New Job: Minerva Mcgonagall

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Request from @catalinuzta

The welcoming feast of the new school year ended in a rush of chatter and noise. The head girl and boy of each house led the students out of the great hall and to their particular common rooms. The professors accorded to a house left as well. Y/n remained at the staff table for a couple minutes to enjoy the marvelous beauty of the castle and take a breath at the overwhelming introduction to her new job. The atmosphere was certainly more hectic than her previous school, but it brought about an excitable feeling to start the school year.

"Finding everything to your liking so far, y/n?" Dumbledore asked as she stood from her seat.
"Very much so. It's an honor to be teaching here, Professor." Y/n said with a smile at the gleaming stars above head in the castle. He walked towards her in a slow and subdued manner.
"Please, call me Albus." His round spectacles hung lowly on his nose as he looked at her.

"Of course. Thank you again for the job." She said as she swallowed a faint yawn from the long day. When y/n departed the great hall for her room, she felt like she'd made the right choice in coming to Hogwarts; a warmth much like the one filling the corridors tickled through her chest at the inexplicable resemblance to her home. The first night was like a quick breath of fresh air: soothing and refreshing but over in a flash.

She flopped her briefcase onto her desk in her new and currently empty classroom. Just as she flicked her wand in the direction of the chalkboard to write out her name, students began filing loudly into the room.
"As you can see I'll be teaching you the art of potion making this year. Most of you have already learned my name at the feast, but for those who've forgotten it is on the board. Please address me by Professor y/l/n." Near the back of the classroom a few boys sniggered and whispered amongst each other, causing other students to stare back.

"Mr...?" Y/n asked the boys, drawing her voice to a more serious one.
"Black." The second boy hit the first on the shoulder.
"Potter." He spoke less clearly but louder. Something was clearly still distracting or amusing them, and although she wasn't sure what it was, it provoked a haze of discomfort.
"Is there a problem with my introduction or any directions I've yet given?" Y/n asked, the rest of the class focused on the conversation but more so for the distracting laugh of the boys.

"Not at all, Professor." One of them said but she hadn't quite remembered their names yet. A sharp laugh disguised as a cough sounded from both of them.
"Laughter is always encouraged in my classroom under the right circumstances, but for now I need everyone to listen carefully while I give instructions for the day's lesson." Y/n said, drawing her back to the class to write out steps for a potion.

Though it was muffled, she could still hear the small sounds of sniggering. She ignored it and kept writing the instructions despite a pounding in her chest; perhaps she wasn't cut out to be a professor here at least not when she was still close to the students age. She reasoned with herself that it likely was just the result of teenagers being teenagers. Apart from the hesitant start, her first class went according to plan and generally okay. Students were dismissed and the next class arrived a few minutes after and so this continued the rest of the day.

By the end of her lessons, her voice was scratchy from having to speak louder than normal, and the balls of her feet ached from standing almost the entire day. She sighed in contentment as she fell back into her black leather chair at her desk. At least she wouldn't have to grade papers yet since it was only the first day and she hadn't assigned them anything. The silence was a soothing cure to her exhausting day. A few minutes passed with y/n resting in her chair before she'd have to go to the great hall for dinner.

A small but crackling knock sounded against the wooden door even though it was open. Minerva McGonagall walked in, her arms full of bundles of paper, and her hair tightly wound in a low bun. Y/n had been introduced to Minerva and spoken with her briefly but was not well acquainted with her yet.

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