chapter 3 (that disco episode)

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SONG: Fernando by ABBA


'Man! I still can't believe you work at the Pandemonium!' Kelso said, following the rest of the group into the record store, looking around in awe. 'This is like, so cool! You are the coolest one out of us. After me, of course.'

Ida smiled. 'Well, thank you, Kelso. Where's Jackie?'

Kelso shrugged. 'She didn't wanna come. She doesn't like this place.'

'That's the only thing your girlfriend and I have in common, Kelso. Definitely a place where posers hang out,' Hyde said, looking around the store at all the punkers and rockers browsing the records and band apparel. 'This place is lame.'

'Aw, is Hyde still jealous?' Eric asked, mimicking him and poking him in the arm with his pointer fingers.

Hyde slapped his hands away. 'Don't make me start on jealous, Forman.'

'Ida, you're here!'

The group turned around, seeing Earl walking towards them all. He looked very happy with a big grin on his face which many people found weird seeing on him. If you saw him anywhere else in town besides his record store, he looked like would punch you if you only glance at him the wrong way.

'Good morning, sir,' Ida replied, smiling and shaking his hand. 'I'm ready for my first day at work here.'

'Good to hear that,' he said. 'You can drop that sir thing. We're all casual around here. Call me Earl. I also told Jeremy yesterday to show you around. He should be coming in in a few minutes so you can go behind the counter there and leave your stuff.'

Ida nodded. 'Okay, that sounds great.'

Then Earl turned his attention to the rest of the crew. Fez was staring at him in awe. 'This is the biggest man I have ever seen in my life.'

Everyone thought he'd get a smack in the face for that but instead, Earl only let out a loud, genuine laugh and placed a hand on Fez's shoulder. 'And who's the rest of the gang? I'm guessing these are your friends.'

'Yea,' Ida replied. 'That's Donna, Eric, Kelso, Hyde and Fez.' Then she added, 'He's an exchange student... we don't know where from.'

'And you don't have to know,' Fez replied, suddenly all serious.

'Alright,' Earl said. 'Well, friends of the employees get some great benefits here.'

Hyde rolled his eyes. 'Well, whatever it is, it's not going to make me like this place.'

'Any of you play any instruments?' Earl asked. 'Guitar, yes, no? Well, we just got in some new Fender electric guitar models with brand new improved speakers - loud enough to blow the hair off your scalp - you wanna try them out?'

They all agreed to, even Hyde, and followed Earl to the band practice room while Ida went to the counter to set her backpack and jacket aside. It was wonderful to look at the Pandemonium from a different angle, the angle of an employee, and she felt great standing there by the cash register. This was her first job and there was nothing better than working in the coolest shop in the entire town while others had to babysit obnoxious children. And with it being such a great job, she'd make sure nothing threw her off-

'Hey, you must be Ida.'

Upon hearing her name, Ida turned around and saw who she thought was one of the cutest boys she'd ever seen. He was tall, with curly black hair and piercing blue eyes over which he wore black sunglasses, that he took of and put on top of his head. He was wearing some bracelets Ida guessed were made from guitar strings, a worn-out Black Sabbath t-shirt and even had a small earring in his right ear.

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