Jealous: Theodore Nott

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Request from @i_dont_know_im_bored

The common room had emptied out and the only people left were you, Theo, Pansy, Blaise and Draco. All of you were in the last year at Hogwarts, and it was considerably easy to kick younger students out of the room when they'd become too annoying. It wasn't extremely late; it was around midnight, but the room was dimming naturally. Green lanterns hung throughout the dungeon- like space. A small fire blazed on in the form of emerald flames. It felt cozy and relaxing. You laid on the black leather sofa with your head resting on its arm. Theo sat in the curvy chair next to you, and Draco laid across the same sofa you were on, only his head was on the opposite side as yours. Blaise and Pansy were spread out on the floor, near the fire.

"Give me some of that." You said, facing Theo and pulling the glass bottle of fire whisky out of his hand. Connecting the bottle to your lips, you felt a soft burning sensation as the liquid trickled down your throat.
"I reckon that's enough." Theo said, bringing his hand back to the bottle. You pulled it from his grasp.
It was sweet that Theo was protective of you, but you'd barely had anything to drink. It was the perfect amount to give you a comforting ease without making you be affected negatively. Theo had been like that the entire duration of your relationship, but sometimes you just wanted him to shove off.

"Mind your business Nott." You said before taking another swig of it. Draco choked out a couple laughs as he took an equally sized gulp from his bottle. Blaise laughed silently through a smirk with Pansy leaning her head onto his lap.
"Since when are you one to be against alcohol?" Draco asked Theo in a shocked tone.
"Piss off." Theo leaned back in the chair and loosened his tie angrily.

You stood from the sofa and dropped yourself onto Theo's lap, wrapping your arm around his neck.
"Don't be mad. You just need to relax." You said in a cooing voice. You took another large gulp from the bottle and pressed it to Theo's lips.
"Put it down. I don't want it." He said, swatting away your hand. His face looked cold and stoic, much unlike his usual expressions.
"We can do something else then. Kiss me." You pulled at his jaw, trying to connect your lips to his.

With your eyes shut and the increased buzz of the alcohol, you swayed when trying to kiss him, missing his face. At least that's what you thought happened. Before you could reopen your eyes, Theo's cold hands were carrying you back to the sofa. He set you down where you had been laying before and returned to his chair. Pansy seemed genuinely intrigued by what was happening, she kept her gaze on both you and Theo as if waiting for something. Blaise didn't seem to care at all, rather he looked awkward to still be there.

You didn't want to admit it, but Theo was right that you should've eased up on the fire-whisky. You were starting to feel it a little too much. Unfortunately, you were still aware enough to realize that Theo rejected your kiss. He lounged back in the large leather chair, his legs purposely positioned widely. You had been trying to get him to pay attention to you by staring, but he kept looking down at his lap with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Careful Nott, treat y/n like that and she may be looking to upgrade." Draco said with a confident smirk, leaning his head up on the sofa arm. All Theo did was scoff. It was pathetic. You could tell he was not enjoying himself anymore because he started breathing through his mouth and pulling at his tie with even more irritation. Fuck him, you thought. Drinking too much fire whisky bogged your mind, reducing your ability to see the situation clearly. But in the moment, you saw it how you saw it.

Pansy and Blaise both lost interest in the conversation. Blaise was brushing his fingers through Pansy's hair while she laughed at some joke he was reciting. With Theo still refusing to talk, you turned your focus to Draco. He laid on the other side of the sofa, his head propped up a little with fire whisky in his hand. You moved over to Draco and fell onto his chest, letting him wrap his arms around your body. It wasn't unusual for you to get close with people,especially when drunk. With Draco being your friend for years, nothing felt weird or uncomfortable about it. You were just friends.

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