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"You became sooooo cheesy Tobio." I giggled too.

'I might just be falling for him more and more every day...'


We finished getting ready and also ate something. We were walking down a hallway, though where we were going was a mystery to me.

"So, remember when I said I live here with some of my friends?" Kageyama asked.

I nodded in response.

"Well, most of them were on a... well kind of trip? Mostly a mission, but that's why you haven't met them yet. But they should have gotten back today. So we are all going to meet at the big living room in the center of the house." He said making me feel excited.

'So that's why I haven't seen most of my friends around here... Well, I am glad I will be able to see them and even meet some new people!'

"Okay!" I said happily.

As we were still waking we bumped into two other people. One was definitely an Alpha. He was tall, had black hair, and a weird smirk. The other one was playing on a Nintendo Switch and was most likely an Omega. He had brown hair with bleached ends.

"Yo Kageyama! Long time no seen man!" The Alpha exclaimed shaking hands with Kageyama.

"Kuuro. How are you?" The raven-haired boy asked.

They started talking about something I wasn't interested in until their attention turned towards me and the other omega.

"Come on Kenma, at least say hello~" The black-haired boy said to the guy playing.

"Hello." The boy said not even looking up from his game.

"Hey!" I said and got a little closer trying to identify what he was playing. "Oh! Are you playing Minecraft???" I asked with probably sparkly eyes.

The boy seemed to be glad someone knew the game because he looked at me for the first time.
"Yeah. You play it too?" His voice was quiet and sleepy.

"Of course! It's the best game in history."

He hummed in response as we all continued to walk to the living room where we would meet up with the others.

"My name is Kozume Kenma. But you can just call me Kenma."

"Oh okay! Well in that case you can just call me Shoyou!"

And we stepped into the living room.

I looked around and spotted a group of obvious alphas and another group I supposed were Omegas.

Kenma freed himself from Kuuro's hug and walked to the group of Omegas motioning for me to follow. I was about to walk up to them when I felt Kageyama grab my arm slightly and kiss my cheek.

"Just don't forget who you belong to, okay princess?~" he whispered.

"S-shut up!" I said and walked away.

Getting closer to the Omegas I saw there were actually quite a lot of them. One had darker hair and was reading a book, one had a funny facial expression and red hair and there were also my friends: Suga, Noya, Yamaguchi, Yachi and Ennoshita. They were all sitting next to and some on a little couch while they talked.

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