Stay With Me

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I hid my nose in his hair and inhaled his scent. 'I would do anything to protect you. Both of you.'

[around 5-month time skip]

Kageyama's POV

'Outch. My jaw hurts. Actually, now playing closer attention I think my whole body hurts. And is this blood that I am tasting? How in the world did I end up like that?'

I opened my eyes searching for answers to the many questions I had. Unfortunately, I was blindfolded. I tried to move but I soon realized my hands and feet were tied. Due to the silver tape over my mouth, speaking or yelling also wasn't an option.

'Fuck.' Was all I thought, knowing whoever tied me up in here had a clear advantage over me.

Not long after I woke up I heard some gunshot coming from outside wherever I was. Then I heard footsteps approaching me. Slow steps making louder thuds the closer they got to me.
I immediately started to try to get rid of the rope tied around my arms and legs, knowing I didn't stand a chance if I couldn't even move.

I still couldn't seem to free myself as the person suddenly stopped walking.

I felt fingertips brush against my arms, slowly making their way to my shoulders. I noticed whoever it was, was now standing behind me. Weirdly, I couldn't smell any scent coming from them... 'maybe they put on a patch that masked it?'

I wiggled around, not liking them touching me like that. 'Shoyou would kill me and them if he saw that.'

The person seemed to get the message and took their hands away. At least I thought so...

Unexpectedly, I felt them sit on my lap and wrap their arms around my neck.
'Wait- I know this body... Is it- That dumbass was teasing me-'

The tape was gently ripped off of my mouth.
"Sho?" I questioned being almost sure it was him. He had sat on my laps more times than I could count... it's obvious I would recognize him.

I felt him get close or my ear before whispering.
"I came to get you~"

I smiled at this.

Suddenly, I heard a loud bang followed by steps. "Did someone else join the party darling?" I asked Hinata with a smirk.
I was still blindfolded and tied up so I couldn't really see what was going on. Fortunately, Hinata quickly took the blindfold off of me and stood up, already taking out his gun.

Now that I could actually see something, I noticed around 10 men had walked in.

"Don't worry darling, we will get out of here~" he winked at me.

I was still tied up and we had no time to free me. We were already lucky enough these men hadn't started to shoot yet... Usually, I would have known Shoyou would just end them all since he trained so hard and since he was really skilled...

But he was almost 9 months pregnant-

Before I could even think he had shot 5 men down, while not getting a single scratch. 'Was he smiling-?'
While he was shooting with one hand, he threw knives with he the other. Next thing I knew he was shooting with not one, but two guns.

'That's hot.'

After a few seconds, all the men were laying on the ground with wounds that could potentially lead them to their deaths.

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