chapter 7 (the best christmas ever)

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SONG: It's So Easy by Linda Ronstadt


'Okay,' Ida said, walking over to Donna, who was browsing through some socks, holding two sweaters. 'Which one would your boyfriend like more?' She lifted the yellow one. 'The one that goes with his hair and makes him look like a sunflower, or-' she lifted the other one which was black '-ninja.'

Donna laughed. 'Black is slimming. He'll disappear. And we're not official yet.'

'That's why I said ninja,' Ida replied, grinning. 'And what do you mean you're not official? It's like you are.' Then she looked at the sweaters. 'Or do I just get him something else? I'd like to get him an action figure or something but those are really expensive and I still didn't get Hyde a gift.' She took out her wallet and dug through the money she had there. 'The Christmas bonus like it was never there.'

'What are you getting Hyde that requires that much money?' Donna asked her. 'Also, before you answer, are tube socks too simple of a gift?'

Ida looked at the pair she was holding up, packed in a fancy Christmas themed box. 'Well, depends who you're getting them for. If it's for Eric... I'd reconsider your priorities. And I'm getting him a Led Zeppelin shirt. I already told Earl to save me one from the batch we got yesterday. Those go like crazy.'

'A Zeppelin shirt? Damn, Ida,' Donna replied, 'how much money do you have on you? Those shirts are expensive.'

Ida smirked. 'Not when you work at the Pandemonium. How you think I built my collection in just three months working there?' Then she looked around. 'Hey, where's Jackie? I swear she was here just a minute-'


'Found her,' Donna said.

Jackie was running through clothing racks, holding something in her hands and putting it behind her back when she got to Ida and Donna. 'I have something for you what I want you to try because I think it will look absolutely great on you.' Then she showed her a red dress with tiny white flowers all over it, short sleeved and with a deep v-cut.

Ida stared at the dress. 'It's really pretty but... we have a problem for the...,' she told her, motioning to her boobs. 'I don't feel comfortable parading them around.'

Jackie rolled her eyes. 'You won't be parading them around. Just wear a black turtleneck underneath. God, Ida. You'd walk around in dirty rags if it wasn't for me. Come on, let's go to the dressing room.' She grabbed her hand and started pulling her.

'Donna, help me,' Ida pleaded.

'Sorry,' Donna fake apologized, grinning. 'I'm really busy with these socks here.' God knew she was doing this to get revenge on her for the last time the three girls went to the mall together and Donna was the one being dragged away by Jackie.

Once they got to the dressing room, Jackie pushed Ida in and threw the dress at her aggressively. Ida knew she had to try it and that she wouldn't be allowed to leave unless she did. It was a pretty dress though. She could wear it to Eric's Christmas party, get a bit dolled up for it.

'Come on out. Let us see it,' Donna called out from outside the dressing room.

Ida quickly threw a glace at herself in the mirror, liking the way the dress fit her and then covered her overexposed cleavage with one had before opening the door.

'Aw, you look so cute,' Donna told her.

'Red looks so good on you!' Jackie exclaimed, jumping up from the bench. 'It fits you like a glove! Of course, we could always get it altered here, make it tighter over here. I'd go shorter so that you could really see your legs-'

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