Quidditch Rivals: Sirius and James Part 4

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Immediately upon rushing into the main entrance of the castle, the cold wet air was replaced by a cozy warmth. Both Sirius and James's hair was soaked to the point it was hanging over their faces, dripping water onto the floor. You stomped your shoes as best as you could on the rug, but it didn't help much. The rain drenched all of you, leaving you shivering and with shriveled skin. A few students walking by gave you all a weird look, diverting their gaze back to each other almost instantly.

"I think you're wasting your time, y/l/n." James said with a laugh as shook his head, spraying water all around. You had still been trying to let the water from your clothing and hair drip only onto the rug, but he was right. It'd take hours for you to get completely dry this way.
"It may be foreign to you two, but I rather care about other people and don't want to make needless messes." You said, taking another few clompy steps.
"We care about other people, just not all of them." Sirius added, and you could see a smirk underneath his mess of hair. He was trying to straighten it out and remove any knots.

"You could come take a shower with us, to warm up." James said, changing the subject. He ran a hand through his dripping curls but didn't do much else. He didn't care so much about how his hair looked. At least not in comparison to Sirius who was still furiously trying to make it look just right.
"Uhh, I don't think so. I'm pretty tired right now." You answered, finally admitting defeat and stepping off the rug, traipsing water and mud all over the pristine marble floors of the castle. As you started walking down the corridor with James on one side and Sirius on the other, a couple boys walked out of the great hall, basically running into you.

"Looks like my spell worked better than even I could've predicted." Remus said in a softer but confident voice. He stood with his hands fit snuggly into his brown trousers with a beautifully dirty smile.
"We really owe you Moony." Sirius said, clapping a hand on Remus's back.
"I can think of a way one of us can pay him back." James said slyly, looking over to you with a creeping smirk taking over his face. The other boy next to Remus laughed immediately at James's words. You had seen him before, you were pretty sure his name was Peter. He was the lesser known of their friend group, but he still was cute considering.

"Shut up Prongs, she doesn't need to do anything." Remus said, his voice always sounded bitterly delicious and sweet. In all honesty, if you had been asked prior to your intimate experiences with Sirius and James, you would've said Remus was the most likely you'd hook up with. Seeing him stand there and look so effortlessly handsome, his slightly ruffled brown hair and golden brown eyes excited you. Forgetting about the rainwater soaking your clothing, you stepped towards Remus.

"Thank you." You said and pulled him into a tight hug, instantly regretting it as you became aware of the wetness on your clothing and hair. His hand sunk into the small of your back despite the fabric being uncomfortably wet.
"Between the two of us, I would've been more than willing to give you a little special attention." You said in a sultry tone only audible to him. No words came out of his mouth, just a small noise that sounded similar to clearing his throat. He smelled of old textbooks with hints of musky vanilla. The hug was becoming prolonged and you could hear James and Sirius making whooping noises while Peter laughed.

"Hope I'll see you later." You said before quickly departing from the hug. Something inside you stirred from being so close to Remus, so you knew it was time to end the physical contact. You also felt he was nearing getting too excited as well. The shoes squeaked on the floor as you walked away, leaving a small trail of water. You gave a small half-smile at the four boys as you broke away from them to return to the Hufflepuff common room. Sirius and James asked again if you'd wanted to shower with them, and this time it was more difficult saying no. It was very enticing, the thought of spending more time with them, especially with the possible addition of Remus and Peter. Right now, you desperately needed sleep and to shower by yourself.

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