chapter 17 (hyde moves in) pt. 1

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SONG: Trouble Child by Joni Mitchell


As stated for about a million of times already, Point Place was very small. It was literally a point of a place. A dot. And you can quite easily run out of things to do. You visit the Pandemonium, check out the mall, go to the movies, eat at Fatso Burger and go down by the lake, and you've pretty much seen everything. Even driving around can get pretty boring after you drive by something more than two times.

'Look, that house is yellow!' Ida exclaimed.

'Guys, can we do something besides cruise?' Hyde asked, irritated. 'It's the third time tonight we've driven by that house! And the third time Ida pointed out it's yellow!'

She nodded, leaning forward on the back of the front seat. 'Yea, I'm bored, too. But I wouldn't be if you only played some good music.'

'Ida, for the fifth time, I am not playing Hotel California again,' Eric snapped. 'We've literally listened to it four times since we left my house. You live in goddamn Wisconsin and I don't care that it makes fun of capitalism! I like money.'

Ida's eyes widened as she slowly backed away from the front seat. 'Okay. I won't ask anymore. Jesus.'

'You know what we could do...' Kelso said, a grin slowly creeping up onto his face. 'We could go skinny dipping! Naked! That's the way God intended!'

'No way!' Jackie objected.

'Why not? It'd be fun,' he told her.

'Well sure, it's fun for you guys, 'cause you'd get to look at us, and that's a treat!' Donna said. 'But we just get to look at you and that's nasty!'

'So, you don't wanna do it?' Eric asked.

Donna shrugged. 'Well, I don't care, I'll do it.'

'Oh, okay, I'm in!' Eric said loudly. Again, accepting only when Donna said it was fine. He was such a dork.

'Naked is dirty!' Fez said, grinning. 'Dirty, dirty, dirty! Dirty dirty dirty!'

'Dirty, dirty, dirty!'

'Dirty, dirty, dirty!'

Ida was a bit skeptical of going skinny dipping, but she figured that it was dark and no one would really be looking at her because they'd all be naked anyways. However, one other thing she was concerned about was the fact that there was always someone by the lake or at the reservoir and it was not uncommon for clothes to get stolen. If her clothes got stolen, it would not be fun...

An hour later, they were back in the car.

'This was such great idea, Michael, this was so much fun!' Jackie said with a bitter smile on her lips. 'Oh wait, except for the part where our clothes got stolen, you idiot!' She screamed.

No one could find anything to cover up, so the seven of them sat in the Vista Cruiser, looking like they all just came out of their mothers' wombs. It was very awkward, especially when Hyde noticed something on Fez.

'By the way, Fez, nice tattoo man,' he told him.

'Thank you. It is the blessed Virgin of Jerbalinda,' Fez answered. 'Do you want to see her dance?'




'Look, guys, we need a plan,' Eric said, considering the few options they had. 'I'm not driving up to the house with a car full of naked people. Red hates you guys when you're dressed.'

Hyde shrugged. 'We can go to my house.'

Kelso laughed. 'Yeah, your mom's used to having naked guys around.'

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