Friends: Regulus Black

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Request from @valkyrae-simp

"Shh, I'm trying to focus. If I just move this here...Then it's still cup of tea with leaves in it." Y/n said, trying not to giggle. Regulus had given up on it though. None of their fortunes or anything about Divination made sense. In retrospect, he'd tried not laughing, but he couldn't help it. Especially around her.

"Maybe if you drink it first, the fortunes will be revealed telepathically to you." He joked back, peering into the muddled cup of tea for a second. She nudged him on the shoulder with a laugh and dove her gaze back into the directions of their book. He looked down to his feet and smiled. The sound of her flicking through pages in the book kept them from an awkward silence.

"Okay. I give up. Want to just talk about our dreams instead?" Y/n asked, shutting the book and turning to face him again. The Professor was pretty lenient with them; as long as they worked during class time on something related to divination, they wouldn't fail.
"Sure. You go first." Regulus tapped his fingers on the table while his other arm rested gently atop it. Though he did have to blink every so often, he'd wanted to be able to keep his eyes open and watch her the entire time.

"Okay. Umm.... Why are you staring at me like that? Have you learned how to sleep with your eyes open?" She laughed again. The noise was like liquid joy.
"Not quite, but I'm working on it." He said sarcastically and reluctantly blinked a few times.

"Now that I think about, I don't usually remember much of my dreams." She said slowly as if racking her brain for details of her most recent sleep. He knew the events and every specified piece of his most recent dreams, but he too looked like he was straining to conjure up his memories of it. The dreams he actually had he couldn't tell her, so he was trying to make something up quick before she remembered hers. Anything would work but the truth.

"I almost always forget my dreams within a few minutes of waking up. There was something recently where I got lost in the forest, but that's all I remember. What about you?" She asked brightly, leaning her elbows onto the table.
"Last night I had dream about my cat. Probably just means I miss him." Regulus cleared his throat awkwardly and feared his face was blushing. It wasn't, but he still worried it was.

Before Y/n could ask him more about his dreams, the Professor strode to the front of the classroom. She announced their homework for next class and dismissed them with an ominous wave of her hand.

"What class have you got next?" Y/n asked him as they followed the crowd down the staircases. This was one of their only classes together since they were from different houses. He sometimes wished he could've been placed in Hufflepuff so he could see her more often.
"Potions. You?" He looked at her again and tried not to stare too long.

"History of magical creatures. I'd take Slughorn over it. Incredibly boring subject." She parted her lips in a soft manner as she shut her mouth. He shouldn't have noticed that he thought to himself. He had been staring at her lips. And too long.
"I'd take History over Potions. Slughorn is a bit different and his preferential treatment isn't something you want to have." They reached the bottom of the staircases, and students began parting their separate ways. Slytherins one way and Hufflepuffs the other.

"So, I guess you're going..." Before Regulus could finish his sentence he was interrupted by the booming voice of his older brother. He clapped a hand over Regulus's back and charmed a smile at Y/n.
"Brother, why's such a beautiful girl talking to you?" He shoved Sirius's hands off and looked at Y/n with an apologetic manner.

"Are you going to introduce me?" Sirius continued. His brother was relentless and sometimes annoying, but he did envy the fact that he was so smooth talking and confident. He was never short of romantic partners or people who wanted to date him or be friends with him.
"I'm Y/n." She said after Regulus refused an answer due to being caught up in his thoughts. She held out her hand and shook it with Sirius.

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