Assigned Seat: Remus Lupin

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This takes place when Remus is a professor at Hogwarts, and the reader is a student but is over 18 years old.

The sound of Hermione's voice snapped you back to the present from your daydream. You were staring out the window at the sun shining into the classroom thinking about what it'd be like if it was only you and Remus left in the room.

You and Remus had been hooking up for a few weeks now but the only person who knew about it was your best friend Hermione. Both you and Remus agreed it was best to keep things quiet for the time being.

"So, Y/N what were you thinking so heavily about" Hermione asked while continuing her work.

"Oh just umm well you know" you reply blushing a little.

"Got it" Hermione giggled. She could tell when you didn't want to further discuss something and wouldn't push you. Maybe this was a reason you were such good friends with Hermione. Unspoken understandings were just commonplace amongst you and her. The two of you were interrupted by Remus' voice.

"Y/N, if you would please return to your assigned seat that would be great so I don't have to write you up" Remus said in his stern teacher voice. This whole interaction caused him to take his eyes off his desk for only a second or two. Not only was he purposely agitating you, but he was also burying his head into his desk to avoid eye contact.

This surprised and took you aback. You didn't know why Remus was acting like this but you knew he'd pay for it later. You stood up and returned to your assigned seat next to Lavender. You were okay friends with Lavender but you were best friends with Hermione and always moved next to her during work time. This never proved to cause any consequences or lecturing from Remus in the past. With your head spinning from the confusion and irritation you greeted Lavender warmly, after all she hadn't done anything at all.

Lavender attempted making small talk with you for a few minutes, however, you decided you needed to work on the class material more. Polite mentions of your homework made Lavender aware that you needed to work. After a little while you looked up at the blackboard and noticed Remus was casually running his fingers through his soft golden hair.

He knew this was one of your weaknesses and knew just how much you loved seeing him do it, so it couldn't be a coincidence that he was doing it right now. Remus turned around and looked out at the class and, for a split second caught your eye. There was a spark in his eye and smirk on his lips which only confirmed he was doing this to get to you. And boy was it working you could feel your pussy throbbing and the wetness around your underwear. Turning back to the blackboard Remus stood confidently with knowledge of what this was doing to you.One thing was for sure, you weren't going to be so forgiving later this evening.

The bell rang and Remus dismissed the class and told everyone to enjoy the rest of our day, no doubt another attempt to get at you. His voiced deepened slightly and his mouth enunciated the word enjoy in a seemingly innocent way, but you knew better.

You caught up with Hermione on the way out who was accompanied by your other two close friends Harry and Ron. The four of you walked into the great hall for dinner. After talking and eating for a few minutes you noticed Remus at the front of the hall giving you a peculiar look. Metal from your fork clashed against the remaining food on your plate. Patience wasn't your strong suit, and you were itching to teach Remus a lesson. The small talk you made with your friends floated over your head, as your mind was already preoccupied. Finally after 20 more minutes, dinner was finished and everybody was heading back to their common rooms.

You stayed back a few seconds, and when no one was looking you snuck down a deserted hallway that led you to the basement of the school. It was here that Remus's bedroom was located. Sure it was a bit secluded and dark, but those two things together made the perfect combination for late nights with Remus.

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