Chapter 8

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The next day we took Brian's (or...Dom's) fixed 10 second car out for a drive.We stopped at a stop light and we looked over to the guy in the other car. "Nice car...what's the retail for one of those?" Brian asked.

"More then you can afford pal." The guy said.Dom and I looked at Brian and then we looked at each other and then back at Brian.

"Smoke him." Dom and I said at the same time.When the light turned green we took off.We were at the same pace but there were cars in front of us so Brian went to the other lane were the cars where driving the opposite lane from us.He took a sharp turn and because I didn't have myy seat belt on I hit nose on the door handle.Brian looked back and saw me hold my nose.Even though I got hit,Brian didn't stop.He was driving angry.I took my hand away from my nose and it was bleeding.We stopped at a diner next to the beach.Brian and Dom got out of the car then Dom pulled his seat back so I can get out of the car.I got out of the car and Dom noticed the blood on my hand due to me holding my nose.

"You ok?" Dom asked.

"Fucking peachy." I responded and stomped into the diner.

When I went inside the bathroom I locked the door and washed my hands.Then I grabbed some toilet paper and pinched my nose.After a couple minutes of being in the bathroom my nose eventually stopped bleeding.

I walked out and sat next to Dom.I was mad at Brian for not going slower or explaining why he was mad or asking if I was ok.

"What's wrong Brian?" Dom asked.

"Nah.nothing...I'm fine." Brian responded.

"Come on obviously something's off." Dom said.

I crossed my arms and tried to look some where else.

"Look I have my good days and I have my bad days just like everybody else." Brian explained.I rolled my eyes. 

Dom noticed me rolling my eyes. "Brian don't lose that cool of yours or you'll lose your meal ticket."

"My meal ticket,what I can't pay for my own shrimp?" He asked.

"I got the shrimp." Dom said. 

"Nah see that's one thing about me Dom, you don't understand I don't need hand outs I don't take hand outs I earn my way every step.I just wanna earn a little extra on the side like you..." he said.

"Hey relax," I said.

"What do you mean like me?" Dom asked. "What does that mean like me?"

"Don't-" Brian was about to freak out but he kept his cool. "I'm not stupid,alright? I know that there is no way in hell that you paid for all that shit you got under the hood...I know that there is no way in hell that you paid for all of that shit you got under the hood of those cars by doing tune up and doing grocieries.Now whatever it is your in on,I want in too."

They looked at each other in silence.Dom looked at me and I sighed. I took out a piece of paper from my pocket and slid it over to Brian.

"What is this?" he asked.

"Read it...." I said.

"What is this for?" he asked.

"There race wars..." I explained.

"We'll see how you do." Dom added. "Then we'll talk." 

I finished my chicken dumplings.After a couple of minutes Dom left to go to the bathroom.There was silence between us.

"Hey look,I'm sorry that I'm in a shitty mood I'm just having a bad day." Brian explained.

"Yeah well you didn't have to take it out on Dom,or me." I said.

"I know I'm sorry.How's your nose." he asked.

"It's fine." I couldn't look him in the eyes because then he'll make me forgive him super easily. 

"Look at me.." he said.I sighed and looked at him. "I'm sorry.I really am." 

I bit my lip. "It's fine." 

Damn I knew this was going to happen.

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