Chapter 4

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We finally arrived home.The rest of the way we paid a cab to drop us off home.I looked inside our house from the cab window and I guess there was a party going on.I put my lightwash cropped denim jacket on,and got out of the car.We paid the cab and Dom and I walked up the stairs to the front door.

"Take care." Brian said as he walked off.I looked in the window and then hit Dom's arm.

"What?" he asked.I looked at Brian then looked at Dom.

"Yo, want a beer?" Dom asked.

"Yeah sure." he said walking back towards the front door.Dom wen inside but I waited for Brian.Before he went inside I stopped him.

"Hey,wait." He stopped and looked at me. "Uh thanks...for not leaving Dom for the cops.I know it doesn't seem like it but he's grateful also.So...thank you." 

I looked down.My arms were crossed.I don't know why but everytime I'm with Brian my heart races.It pounds hard and I feel like it's sometimes going to jump out of my chest.I avoid looking into his eyes because I want to just kiss him and I can't do that.I know that he's much older then me but...he makes me feel...crazy.He lifted my head up with his hand and I looked directly into this eyes.His blue piercing eyes.He slowly leaned in and his lips touched mine.His kiss was gentle and sweet.

We went inside and I saw Dom talking to Letty.He looked pissed but I wasn't going to say anything.He looked at us and we went towards us.

"Yo Dom.Why'd you bring the buster here?" Vince asked.

"Cause the buster kept me out of handcuffs! He didn't just run back to the form!" Dom yelled.We all looked at him. "The buster brought me back."

He turned around and walked to us. "You can have any brew you want.As long as its a corona." 

"Thanks man." Brian said as he took the beer out of Dom's right hand.

"That's Vince's so enjoy it." Brian looked at Vince.Vince pointed a finger at Brian to warn him but Brian didn't care.Brian wiped the top off with his shirt and took a drink.

"Hey,bro you got a bathroom?" Brian asked.

"Upstairs.I'll show you." I grabbed his hand and went upstairs.I opened the bathroom for him. "Here you go."

"Thanks." Brian went in.About a minute later he came out of the bathroom with his beer in his hand. "You coming?"

"I'll meet you down there,I gotta use the bathroom." I smiled.I went inside and locked the door.I looked at myself in the mirror and re-applyed my lip gloss.When I finished I washed my hands and went down stairs. Letty and Dom were coming upstairs.When I reached half way down stairs I saw Vince staring down Brian.Brian looked at the gun and then looked at Vince.

I walked down stairs and in front of Brian. "Quit it.Now...come on...let's go get me a drink."

"Aw we were just about to get along." he said.I sighed as we walked off into the kitchen.

"So what do you want?" he opened the fridge.

"A beer." I responded.

"You're 17." he said.

"I''m kidding."

He smiled and grabbed the beer.He opened it and handed it to me. "You're serious?"

"I'm not provoking you,am I?" He asked.

"Is that a trick question?" I smiled. I grabbed the beer. "You Dom likes you."

"He's a complicated guy." he responded.

"And you?"

"I'm much simplier."

"You're a shit liar." I smiled as I drank out of my beer.

"I'll take that as a compliment." He sat down next to me and put his arm around me.He looked at my lips and I looked at his.But I stayed away.Well at least tried to not kiss him.

"There's a problem..." I smiled.

"What's that?" he asked.

"You need to get some sleep...and you definatly...definatly need a shower." I looked at his eyes.He smiled at me as I stood up. "Come on." I tugged his shirt a little bit.

The next day I was working with Dom on fixes cars.I wore a simple white tank top with my high waisted black shorts.I tucked my shirt under my shorts and I had my white converse on.My makeup was simple.I had a winged eyeliner,mascara,black eye liner,and neutral eye shadow with pink lip butter.My nails were a nude pink color,and I wore my hair up in a messy pony tail.I had my gold,silver,and black bracelet stacks,and my black choker with a cross hanging from it.

As I was fixing a car I looked over and saw Brian pull up with a pretty beat up car.We walked over to it.

"Nice ride..." I said sarcasticlly.

"Thanks." Brian said.

"What the hell is this? What do you got for me?" Dom asked as he leaned onto the garage.

"This is your car." Brian said smiling.

"My car?" Dom asked. "I said a 10 second car,not a 10 minute car." 

"You can push this across the finish it." Jesse added.

We laughed at his joke.

"You couldn't even tow that across the finish line." Dom said.

Brian looked at me and I smiled. "No faith."

"I have faith in you,but this isn't a junk yard this is a garage." Dom said. 

"Eh,pop the hood." Brian said.

"Pop the hood?" Dom repeated.

"Pop the hood." Brian said once more.

I opened the hood of the car and I fell backwards. "Two JZ engine,no shit..." Jesse said.

"What did I tell you." Brian said.

"You know what,this will desimate all,after you put about 15 grand in it or more,if we have to over night parts from Japan." Jesse explained.

"Put it on my tab at Harry's." Dom said.

"Put half of it on mine too." I smiled and looked at Brian.

Dom looked at me.I smiled and shrugged it off. "I got to get you racing again,so I can make money of your ass.There's a show down in the desert called race wars.That's were you'll do it.You too." 

Dom pointed at me and I smiled. "You're gonna finally let me race?" 

"You've been racing,but now you have my blessing." He said.

"I'll tell you what,when you're not working at Harry's you're working here.If you can't find the right tool in this garage,Mr.Arizona.You don't belong in a car." Dom said. "If I'm not around,April is gonna be your boss.She's a hell of a car mechanice." 

He left.I walked over to Brian. "He owns you know..." I smile as I walk off.

Brian and I picked up the car pieces that we ordered from Japan.It was silent in the car.I was looking outside of the window and saw the town.

"You a week it'll be my birthday."  I broke the silence.

"Really?" he asked.

"Turning 18." I smiled. "Now I could do things that I used to do but now I'll be legal.Well...some things." 

"That's great.What are you gonna do for your birthday?" he asked.

"I'm not sure yet..." I smiled.

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