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"Because I was one of them..."

I forced myself to give an 'I'm okay but I'm not' smile to Thomas who seemed sad by my response but I didn't feel like adding to the sadness so I sank out of the real world room and reappeared in the mind palace where we Sides shared when we weren't in the public eye. The mirror palace was just a mirror world to Thomas's real apartment so when we sank out of the room we would reappear in the same spots we disappeared from. For example, since I would appear by the foot of the stairs when I appeared in the real world when I disappeared I would reappear on the same foot of the stairs but now in the mind palace or mirror world. The remaining group was around; Patton was attending to Roman's head making sure there was no bleeding from his head injury caused by Remus on the couch.

"Ow...easy Patton." Roman gasped from the floor while I saw Patton sitting on the couch dabbing the injury with a cloth.

"Sorry..." Patton replied apologetically as a weight was filling my chest, turning towards the television I began to relive the moment Remus appeared then taking the morningstar weapon and knocking it over Roman's head. "Virgil...you okay over there kiddo?" I snapped out of my thoughts seeing Patton looking at me concerned and Roman was looking at one of his favorite play scripts not paying attention to me.

"Yeah...is...is Roman?" I stuttered pointing to the back of my head to signal to Roman's head for Patton to understand what I was asking.

"He'll be okay...just a scratch." Patton smiled with his childlike smile before I just nodded shifting my stance on where I stood then heard some rattling as I saw it was Logan in the kitchen. Peering my gaze I saw he was making coffee, the aroma of coffee beans filled the air and passed through my nose quickly as I shook it off.

"I'll be in my room..." I muttered turning to face the stairs then walking up slowly until I was completely out of sight of the others. The difference between our home and Thomas's was we had multiple rooms lined up and down the walls that could stretch out endlessly due to the number of Sides that could appear.

The first room was Logan's; the door was opened showing an OCD-like organized room filled with encyclopedias and other books Logan reads. His room was a mix of the colors he wore which were black and dark blue; black and blue walls, blue bedding but the walls only held posters of famous intellectuals which made my head hurt.

Moving down to across the way was Patton's which was a typical child's room with a race car for a bed and so much of Thomas's Nostalgia made me cringe every time I passed by. It had baby blue walls matching his shirt and many posters of cats and dogs filling the walls.

Continuing my way I passed by Roman's bright red room that was like Disney and royalty threw up in it with its contents. The room looked like a royal king-size bed and his walls were decorated with posters of Disney princes and princesses.

A few empty rooms were still free for any more Light Sides wanting to make an appearance until I entered where the Dark Sides were located. My room was in the middle of the dividing line between Light and Dark since I was technically both but I was becoming more of a Light side than what I was before. I knew Remus and Deceit were making a home down there now and that made me feel completely uneasy. It made my stomach churn to think they were taking up residence here now. I cursed that I tried to figure out a way to protect Thomas from them like I promised I would but now they were making an appearance worrying me. I was feeling even more agitated recently since Deceit came because after he showed up I feared who else would make their presence known. After Janus appeared I knew he was the beginning of the worst and now there was Remus.

I got to my bedroom and was about to open my door when I noticed something at the end of the hallway. Down the hallway at the end was a room forbidden by all to go near, forbidden for the Light Sides to even know about and I only knew the contents within because it was my job to keep my eye on it. Quietly I moved towards the room where I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was paying attention before clutching my sweatshirt pulling it tighter to me. The cold chill filled me when I got to the door, my eyes were wide because for the first time in years this door was cracked open and I knew that I had to shut it. Grabbing the handle I felt the ache fill me and swiftly I shut the door wincing my hand away stuffing it back into my pocket. That door shouldn't have been opened, especially not now. Watching the door for a moment I wanted to be sure that it didn't open and thankfully it didn't move then turned on my heel almost running into the snake boy himself.

"Well...well...well...what are you doing here, Virgil? Have you finally changed your mind and decided to come back to your roots?" Janus asked, his one snake eye narrowed at mine as I kept my composure around him.

"No...I'm just making sure that neither you nor Remus aren't planning anything devious to hurt Thomas or the others in any way. Now that I'm satisfied I'm leaving..." I exclaimed, watching his face twitch as I moved past the snake boy heading back to my room. I could feel his eyes digging into my back as I got to my room; opening the door I swiftly entered and shut it to avoid the gaze of the snake. Turning back I saw the dark purple and black walls covered with posters of musicians such as My Chemical Romance, Panic at the Disco, and Evanescence. There was a black tint of light in my room that was my source of light since I didn't like the sun. My bed was like my hoodie with patches of black and purple as my whole body collapsed in a loud huff trying to soften the Anxiety building in me. Closing my eyes I did my breathing techniques to help me calm down; I breathed in for four seconds then held it for seven seconds and released it for eight seconds. I repeated this process until something felt off in my room almost like someone was in here with me and wasn't supposed to be. My eyes snapped open as I shot my body up scanning my room until I saw some white flashes of a distorted figure hovered in my room. "Who are you?" The distorted figure's voice was unclear and hard to hear when it was trying to speak until it ended up disappearing before I could get a clear answer. Just as they did another chill ran through my body; something was wrong, I'm not sure what but I do know that I was going to figure it out soon.

~~Yes I have been MIA for a year but that's because I've been working on my personal stories and moving out. Thankfully I have something for you guys whether you are fans of Thomas Sanders or not. So enjoy.~~

Thomas's Sanity (Thomas Sanders/Sander Side Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now