Stay Quiet: Fred Weasley

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Request by @Newtssofrickinfit

The corridors felt lively and energetic, the sun was belting in from the windows, and people talked freely on their way to various classes. You were talking with Angelina when Fred and George loudly approached you, interrupting the conversation.
You and Angelina shared a look of annoyance with each other. Though you were both dating one of them, it still got on your nerves that they'd always pop up no matter where you guys were. Admittedly, both of you both of you thought it was sweet how they couldn't stand to be away from you for that long.

"You know, we were having a conversation." Angelina said while George snaked his arm around her shoulders.
"And what conversation wouldn't get better with us?" He asked pulling her in for a kiss. At the last second, she jerked her head away, making George's lips press against her cheek instead.
"Not here." She said, and he tilted his head with a smile and kissed her cheek again. Angelina was never a huge fan of pda.

Fred interlocked his hand with yours, as the four of you entered the corridor with McGonagall's classroom. The area surrounding her room was already packed with other students. You all took a spot against the cold wall and continued talking.

"So what were you two talking about anyways?" Fred asked, looking from you to Angelina. The two of you shared a mischievous smirk before Angelina spoke.
"Just things." She said vaguely. Luckily, the twins brushed it off as being nothing unusual. You had been talking about secret fantasies that neither of you wanted to tell your boyfriend. It wasn't that Fred wouldn't be misunderstanding, it was the exact opposite. You had a fantasy of doing things in public without other people's knowing, and Fred would of course be more than willing. You just weren't sure if you actually wanted to.

George and Angelina began having their own conversation, and Fred dropped his head onto your shoulders.
"I'm so bored." He whined, looking up with droopy eyes. You placed your hand in his hair, running your fingers through it. Just then, you saw Lee round the corner and arrive in the corridor.
"Lee! Over here." You called, and his eyes brightened at the sight of you, Fred, George, and Angelina.

"Fred's bored, do something to entertain him so I can get this weight off my shoulder." You said half-teasingly. Lee whipped out his wand and smiled widely. You didn't know what he was about to do, but it certainly got everyone's attention.
"Mr.Jordan. No magic is allowed in passing time, wand away." McGonagall said sternly as she appeared in the doorway seconds before Lee acted on whatever he was planning. He reluctantly put his wand away, visibly disappointed he didn't get to do it.

"It would've been a real laugh." He said, as Mcgonagall ushered everyone into the classroom. The noise immediately died down, and everyone began taking their seats. You sat at a table near the back and shared it with Fred. George, Angelina, and Lee sat at the table in front of you. McGonagall began shushing everyone and brought attention to the front of the room.

The class started with a few interesting demonstrations of transfiguration, but it soon became a boring monotonous lecture. You could tell Fred was having a difficult time staying awake because his head kept falling slightly before his reflexes would kick in and jerk his head back upright. At one point during the lecture, Fred decided it was too boring not to talk to you. McGonagall didn't like people talking during her class, but at the moment she seemed too focused on the blackboard, so Fred could get away with a few whispers.

"I'm so booored." He said in a low voice, staring into your eyes.
"What do you want me to do about it?" You asked in a whispered voice, still looking up to McGonagall.
"Let me do something." He said softly and began caressing your thigh under the desk.
"Fred! Stop it." You hissed placing your focus on your legs beneath the desk.
"You think I didn't hear your conversation with Angelina? Cmon, I heard you say you wanted me to do this." He said, pushing his fingers in between your thighs. You felt yourself become embarrassed that he'd heard that, but you also couldn't help but start feeling a neediness to be touched.

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