Secret Desires: Remus Lupin

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Request by @aapaez

You were laying across a rather comfortable sofa with your head resting on Remus's lap. It was better than pillow even though his pants felt rough against your head. Sirius, James, and Peter were each laying on another sofa. The five of you were lounging and conversing in the room of requirement. It was a nice place to go when the common room got too crowded, and they wanted to talk about things with a more private nature. Currently, they were discussing what their next prank should be, casually drawing you and Remus back into the conversation. You both had been trying to read, but James and Sirius wouldn't take no for an answer.

"At least give us some feedback on the idea, Moony? Y/n?" Sirius asked with a puppy-dog plead.
"We weren't listening. See these Pads, they're books, and we were trying to read them." Remus said waving his weathered book in the air.
"Funny you mention that because the prank has actually got books in it." James said, sitting up on his sofa. Peter sat by, watching James intently, as he and Sirius began explaining the idea once more. You tried just ignoring their voices, and continued reading, however, the quickly noticed yelled for you to put the book down.

With a loud sigh, you dropped the book onto your face, trying to hide.
"Leave me alone." You said teasingly, as you let your head fall back further onto Remus's lap.
"Come on Moony, get your girlfriend to pay attention." Sirius said. You heard Remus laugh into his book.
"Can't really control what she does. Besides Pads I think you're only making it worse by calling her my girlfriend instead of her name, you know she doesn't like that." Remus said, and you could feel his head look down and smile at you.

You laughed under your book, partially from what he said, partially from him admiring you like that. Suddenly, Remus pushed your head off his lap and stood up.
"Remus? Where are you going?" You asked, rolling over to look at him, but he kept facing the door. He didn't answer at all, he just began walking to the exit.
"Remus?" You said again only to receive no answer.

"Moony! Wait up, why aren't you answering?" Sirius asked, while walking over to him. Remus wrenched Sirius's hand from his arm.
"Nothing. Leave me alone. All of you." Remus said sternly before storming out of the room. You sat upright on the sofa, feeling hurt and confused by what just happened. The weird thing was, nobody else really seemed to be concerned anymore. Sirius and James went back to discussing their prank while Peter occasionally joined in.

"Is he mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" You asked interrupting their conversation.
"Mad? Probably. At you not likely." Sirius answered though you didn't feel any better at his answer.
"It's that time of the month. Full moon is approaching... Connect the dots." James said in a slightly annoyed voice. You felt horrible now. You had completely forgotten about the full moon this week from all the extra homework.

"He gets like that a lot during the week of the full moon. Has a short temper. He'll calm down though." Sirius said.
"I feel terrible that I forgot about it. Should we go check on him?" You asked, closing your book and getting ready to leave.
"Usually best to give him a few minutes alone first." Sirius said. You didn't listen to him though, you hurried over to the door.

"Well, I'm gonna go check on him. He could need me right now." You said, and James and Sirius each developed a wide smirk.
"He needs you for something doesn't he, Pads?" James said raising his eyebrows.
"Shut it Potter." You said before leaving the room, hearing the three boys' laughter as you did. He wasn't wrong though. Remus usually got increased sexual urges leading up to the full moon, but he didn't like acting them. He was worried he'd hurt you.

With your book bag slung over your shoulder, you recited the password and pushed through the portrait into the common room. Your eyes scanned the crowds of people, Remus wasn't here. After running up to the boys' dormitory and finding out he wasn't there either, you retreated back into the corridors. He was probably in the library. At least you hoped he was. You didn't want him to be out alone at the shrieking shack right now. It was getting pretty late, so there weren't other people roaming the halls, and the torches lining the walls were dimming.

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