Spring Break: Percy, Bill, and Charlie

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Request from @yumekoissmineee

A sugary cinnamon scent wafted through the burrow along with a savory type of scent which pulled y/n out of her trance from watching the way Bill flipped his long red locks back.
"Don't stare at my brothers or I'll hex you." Ginny said with a playful shove on her shoulder. Y/n had been invited to stay with the Weasley's over spring break with Harry and Hermione. It was just supposed to be the three of them plus Ginny, Molly and Arthur, however, the entire Weasley family managed to show up today. Needless to say, it was packed and overwhelming with various conversations.

"I'd never date any of your brothers." Y/n told Ginny, finding only partial truth in her statement as she nearly dropped her mouth at Charlie joining the family from the upstairs, his fitted button up shirt opened up to reveal the uppermost part of his chest.
"Mmhh, better not." Ginny remarked, crossing her arms and moving to block y/n's view from her brothers Charlie and Bill. The living room was crowded since almost everyone either sat or stood around talking amongst each other.

"How's our favorite sister doing?" Fred and George asked Ginny as they gave up on their previous conversation with Percy of whom was now catching y/n's eye. She quickly darted her eyes away and back to Ginny, Fred and George.
"I'm your only sister, dimwits. But I'll still accept the title." Ginny said with a coolly smile lighting her freckled face. Fred smiled back at her daringly in a sibling fake rivalry moment.

"How're you then y/n?" George asked as he sunk into a nearby armchair, throwing his legs over the side.
"Good. Wasn't expecting this many people, but it's so cozy here. I wish my house and family was this amazing." Y/n said, noticing for the first time this evening how charming the twins were. Their mischievous faces were always complete with sultry smiles and glimmers of trouble in their eyes. Maybe she had more of type than she realized, she thought to herself in disappointment that she was accidentally admiring another Weasley.

"She's real glad about the extra company though.." Ginny rested her hand on her cheek, glaring smoothly through a deepened smirk. "She has a little crush on Bill." She said, bringing George and Fred to join her in smiling so arrogantly that y/n bit her tongue and tugged subconsciously at her earlobe.
"I don't. Really, I don't." Y/n insisted, not daring to look over in the direction where Bill and Charlie were now talking; the last thing she needed was for them to figure she also kind of, sort of liked Charlie too.

Not one of the three who y/n was currently talking to looked convinced and still wore strikingly similar smug expressions.
"Ay Bill! Come over here a minute." Fred shouted without taking his eye contact away from y/n who now twiddled with the hem of her trousers. She wasn't nervous talking to any of the Weasleys ever; they were like a second family, but she most definitely didn't want anyone thinking she'd developed a crush on them. Y/n's number one saying to live by was that romantic feelings always complicated things which is precisely why she could so easily tell Ginny she wouldn't ever date her brothers; dating wasn't exactly the right thing for her at the time.

Bill strode over, his bright red hair looked more luscious and beautiful closer up. He walked so confidently yet in a humble manner. Anything would've been less stress inducing than this coming conversation, so y/n peered around the room trying to conjure some sort of excuse to leave or mysteriously slip away. Somehow sensing her motives, Ginny piped up with a knowing edge in her voice. It didn't really make sense to y/n since Ginny had sworn her off from dating her brothers, but maybe this was an attempt to make her look bad.

"Y/n's just been dying to tell you something." Bill looked perplexed at Ginny's words and awaited a response from y/n. Like a once in a lifetime miracle, Molly hobbled out of the kitchen with both her hands very carefully balancing two large pans. Nobody else besides Harry and Hermione had noticed, but it was a door wide open that y/n was ready to dart through and not look back.

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