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Kageyama's POV:

I don't get why. I mean actually I do get why I just don't think it's fun or even a little interesting to visit such clubs.
Kuroo, Bokuto, Iwaizumi and Ushijima don't have any interest in those clubs anymore. My other friends: Daichi, Asahi, Kiyoko, Tanaka and Tsukishima, find it quite... amusing?. They are always searching for the best of those stripper clubs and paying lots of money in a single night. Not that money has its limits when it comes to us. We sure have lots of it and could spend the rest of our lives living in big houses and buying expensive things. Well that if we don't get killed.  Being rich has its consequences, especially when you're from the mafia. But we all live great lives even though we always have to be prepared for everything, we love it.

Well since we had a pretty awesome day where we finally eliminated our enemies' boss, even I agreed to come with the others to celebrate. When I first arrived I must say I wasn't impressed. My friends said that they already were in all the other clubs in town and even if this one seemed a little... cheap, they decided it couldn't be that bad. Well honestly I didn't expect much from it in the first place. I just sat on the red fake leather couch next to my friends. The couch was u shaped around a pole, where I assumed the pole dancers would dance if we required them to. I wasn't interested. I never felt any kind of attraction towards anyone so I don't see what's so fun about the dancers.

While we were all sitting on the couch and laughing and talking, a guy or more specifically the waiter came to take our order. I wanted to order a drink but as soon as I looked up to tell the boy what I wanted to have, I decided that I would maybe want something else. Maybe I would want to order him.

Never in my whole life had a thought like that crossed my mind.

'That orange hair and the sweet smile. The honey eyes and his height... he is so small. And his body. He looks so great in that cheap maid dress, so imagine what he would look like in a very expensive one. One I could definitely buy him.'

Lost in my trance I didn't notice him finish taking the orders and walking away.

I then immediately stood up to follow the boy. He was already out of my sight but I was determined to find him. After only a few seconds I saw him. And right when I got happy I found him the next thing I saw made me think about murder.

Hinata walked past a man. An old man, with an unshaved beard, sweating a lot and honestly it wouldn't be weird to assume  that he lives under a bridge. And this man slapped the smaller boy's ass. The orange haired boy was shocked. I didn't think twice. I approached the man just enough to put my gun between me and him so nobody else would see it. I got close to his ear and proceeded to basically tell him to fuck off.

"I swear if you ever even just look for another second at this boy I will make sure that you regret your whole existence and that you will actually wish you were never born. Or I will just put an end to this disgraceful life of yours right now."

I made sure that he noticed I had a gun pointed at him. That was more than enough for the man to understand that I was a few nerves away from pulling the fucking trigger. So he ran out of the club as fast as he could.

I hid the gun again and as if I hadn't just threatened someone's life, I looked down at the smaller boy. I wasn't the type of person who smiled often and most people say that I look scary, but I tried my best to not make this guy run away from me like the previous man did.

Hinata's POV:

I had just taken the order from a group of people and was walking to grab the drinks and all, when a felt my ass being slapped. Yes, Yamaguchi warned me saying that there were perverted men who think they can just touch everything they see. But still. I wasn't prepared for that.

I managed to get out of me shock state and was about to yell at that man until my lungs would start hurting, when I see a tall, dark-blue haired, very handsome looking guy, getting close to the other man and whispering something in his ear. I must add that the boy also had style and was wearing expensive clothes. The man who had previously slapped my ass now looked like he was about to shit his pants. His face was white like a wall and he ran away at the same second the taller boy took a step behind.

The boy that was now looking at me was obviously an Alpha. I could recognize it at the dominance pheromones he had released moments ago while "talking" to that man. I was glad he stopped releasing them because they were really strong. I got lost in his eyes for a second before thanking him.

„T-Thank you! There are plenty of those men who think they can treat me however they want because I am..." I didn't really know how to end this sentence. Because I am a waiter in a stripper club? Because I am wearing a short dress? Because I am-

„Cute." The alpha finished it.

At this point I could feel me cheeks heating up. Before I could say anything I heard my name being called. I was at work after all so I kind of had to, well, work.

"So I want to ask you something but I see that your busy right now, so can I at least get you number?" The tall guy asked.

"Oh. Y-yes sure!" He gave me his phone and I put my number in it together with my name.

"Hinata huh? I am Kageyama."

He offered his hand and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you Kageyama." I smiled softly. "OH WAIT I- I gotta go back to work now so... see ya!"

"See ya." he said back.

And with that I went back to work. Only on my way home I felt my phone vibrate. I looked at the Lock Screen and

'A text? From Kageyama!'

'A text? From Kageyama!'

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To be continued...

AN: I didn't reread this chap yet. Sorry if something doesn't make sense.

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