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The next day I decided to figure out what Janus or Remus were doing to cause the problems in whatever was happening to Thomas or what they were doing that was making the door open. From what I remembered back in the day they had to unleash fear or some sort of chaos, then they had to start breaking Thomas's spirit then finally they would have to unleash a huge surge of darkness to corrupt the Light Sides but I wasn't going to let any of that happen.

With the darkness I knew I would have to absorb it into myself, I know that was a big risk for me but if it was to keep the others safe then I will do anything. Thomas' spirit breaking would be easily prevented by the other Sides with Patton's bubbliness, Roman's chipperness, and Logan's well intelligence they will make sure Thomas is taken care of. As for the chaos and fear that was manageable between all of us thankfully.

So today I was going to perform some covert operation by following Remus and Janus around the Dark Realm trying to see if I could figure out a way to possibly throw a wrench in their plans. I needed to give San a chance to have a fighting chance as I stealthily started tailing them. Using my darkness abilities I was able to blend into the surroundings making sure they couldn't sense my presence or detect me in any way. Moving down the long-range of hallways I could feel the darkness of this realm hit me but thankfully it was a dull feeling which wouldn't affect me as much as it could affect the others. I remembered them coming into my room and how badly it started to affect them. Peering over the corner I saw Janus and Remus talking in the Dark living room, the place the Dark Sides stayed since they didn't want to interact with the Light Sides.

"Virgil is going to be a problem, Remus...with his helping San we can't follow through with our plans of freeing him," Janus exclaimed my ears perked up when I heard my name and San's mentioned.

"I know...who would've thought our little ball of angst was going to fall in with those pesky Light Sides. He was so much fun back in the day." Remus replied with annoyance in his throat while my face tightened at those past moments of my life.

"He was until San came to our side and took him from us. If that little bitch stayed out of our world then this job would've been so much easier for us. But that doesn't matter...from what I heard San isn't doing so well these days. I guess keeping her focus on Virgil all these years has started draining her..." Janus explained my eyes widened; this is why San was getting so weak, she was focusing on me for so long I was the one sapping her energy.

"Yes...he said the longer she focuses on keeping Virgil contained the easier it will be for him to be freed. We just need to keep pressing on Thomas and keep sending Virgil on wild goose chases and before he will catch on it is too late." Remus added I should've known they were toying with me by causing strange occurrences with Patton and possibly Thomas. "So what now?"

"Now we begin the next part of the plan...from what I saw Roman has given Thomas a new idea for the next video. The others will be distracted including Virgil so I will keep them preoccupied while you keep pushing things in here. We need to get that door open Remus and we can't do that if Virgil can sense it stopping us." Janus explained my eyes widened again looking again. I saw the two of them heading back in my direction. Quickly I shot up blending into the background with the darkness watching them pass me by without an even second glance and watched them disappear into their respective rooms. Returning to my corporeal form I turned to see the door I was working so hard to keep closed before lowering my eyes. Slowly I made it to my bedroom shutting the door without anyone noticing as I pinned my back to the bedroom door again rubbing my sore temples from the emerging headache. Closing my eyes I sighed sharply before glancing down at my hands seeing that they were starting to get whiter than they normally were. Then I reheard both of Janus's and Remus's words replay inside my head causing a concerned feeling to fill inside of me.

"I guess keeping her focus on Virgil all these years has started draining her..." Janus exclaimed then I felt a bit of an uncomfortable sensation building in my chest.

"Yes...he said the longer she focuses on keeping Virgil contained the easier it will be for him to be freed," Remus added I never knew that San has been doing this for me after all these years, she was the reason why I never slipped back into old habits and she was the reason why I was what I was today. Now I had to add that to my list of jobs; not only did I have to protect Thomas and the other guys from whatever Janus and Remus had planned but I had to save San not just from what was happening but from probably me too.

Thomas's Sanity (Thomas Sanders/Sander Side Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now