chapter 16 (water tower)

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SONG: Teenage Rampage by Sweet


Ida had a very late start the next morning... well, more like afternoon. She first woke up at eight, when her parents were leaving to go on their weekly Saturday hikes. Her head hurt so instead of getting up and making herself an early breakfast as she usually did, she just turned to the other side and fell asleep again, waking up way later and looking at her alarm clock that showed it was 1.37pm.

It took her another two hours to drag herself out of bed, brush her teeth and change out of her prom dress that she fell asleep in last night, before she called Donna to see how she was doing and if she wanted to go get something to eat. Upon hearing her voice, Ida realized that she actually woke her friend up and that Donna wasn't doing any better than she was, telling her that she and Eric were out until the sunrise, just driving around and listening to music, adding that she'd tell her everything later when Ida asked for details.

As soon as she hung up on Donna, Jackie called and told Ida they have to go out and talk about last night, so at 4pm, all three girls were together in Ida's car, driving to Fatso Burger to get something to eat and chat (it would've been way earlier if it didn't take Ida half an hour to find her car; how she even got home last night was still a great mystery to her).

'And then we just went back,' Donna said, retelling Ida the events that took place after she and Hyde left the prom. 'But it's fine because we decided to just let it happen and not force it or plan ahead.'

'Yea, when you think about it,' Ida replied, making a turn to the drive-through, 'planning it ahead kind of kills the mood. It turns into an obligation that way. But I'm happy you at least had a nice time.' Then she looked up at the rearview mirror at Jackie, who sat in the back seat, fixing her makeup. 'And also that you got back together with Kelso.'

Jackie beamed, closing her compact mirror and stuffing in back into her purse. 'I know, right? It's great. We had so much fun last night. And I want to thank you again for letting me borrow Hyde. He came in very handy.'

Ida laughed. 'You're welcome, I guess.'

'So what happened with the two of you after you guys left?' Jackie asked, leaning on the back rest of the front seat. 'We were looking all over for you.'

'Well, a lot happened...,' Ida started, frowning and trying to remember everything. She was very drunk last night. To be honest, she wasn't even sure how she got home last night. 'He ditched Pam Macy and found me. Then we went to the liquor store, bought some cheap, disgusting vodka and sat down by the lake. And we talked, he asked me if I wanted to dance so we danced and then he kissed me.'

Donna raised her eyebrows. 'Wow. I can't believe it's Hyde we're talking about.'

Ida glanced over at her. 'Right? I was shocked as well.'

On the backseat, Jackie squealed. 'Oh, but that's so cute! What did you do then?'

'Uh, we went to buy juice to mix it with the vodka,' Ida answered. 'It was so bad; I can't even describe how disgusting it tastes. Then we sat in an empty parking lot. What we did, I don't really know. That part's a bit hazy to me. I don't exactly remember how I came home. I had to go back earlier to get the car cause even though I was drunk, I was at least in a right state of mind to know I shouldn't drive.'

'Nerd even when drunk, huh?' Donna said.

'Seems like it.'

They all got a burger and some fries from Fatso and then parked on the parking lot to eat it all before going over to Eric's.

'So, are you guys together now?' Donna asked Ida, unwrapping her food and setting the fries on the empty space on the seat between them.

'Uh... I don't know,' Ida replied. 'I'm not sure.'

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