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Before I could even explain to Roman what was going on he waved his hand through the air and I appeared at the foot of the steps in the real world. All of us were summoned by Roman and Thomas looked at us very confused.

"Guys? Ummm what are you all doing here?" Thomas asked I could see Roman fixing his outfit while Patton was still in an apron and Logan looked annoyed to have been summoned against his will.

"We are here because I caught Virgil on the Dark Side of the Mind palace looking suspicious." Roman began everyone's eyes turned onto me; they were all suspicious including Thomas who had no idea about the Dark Side of the Mind Palace.

"You always think I'm suspicious Roman...I was just making sure Remus and Janus were staying on their side, that's all." I semi lied though I could see that Roman was not convinced at all about this.

"Wait...there's a Dark sides Mind Palace?" Thomas asked the others which Logan explained the differences to him trying to buy me some time.

"There are two sides of the Mind palace Thomas, one for us Light sides, and one for the Dark sides. Virgil is on the boundary line since he is both Light and Dark, he is the only one who can walk on both sides so it is actually not so odd for him to be on that side Roman." Logan explained I nodded watching Roman scoff crossing his arms about to argue with it but before he could another sharp pain hit my chest. The discomfort made me wince but I was trying very hard to not make them suspicious.

"I know he can go to the Dark sides area but he looked like he was doing something suspicious with that one room that is always locked. You know the one at the end of the hall that we have no idea about." Roman replied now they all were suspicious while Thomas was just confused and the pain was getting worse for me. That was telling me that the door had opened again.

"Look...I'm not doing anything. Remus and Janus were acting suspicious and I was investigating. Now if you don't mind I need to get back to what I was doing before I was rudely summoned." I exclaimed trying to sync out only to be resummoned again by Roman earning an annoyance from me. Every time I tried to sync out Roman kept resummoning me because clearly, he wasn't understanding. "Stop summoning me."

"Not until you tell us what is going on. If Janus and Remus are doing something then we all deserve to know the truth." Roman pointed out I scoffed, shaking my head at his response crossing my arms trying to deal with the pain.

"Like it was said before Roman, I am a Light and a Dark side. I deal with issues on both so whatever is going on over there I have to handle it, not you guys. Trust me if it was that much of a big deal I would've let you know." I explained through Roman began to whine about wanting to know and the pain in my chest was getting worse. Soon I heard some groaning coming from Patton who was clutching himself and rocking like he was feeling agony inside. "Look what you are doing Roman...you are making Patton feel horrible. Let me go and we can just go back to normal."

"No! I'm sorry but something is going on. I demand to know." Roman groaned like a child who wasn't getting the toy he wanted. Logan was trying to reason with him, Patton was crying and Thomas was absolutely confused. The pain was getting worse and worse until out of nowhere it just stopped confusing me. Now I was worried because then I saw San's distorted form appear in the middle of us all.

"Dear Zeus!" Roman gasped and everyone jumped back. I knew that her appearance was not a good thing when it approached me.

"What is that?" Thomas asked if I felt smoke fill my hands before touching the distorted figure allowing San to appear normally. She looked sickly and weakened about to fall down to the ground.

"Virgil..." she gasped before collapsing into my arms as I dropped myself to my knees to hold her unconscious form and when I looked up I saw the look of confusion on all of their faces. Great...can't lie now.

~~Oh no what is happening???~~

Thomas's Sanity (Thomas Sanders/Sander Side Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now