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❝Cause I got a peaceful easy feeling
And I know you won't let me down❞

❝Just go to her and hold her, love her, cheese her, scold herYou gotta take that girl and make that girl your own❞

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❝Just go to her and hold her, love her, cheese her, scold her
You gotta take that girl and make that girl your own❞


'I can't take this anymore,' Hyde said, the patience in his voice growing thin, as he slammed one of Ida's books shut and chucked it across the room. It was one of those romance novels that were Ida's guilty pleasure, a story about two teenagers, a bad boy burnout and a know-it-all nerd who somehow fall in love.

Ida rolled her eyes, flipping the page of a magazine lazily and without even glancing at Hyde, she only replied with, 'You have a heart of stone.'

'No, I don't,' he answered. 'It's just so cheesy and tacky and corny and it makes me wanna throw up.' Then he shuddered and reached for the TV remote. The two were alone in the basement which meant he could watch anything he wanted without Eric telling him that he has the authority to pick because it's his house, even though Hyde also lived there now.

Ida shrugged. 'Well, you're dating a cheesy, tacky and corny person, so you're just gonna have to deal with it.'

Hyde looked at her for a moment, crossing his arms, before shifting his gaze back to the TV and saying, 'You disgust me.'

'I know you love me,' Ida said and smirked. Then she finally glanced at Hyde, her eyes peaking from above the magazine she was reading. He didn't say anything, just kept watching the TV, his arms still crossed over his chest and sunglasses perched on top of his nose...

... and the tiniest of smiles dancing across his lips.



A/N: I am writing this right after I finished writing because I am just a ball of emotions right now. This is my first fanfic that I finished and the first one I ever published, so it has a very special place in my heart. I feel like I grew so much while writing it because I was in a pretty bad place when I started it in April of 2021, using it as a coping mechanism, and I am so happy that I went back to it and finished it after a long break that I made from it.

This TV show means so much to me, as I am sure it means to you too because you wouldn't be reading fanfic for it if it didn't, and Steven Hyde is undoubtedly my comfort character, so having this story to come back to is just... ah, wow. I don't know. I am just at a loss for words right now haha.

Honestly, I was debating on whether I should continue this and write for season two as well and in the end decided not to. I didn't want to recycle the plot and I felt like this story should end with the end of the first season, BUT I did leave some plots unresolved, so maybe someday, if I'm in the mood again, I might continue this, but not in the near future. I'll let Hyde and Ida be for now - I put them through too much misery.

Thank you all for reading "Jekyll and Hyde", for commenting and voting on the chapters. It really means so much to me and I am grateful for everyone who stuck till the end to read this author's note. I honestly hope you enjoyed it and found it entertaining.

Sending you love and hugs <3,


PS. Let me know if you'd like to read more about these two :D

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