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I couldn't shake the chill I got last night with that distorted figure and from seeing that door opening making me uncomfortable. That was the norm for me to feel uneasy but there was something wrong I just couldn't figure out what it was. Leaving my room I headed back to the living room, it was close to the afternoon where I saw the rest of the guys in the Living Room hanging out. Thankfully neither Remus nor Janus were around when I came down; Logan was on the couch reading another book like he normally did with coffee in his other hand. Patton was on the floor muttering the theme song to Winnie the Pooh earning a small groan from Logan under his breath. Finally Roman was wearing his headphones, probably blasting Disney music while he seemed hard at work trying to help with the future video ideas for Thomas. As I got to the last step I expected not to be heard or spotted by them while I went for coffee.

"HI VIRGIL!!!!" Patton yelled, earning a wince from his sudden loud voice while Logan turned to look at me then turned back to his book not saying a word. Roman wasn't paying attention to my arrival as I just signaled a hi to Patton before heading into the kitchen. Thankfully Logan made a fresh pot of coffee as I poured some into my black cup and tried to let the hot liquid warm me but it wasn't shaking away the chill my nerves were feeling. Moving to the couch I sat across from Roman and Logan watching the movie Patton was giggling at the video. I knew I could ask Patton if he sensed something was wrong emotionally with Thomas but I didn't feel like bringing it up worrying the dad in him. I could ask Logan if he sensed something was off intellectually or logically but then I would earn more questions than answers so I decided to table my questions. As for Roman, he was already going through enough with the appearance of Remus so to ask him what I was feeling wouldn't make much sense since he was already going through the process of his twin now here. Clutching my coffee in my hand I slightly pulled my hoodie closer to my chest.

"Everything alright over there Virgil?" Logan asked next to me my dark eyes moved over to look at the teacher who was staring at me over his book.

"Yeah...I'm just not so comfortable with the appearance of Remus and Janus in the mind palace. It's gonna take some time to adjust so..." I exclaimed seeing Logan's brow twitch then just focused back onto his book in his hand.

"Eureka!!! I have found the idea for Thomas's next video." Roman cheered loudly, earning a look from the three of us as he quickly gathered his papers into his hands and got up from his spot. "I'll be back...just going to leave this with Thomas." With that, he sank out of our place to the real world.

"Well, I'm going to go back to my room until I'm needed. Later Nerd and Padre." I answered watching Logan not even glance at me and Patton just waved quickly towards me before returning his program. Moving up the stairs again I couldn't shake the chill as I saw at the end of the Dark Side hall both Janus and Remus muttering to one another about something. They were up to something, something that was not sitting well with me when they locked eyes with me. I narrowed my eyes into a squint watching them just smiled evilly then Remus waved in my direction. They eventually disappeared down the hallway as I could see that door down the hallway again open a small crack again worrying me. Swiftly I moved towards it, taking it and shutting it, feeling the chill intensify inside me when I did. The source of my chill was coming from inside that room which now had me concerned. My energy felt different while I held the door, it was familiar and that was scaring me so swiftly I let go of the door. Shaking my hand to relieve it from the stinging pain I felt in between my fingertips when I touched it as I turned to go to my room again staring at my fingers. My pale hand was now a bit redder almost like I was burned but I didn't feel any of the heat. Entering my room I placed my almost empty coffee mug on the dresser and shook my hand again, now feeling pins and needles now in my fingers. Pulling off my hoodie I tossed it onto my bed, maybe a shower would help relieve this chill and feeling I've been having. So I quickly entered the separate bathroom each Side had for themselves and turned on the sink. While I waited for the water to heat up my reflection in the mirror looked off, my face was paler than normal and my brown eyes seemed a bit darker now which caused a knot to form in my stomach. They were so close to looking almost like they did a long time ago and that was making my own anxiety start to rise. Closing my eyes I decided to just get in the shower and not think about it. Standing under the hot water I felt it cascade over my cold body letting the eyeliner smear off my face. The heat of the water started to relieve the chill I felt but I could still feel it lingering inside me deep down. About twenty minutes later I exited the shower with a towel around my waist with my face just resembling Thomas's as I needed to reapply the eyeliner again. I entered my room to rechange into the same outfit as what I always wear when I felt that uneasy feeling again. Snapping my head I saw that distorted image again sputtering out of control as it got closer to me. "Who the hell are you? What the hell are you doing here? What do you want from me?"

"Ehs cminog Ligriv....uyo aveh ot tops mhi." the figure garbled exclaimed before vanishing again as I was so confused, I couldn't make out what they said but it had to be important because this is the second time I saw them. I need to figure it out soon because if this had something to do with Remus or Janus then I knew Thomas was in trouble and I knew if I couldn't protect him from all of the Dark Sides I needed to protect him from what is to come. Something much worse.

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