~~~ 6 ~~~

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After talking to San about what was going on I was now tasked with trying to keep the Light Sides calm, a feat that seemed impossible for the likes of me but I had to try. San has done so much for me the least I can do is try to keep the others distracted. Thankfully it didn't take much to keep the others busy; Logan kept himself occupied with the range of novels he would read or like over 5000 piece puzzles, next was Roman who was preoccupied with creating new ideas or just watch Disney flicks over and over again and finally Patton who enjoyed his cartoons or baking in the kitchen since the smell of baked goods were spread out everywhere. I was sketching in my sketchbook on the couch in between Logan and Roman trying to pretend like everything was fine but that didn't mean I didn't feel uneasy.

My chest felt heavy and sharp but it was having that pain that told me the door was open. The timer beeped on the stove as Patton cheered happily where I turned my gaze seeing Patton pulled out two long trays of chocolate chip cookies placing them onto the counter. He was giggling when I noticed something happening upstairs, it was probably either Janus or Remus causing some mischief earning an eye roll from me. My eyes returned to my sketchbook until a small chill rushed through my body and the ache hit me again, nearly forcing me to drop the sketchbook from my grip. Looking I saw none of the other guys noticed as Patton was coming with a plate full of cookies handing them to each one. The pain was getting worse forcing me to my feet now earning a look from them all.

"Virgil? Everything alright?" Logan asked looking at me before he could grab the cookie from the plate and now the three of them were looking at me.

"Yeah...probably Thomas you know...doing something to cause me to overreact like I always do. I'm just gonna go lay down for a bit." I lied feeling another lurch in my chest making it uncomfortable but I tried to play it off like nothing was wrong. Patton's face lit up like a small child before moving up to me with the plate of cookies in his hands.

"Well kiddo...take a few cookies before you go." Patton smiled to make him happy. I took two cookies from the plate and headed up the stairs with my sketchbook tucked into the pocket of my hoodie. While walking down the hallway I shoved a cookie into my mouth, Patton was a great baker so at least this had him distracted over what was going on in the real world. Finishing the second cookie I stopped in the borderline between the dark hallway and the light one where I saw Remus dancing around like he usually did, to say he and Roman were brothers was an understatement. Behind him, I saw the door shaking a little bit, not sure whether it was from whatever Remus was doing or for what was going on beyond it. Groaning softly I saw Remus stopped dancing looking at me, an evil smile was perched on his face while he started dancing again.

"Soon Virgil...he is coming. Thomas just needs a few more pushes and then the Mind Palace will be ours." Remus snickered with joy until I moved up to him, stopping at arm's length from him. I wanted to strangle him but if I did the others would surely know about it then become suspicious of my actions.

"That is never going to happen Remus...get that through your intrusive skull of yours and make sure Harvey Dense knows it too," I remembered seeing the door behind him was still closed thankfully before I turned and headed towards my room hearing some chuckling coming from one of the dark rooms. Turning I saw it was Janus moving from his room which looked like the Batman villain Two-Face would have as a bedroom. It was divided in the colors of yellows and blacks, it fits him so well as I narrowed my eyes at the snake boy.

"I don't understand you Virgil this is what we always wanted...full control and now when it is so close you are trying to stop it? What has happened to you, Virgil?" Janus asked with confusion on his brow but an evil smile on his lips.

"As I told you before...I've grown. I'm not the Virgil you knew, this will be the last warning I give you both. Whatever you think you are going to do isn't going to work, so get used to sleeping here because the fact I can't get rid of you both means that I can't ignore you." I exclaimed with an annoyed groan escaping under my breath before turning on my heel and headed to my bedroom.

"Well you can tell San that she isn't going to win...it won't be long now." Janus snickered, my head snapped in their direction but they disappeared before I could say anything to them. My body felt cold when I looked at the door again, it was still closed but it didn't shake the pain inside me. I don't know what I am going to do...if they are right that means there isn't much time and if there isn't much time then it means he is coming and if he is coming then it means the end was coming too. The end of the Light Sides and Thomas as well.

~~Oh no can Virgil prevent what is coming?~~

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