeway."

"Really?" Dom asked. "That's what you told us last time."

"I did?" I asked.

"Room now.And you're going to work Mia's shift tomorrow." Dom commanded.

"Ok." I said. I wasn't really defiant to Dom.He's like a brother to me ever since we met in prison.Dom and me became like best friends,and he got out before I did.He promised me,though,that when I got out of jail that he would take me in.And he did.

I went upstairs and texted Ricky,the guy who made me late.

Me: you got me working double shift jerk XD

I smiled as my phone vibrated.

Ricky: Sorry bby doll,I wish I could do something about it.I'll visit you

Me:No it's fine.Thnks for offering tho.Ima go to sleep.Goodnight

Ricky:Gdnight bby doll (;

Ricky and I always flirted with each other like that.But we didn't do anything.Ricky was nice but he is such a play boy.

I woke up early in the morning to open up the shop.I threw on my black viel brides sweater on and rolled up the sleeves,my blue/black jeans,my ripped up black vans,with my hair in my messy curls.My nails were pink from when I painted them yesterday.I put smokey eye makeup and my cherry lip butter.I still had my bracelets and necklaces from yesterday so I left them there.

I put the radio on and waited until someone came to the shop.I texted Ricky until someone came in.I looked at the time and saw that it was about 2:30 pm.I looked at the guy.He was really hot.He has blonde messy hair,little bit tan,with a tiny bit of facial hair and he had the most prettiest piercing blue eyes.

"Hey," I said as he sat down. "What can I get you?"

"I'll have the tuna." he said. 

"Really? I've heard from people the tuna here taste like crap." I smiled. 

"Well,that's why I'd like to try it." he smiled back at me. "White bread,no crust."

"You got it." I made him the tuna sandwich and cut out the crust. "Here you go." 

He took a bite and chewed it. "How is it?"

"I like it." he smiled.

"Hmm." I smiled back and turned around to turn back up the music.When I turned around he saw the  picture of Dom and I next to my car.

"That's a nice car." he said. "1965 mustang.One of a kind." 

"Well,I got it for my 16th birthday." I explained.I looked at him and we smiled at each other. "I'm April."

"Brian." he said.

"April,Ricky called and-" Mia said coming down stairs.She stopped talking when she saw Brian. "Oh hi.Anyway,Ricky took the blame for you,so you're free to go." 

"Alright." I smiled.

"But,you're still in trouble.You know I don't like you hanging out with Ricky.He's too old for you.He's 25 and you're 17-"

"Ok,I get it Mia." I said.I looked over at Brian and he wasn't there anymore.He left the money on the table.I took the money and counted it.He gave us 2 dollars extra.I put the money in the register and kept the 2 extra dollars seperate.I changed into a tank top with a skull on it.I left to go with Ricky.Ricky has a lot of NOS and I want to get some because in my last race I wasted it all.Dom doesn't know I'm back racing.He doesn't like it when I do,because he thinks I'm going to be to careless to get away from the cops at one time.But no cops so far.

"There you go,two tanks of NOS,all ready for the next race." Ricky said as he wiped his hands on a rag.

"Thanks Ricky,I owe you." I smiled.

"Win the next race baby doll." he winked and I nodded as I got into my car.It was about 8 o'clock when a race was about to start.I rolled up and they all surrounded my car.

"April,baby,how nice of you to arrive." Trent said. "You gonna race?"

"Hell yeah." I slapped money into his hands.

"Alright,that's what I like to hear." he smiled as he counted the money.

As everyone got in there place I looked at the people who I was racing against.I'm racing against Justin,Mike,and Trey.I put my hands on the wheel and smirked.

"Ready..." I took a deep breath.

"Set..." I exhaled.

"Go!" he yelled and I pressed the pedal and started to drive.I kept going straight until I was being pushed by Mike. This son of a bitch. I shifted the stick shift to 2nd and pushed his ass on back of me. "Hell yeah!!!" I screamed but then I looked and front of me and saw a sudden turn.I shifted to 3rd and pulled the e-brake and turned the wheel.I drifted smoothly around the turn and kept going forward. I shifted to 4th and drove past Justin.I smirked and I looked forward and saw a bridge go up."Shit." I shifted all the way to 6th and pressed my NOS button.I went off the bridge and I could feel the air blow through my hair. "WOOOO!" I screamed.Then I landed.I drove all the way to the finish line and drifted and then stopped. I got out of my car and people surrounded my car.

"Here's your money." Trent gave me my money.I counted a couple of hundreds and gave him a little bit of my money.The rest of the drivers arrived.

"You know you're actually a good driver.I underestimated you." Justin said.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"COPS!!!" The guy keeping a look out said.The crowd scrambled and they all got in there cars.I could hear sirens from afar.I got in my car and drove off into the street.I looked over and saw there was a cop chasing my ass. "Shit." I said and went into 2nd.I made a sudden turn and hoped that I lost him.I looked back he crashed into another car.I drove all the way home and quickly opened the garage and put my car in there.

I stayed there and waited for the sirens to pass.I went inside and I saw Mia in the kitchen.

"I know you weren't with Ricky at the beach this time,April." she said. 

"Ok,I'm sorry I won't do it again,I promise.Where's Dom?" I asked her.

"He went to go look for you." she said. "You were out street racing weren't you?" 

I didn't say anything. "You know that Dom is going to be mad when he hears this."

"No,please,don't tell him."

"She doesn't have to." I heard Dom's voice from behind.Shit.

"Dom I-"

"I told you I didn't like you street racing.It's dangerous for you." he said angrily.

"Dom,it's ok.I won,plus the cops didn't even-"

"There were cops?!!" he exclaimed.

"Crap." I said. "Dom,you know I like racing just as much as you,"

"You're 17 I don't want you to end up like me when I was your age!"

"I'm not you Dom!!" I snapped.I stomped up stairs and locked myself into my room.

"This isn't over!" I heard him from upstairs.He knocked on my door. "April come out! We're not done talking!" 

"Why?! So you can yell at me more?!" I said muffled.

It was silent for a couple of seconds.But then I drifted into sleep.

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