chapter 2 (drive-in)

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SONG: Children of the Revolution by T. Rex


'You guys!' Ida shouted, barging into Eric's basement. 'You'll never guess what just happened!'

'Well, whatever it is it cannot be cooler than what I am reading,' Fez said, looking back down at his comic book. 'It's really go- Oh, no. Dick Tracy is trapped in a giant clam. Farewell, sweet Dick!'

'A man being eaten by a giant clam,' Hyde said. 'Now, I'm not Sigmund Freud, but...' He looked over at Ida and smirked, and in return got smacked in the face by the nearest pillow she could reach for on the sofa.

'C'mon guys. Let her speak,' Eric said. 'What happened?'

'Guess who got a job!' Ida shouted, jumping up and down, all happy.

'Really?' Eric said. 'That's great. Congratulations!' He walked over and gave her a hug. 'Can you lend me five dollars?'

Ida smiled. 'I didn't get my first paycheck yet. I'm broke. Which is why I got the job. I'm working three hours on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and on Saturday morning, and I get two hundred dollars each month. AND an employee's discount!

'Two hundred dollars,' Hyde said, looking off into the distance. 'Imagine how much beer we could buy for that money.'

'Well,' Ida said, taking her seat on the right arm of the sofa, next to his chair, '- Sorry Kelso - You're gonna have to put your beer obsession on hold because I need to save up money to get you guys Christmas presents. And get myself a record player. I can get it for half off now that I work there. '

'Wait, where did you say you got the job again?' Hyde asked, looking at her.

'Oh, yea. I didn't say that,' Ida said. 'At the Pandemonium.'

The Pandemonium was a music and record store that opened up few months ago in Point Place and it was the grooviest place in the entire town. They had a band room, so if you had a band, you could come in and practice there. You could also try different instruments, browse records, band merch and other music related stuff, and the owner of the store, Earl, was the coolest forty-five-year-old man that existed. He had his own band with which he toured across the world, earned a lot of money and then came back to settle down with his wife. He never said which band he was in though, but he was very nice and loved his store.

'Pandemonium as in the record store?' Kelso asked, looking up at Ida and putting down the newspapers he was reading.

'The Pandemonium?' Hyde asked, sitting up straight on his chair. 'You got a job at... It's impossible to get hired there! And you got hired dressed like that!'

Ida was wearing a yellow t-shirt and a pair of jeans on which she drew bunch of little daisy flowers and a denim vest which had even more daisies on it. The furthest thing away from rock you could ever imagine. She grinned. 'I know, I'm as shocked as you are!'

'How did you manage to do it?' Eric asked her, sitting on the back of the sofa.

'Well, I went in cause I wanted to see if they had anything new...' Ida started.

'I just don't know what to get her, man,' some guy who stood with his friend on the other side of the aisle said. 'She's pissed at me but I don't even know what she likes to listen to besides Aerosmith. And she's into all that feminist stuff so I know I can't come in with that new Fleetwood Mac album cause she hates Buckingham after she found out he and Stevie were fighting all the time. She thinks it's his fault.'

His friend shrugged. 'Well, I don't know either.' He pulled out a record of Black Sabbath. 'How about this?'

Ida cringed looking at the two guys struggling to pick a record so she thought she could offer some assistance. 'Hey, I could help you with the record, if that's okay.'

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