Quidditch Rivals: Sirius and James Part 2

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Request from @mistressJade

The day after y/n's unexpected interaction with James and Sirius, she walked down to the great hall thinking nothing of it. It was a one time thing, that was it. And it surely wasn't going to happen again. She had to give it to them though, they were much better than she'd ever give them credit for. The fact still stood that she had an ongoing rivalry with them. With how y/n ended things last night, they were sure to be fuming more than ever.

The great hall was loud and packed with students enjoying their breakfast. Y/n strolled over to the Hufflepuff table, seeing her friends wave her over. Before she could reach them, however, a tight grip appeared on both of her arms. Of course. Sirius and James, each holding onto one of her arms. They both glared at y/n with gritted teeth, but something seemed different from their usual manner.

"Okay get it over with. Yell at me. Call me names. Just do it, so I can go sit down." She said rudely, not caring about what they had to say at all. James let out a low laugh, and Sirius held a smug look.
"Is that what you think this is? No. You're coming with us. Now." Sirius said, his voice turning aggressive. Still not getting the seriousness of their voices, y/n rolled her eyes and began to walk away. She couldn't have gotten more than a couple steps before their arms pulled her back.

"You're leaving here with us. Right now." James said directly into her ear.
"Okay." She answered softly, unsure of what else to say. There was a sharpened edge in James's voice when he spoke, and a hinting sign of authority in Sirius's eyes. It was almost a complete 180 of their behaviors last night when they were both so desperate. She liked it though. The feeling of seeing Sirius and James order her around like that made thighs tremble. It made her vagina throb more with every perverse look they gave her.

James and Sirius led her out of the hall, holding tightly to her on each side. As they stepped into the corridors, she had a fleeting thought that people might have noticed. Might have begun gossiping about the three of them. A few people passing them looked strangely at the three of them. At how close together they all were. She quickly came to the conclusion that it didn't really matter. Whatever she was in store for with them took a much higher precedence.

Corridor turned into a another one and another one. It continued for what felt like 10 minutes before they finally switched out the corridors for staircases. She'd forgotten how inconvenient the location of the Gryffindor common room was. All the way up, the highest floor. The first couple staircases went quickly, but by the fourth staircase, she became impatient and a little fatigued. What was the point of it being so ridiculously far away? Her feet drudged against the stone steps, causing James and Sirius to slow their pace, though they did not look happy about it.

"Are you tired?" Sirius asked in a mock-filled voice.
"Want someone to carry you?" James asked, and she thought his question was sincere, so she immediately nodded her head and eagerly said yes.
"Sorry. Spoiled brats like you have to earn that privilege." James said, tugging more harshly on her sleeve.
"Keep up with us." Sirius demanded, and she started moving her feet in accordance with theirs once again. She was becoming even more desperate after their increased assertiveness.

The Gryffindor common room was fair in size, however, it seemed smaller in comparison to the Hufflepuff room. Everything was decorated in an absurd amount of maroon and gold. She didn't get much of a chance to look around because they rushed her right up the dormitory staircase. Their bedroom was circular and contained five four-poster beds. For how far away the Gryffindor tower was, she had to admit the view out their windows was considerably nice. Sun broke in through the cracks of the window and reflected across their beds. While she had been admiring the view, James and Sirius closed and locked the door.

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