Bathroom Break: James Potter

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James Potter x reader
Takes place during Marauders era

You walk into Potions class expecting it to be like any other day. As you go to sit at your usual spot next to your boyfriend James you notice some of the guys staring a little extra at you. Today you decided to wear your hair curled and down, swaying past your waist as you walked. It also happened to be laundry day so you found yourself wearing a shirt that hugged your breasts a little too much.

Normally this behavior from the boys wouldn't even catch your attention but today it did because the one boy who should've been staring was off in his own mind. A stinging sensation formed in your chest and travelled to your cheeks making them blush from anger. The stares from other students in the class only fueled the spark that ignited from James' oblivious nature.

You notice Sirius and Remus standing by James but both were smiling at you. Sudden relief washed through your veins and face from this warm interaction. You were close friends with Sirius and Remus, but Sirius was always playfully flirting with you, so you knew he'd go along with something to get back at James. Despite the color returning to your cheeks, there was still a nagging itch inside you that begged for you stir something up in James.

"Heyyy, Sirius, you look pretty handsome today" you whispered in a sultry voice, feeling heat build within in your body at the scene playing out before you.

Sirius smiled and replied, "I would give you a compliment back darling but I'm afraid it wouldn't be appropriate to say during class." His eyes darted back and forth between your eyes and your lips that were now moist from you slightly licking them. Remus was leaning onto the table with his elbows smirking at Sirius.

You held out your hand for Sirius and pulled him in close to whisper something incoherent into his ear as he laughed loud enough for James to hear. Warm, peppermint breath hit your face from his laugh. You ran your fingers through Sirius's hair and pulled him to a different table to sit at. The frustration from James building inside of you was released a little from Sirius' playfulness that you couldn't get enough of.

At this point James is fully aware of what's happening between his best friend and girlfriend. A small noise flitters through his ears as he drops his quill mid-word, knowing he was about to pay for what he just did. His eyes rolled over to you and Sirius, so he decided to try something himself to counter your attempts to get a rise out of him.

At the table with Sirius, the two of you begin talking normally again, although you can tell Sirius is still a little flustered from your interaction from a few minutes ago. There was a struggle within Sirius to maintain eye contact with you, he kept glancing down at his papers on the table. You could tell Sirius was a little nervous although you weren't quite sure why because you had been friend with him for a while now. Laughs erupted from both your mouths as you shrugged off your confusion.

A few minutes later, you notice James glance over at you before raising his hand. James began describing the last time you two had sex by making it seem like it was part of the class material. The professor, oblivious to what was happening continued asking him questions to understand what he was trying to say. Your pupils dilated and your nostrils flared as you could almost hear the anger bubbling inside you.

Air left your mouth as you began to raise your voice to start shouting but caught yourself by turning it into a cough so as not to draw attention. You noticed James turn to you and give a smirk. You had to give it to him, it was equally clever and effective at making you mad. But he was stupid if he thought you were going down that easy. His hair bounced a little as he bent his neck down to focus on his papers once again.

You smile at James with an it's on look even though he wasn't looking and then turn back to Sirius. He sat there with his focus on you instead of the professor because he never was one to pay attention in class. You continue conversation with Sirius as you run your hand up and down his thigh. A small muscle in his leg contracted in response to the sudden sensation on his leg.

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