~~~ 4 ~~~

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After Patton's little moment I decided it would be best to check in with Thomas for myself just to see what was going on outside of our realm. So about an hour after I comforted Patton the best way I could be putting him in front of a movie or a cartoon that was meant for children. Roman was singing in his room unaware of what was happening around him which was almost typical for him to block stuff out. Logan was solving puzzles while listening to an audible book probably as he normally did so he wasn't capable of helping in this situation. Mainly it was because he was logical, not emotional like Patton was. So I found the perfect movie for him to watch and it was a movie he had watched over a million times but it was the only movie I knew how to keep him calm.

So while Patton was watching that movie I decided to sink out of our world and appeared into Thomas's world. To my surprise, Thomas wasn't in the living room watching anything or brainstorming on the couch like he usually did this time of night so that was strange. I knew he was home, I could sense him in the house so I decided to try and find him. He was in his bedroom which was odd for this time of day as I moved slowly to his bedroom. My hand braced the doorknob and slowly I opened it to see Thomas clutching a pillow almost like it was another person.

His eyes were bloodshot like he was crying but it wasn't because of anything I was aware of. The face was frail almost like the light and life was being sucked out of him. This wasn't my doing...this was someone else's doing and I needed to figure out whose. Getting closer I wanted to let him know that I was going to figure it out and find a way to let him know he was going to be okay. But not this time...this wasn't like the normal problem-solving videos where he felt better after our talks. This was something far worse.

I found it strange that he didn't even acknowledge my presence or he didn't notice me in the room which is odd because he could sense me when I appeared but right now he couldn't. Before I could speak Thomas began to mutter something as I tried to hear him better but it was still hard to hear.

"It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, And empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after. Ends life, kills laughter." Thomas started to mutter over and over again as my eyes widened with his words, I knew what he was talking about and now I was getting scared. He was shaking with fear as my anxiety was picking up even worse, Thomas never acted like this before and that means whatever was happening in the Mind palace was happening over here as well. So swiftly I sank out of Thomas's room and I reappeared back into our realm.

Patton was singing softly to the music playing as I made it quickly up the stairs not even checking on him. Moving down the hallway I almost bumped into Logan who was about to exit his bedroom.

"Virgil?" Logan started but I didn't give him a second to say anything else as I rushed towards my room. My nerves were getting heavier and making it a bit harder for me to breathe seeing Roman dancing still in his room. I opened the door to my bedroom slipping into the room and shut the door swiftly with my foot. Grabbing my sketchbook I wrote what Thomas said and repeated in the room gasping heavily from racing back into the room. Then I saw the distorted figure in the reflection of my television as I shot up moving towards it. Watching it spaz at the sight of me as it tried to communicate with me and I still couldn't figure out what it was saying to me.

"I don't understand...why can't you talk normally and not be so distorted," I argued watching it try to speak again but I realized the voice's tone was simpler than mine when my anxiety was heightened. Then it clicked, my hands had small smoke come through them, and quickly I grabbed ahold of the distorted figure closing my eyes trying to focus on hearing the real voice. With all of my energy, I felt the distorted body start to become a solid whole figure and as I opened my eyes I saw them fully. Their skin was fair, they wore pure white clothing like they resembled an angel all that was missing was the wings. The white color was broken up with bits of brown which came from their eyes and their hair. The figure now took the appearance not of Thomas but of a young woman, a woman I was all too familiar with. My eyes were surprised as I released my hands from the figure and I backed away a small bit.

"San? What...?" I started but the words seemed like they couldn't escape from my lips watching the young woman cradle her body into her arms. She didn't look so good, she looked almost like Thomas but seemed to be getting worse.

"Virgil...I need your help..." she exclaimed with a small shiver running through her body just like I felt these past few days.

~~Well the distorted figure has been revealed, why do they need Virgil's help?~~

Thomas's Sanity (Thomas Sanders/Sander Side Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now