Playing hard to get

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(AN: I changed the cover of the last chap bc why not:) and it's getting more and more difficult to find covers so, sorry🥲)

' I blushed at the thought turning around and looking at Kageyama's peaceful sleeping face. I then cupped one of his cheeks with my hand, admiring his beauty.
'Dumbass Hinata he was drunk and had no idea what he was doing. That's great! That means he won't remember anything...right? Yeah yeah, everything is fine. And I will never, NEVER let him have his way with me that easily again! No matter how weak my legs get around him...'
I fell asleep.

。・゜・end of recap・゜・。

Kageyama's POV:

'Hmmm... this smells good. Hmpf fluffy and warm. Nice.' I slowly started to wake up from my heavy sleep without opening my eyes. 'My head hurts. How much did I drink last night anyway? And how am I- wait-' I opened my eyes, only to stare at the orange-haired boy sleeping in my arms. I noticed his chest going up and down as he breathed steadily and there was some drool coming out of his mouth, making him look adorable... 'How the fuck did he end up here-' and I remembered some of last night's events now being fully awake.
I saw him start to move a little.

I smirked. "So you let me kiss you yesterday, huh?" I whispered.

The red that was now spread across his face gave away that the boy was also slowly waking up.

"Hmpf if I knew it would be that easy I would have talked to you sooner~" I whispered now being closer to his ear.

He stood up faster than I could process and had basically teleported to the door.

"SHUT UP YOU SPOILED LITTLE BAKA." He yelled angrily and slammed the door.

I couldn't help but laugh at his behavior.

Even though I didn't remember everything that happened last night, I do remember some scenes of me and Hinata making out. I didn't want to scare him so I had given him that week to get used to being here, but well it seems that I was overreacting... I get happier every day with the decision of taking him here.

Hinata's POV:


But the voice he spoke to me this morning... it was something I would have never expected to hear from him... BUT ANYWAY!'

I stomped away from his bedroom angrily.
Getting into my bedroom and throwing myself into my bed, hiding my face in my pillow. Then I heard the door being opened.

I didn't hear whoever came in say anything so I turned around, getting a quick kiss on my lips. I then felt strong hands turning me around so that I was fully laying on my back. The raven-haired boy now topping me.

I blushed madly as all my body and instincts wanted was his lips back on mine. He leaned in again about to connect our lips again.


I slapped him.

And stood up quickly, shoving him off me.

"No. You are paying me to be your stripper, not your prostitute. SO GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME YOU JERK!"

He seemed very shocked. It was probably the first time in his life that he had been rejected. I mean come on he is handsome, he is MOST OF THE TIME a gentleman, and is rich, what kind of girl (and boy) wouldn't be head over toes for him?

"I-I am sorry. I think the alcohol from yesterday really messed with my head... I will be leaving now." He said neutrally and left the room.

As soon as he closed the door I dropped to the floor. My heart was beating faster than ever and my legs gave up on doing their job. I could feel my warm cheeks and breath.

'Why does he have to mess with me like that...'

Kageyama's POV:

'Fuck. It was too much. I just couldn't stand the urge to kiss him. And I honestly did not expect him to react like that... he is so confusing. He did let me literally grab his ass yesterday but
doesn't let me kiss him today?


I sighed, catching one of my friend's attention.

"Are you okay?" Dadchi- I mean- Deadchi- I mean Daichi asked.

"Well to be honest not really." I answered honestly. He had this paternal role in the house so he was one of the only ones I actually felt okay to open up to.

"What happened?"

"Hinata slapped me."

"Oh. You mean the orange-haired boy you hired?"

"Yeah... well you see I tried to kiss him and he just slapped me. Even though I am pretty sure we made out yesterday when I was drunk..."

He looked at me with surprised eyes, then changed his expression into a more 'Yeah-I-Know-How-It-Is-Buddy' one.

"So one day he acts like all he wants is you and the next day he acts like he hates you?" He asked and I nodded in response.

"Well, it was the same with Suga, to be honest." He said chuckling awkwardly.

"Wait. Really? " I asked surprised.

"Yeah... that only means that he noticed he was too easy to get the first time so he wants you to work hard to deserve him. I know. It's complicated and it took me weeks to understand what he wanted me to do..." he explained.

"That... actually makes sense. Thank you, Dad- I mean- Daichi."

"No problem." He winked at me. "Oh and remember to spoil him at least a little, okay?"

"Got it." And we walked off in different directions.

'So he is just playing hard to get huh? Then I have a chance. Besides, I am used to getting what I want, even if I have to work hard for it. That's going to be fun.' I smirked at my thoughts.

To be continued...

AN: next chap might have a little bit of spice hehehehe
(And I am sorry I know I have been changing POVs way too often :/ I will try my best not to change them too many times in a chap T^T👍)

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