Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Paul Walker

A P R I L 

The phone rang again and Brian quickly answered it. "Yeah?" I heard a muffled voice through the phone but I couldn't hear what she was saying.Brian hung up. "Let me see this." He grabbed the map from my hands.He looked at the map and then on the road. "Alright I think we're about 40 miles away." 

"What are you gonna do?" I asked him but he didn't respond. "What are you gonna do?"

And again he didn't respond. 

"I'm sick of this shit!"  I heard him yell and throw a bottle of wine at my mom,breaking into a hundred pieces. "Just tell me the truth! That isn't my kid! Little girl is black! I am white!!" 

"No,Greg! I didn't have an affair." my mom cried with blood coming out from the places she was stabbed with the bottle. "That is your kid!!"

"Shut the hell up! I got the results back and it's true! It isn't my kid!" He said throwing the paper to my mom and leaving,slamming the door on his way back.My mom collapsed to the floor as she cried.Her hands covered her crying face.

I walked up to her and stepped on a piece of glass.The odd thing is...I didn't feel no pain.I saw the blood but I ignored it.I hugged my mom.

"Where's daddy?" I asked.

"...because of you..." she said. "He left me!!" She raised her hand and slapped me in the face. 

I jumped and realized that it was only just a dream.I sighed.I always woke up at the same part put this time it continued.

"You ok?" Brian asked.

"I...don't know..." I said.I looked ahead and saw a black car.As we passed it,I saw Leon helping Letty.I looked in front and saw a truck and another black car on the side of it.The black car in front of us was slowing up.It stopped and we passed it.Inside was Dominic.We went to the side of the truck and we saw Vince.He was bleeding from his right arm and he had a shot wound on his rib cage.We popped the top of the car,

"Here take the wheel!" He yelled.It was windy and I barely could hear what he said.

"Are you crazy!?!" I yelled back.

"Take the wheel!!! Ima get him! Put your foot on the gas!" he yelled.

"Ok,ok!!" i said as he moved I put my foot where he had his foot before,grabbed the wheel and I kept it steady as he balanced himself on top of the door.

"Come on keep it steady!" he yelled.

"I know! I got it!" I said as I kept going the same speed.

"I coming for you!" he said to Vince. "Get me a little closer!" 

I turned the wheel and got him a little bit closer to the truck. "Hold it right there!" Brian said.Brian jumped from the car to the truck.They were talking but I couldn't hear anything because of the wind and the sound of the big ass truck next to me.But it was mostly,I could hear my heart beat on top of anything else.I feel like I was going to black out any second but I fought it back.Brian untied Vince and made him jump onto the car.Then Brian jumped onto the car.He hung on.I looked at Vince who was loosing concencesness.The truck hit the car and I had to make a quick move or else Brian would fall off.It's now or never! I pulled the e-brake and drifted off the road and into the deserted area.I stopped the car and Brian quickly jumped off.I got out of the car and I saw a black car roll up.We took Vince out of the car.

"Vince!" I heard Dom yell.I put pressure on the wound and then looked at Dom.Brian put a belt around Vince's arm.

"Come on Vince hang in there!" Brian said. I saw Dom come over.He moved me and he put pressure on the wound. "If we don't get him to an ambulence in 10 minutes he's dead." Then he looked at me. "Hold this,don't let go of it,hold it tightly." 

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