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Sam and I decided to head back to our homes and change into some normal clothes.

When we were done we met back up by Tommy's house and he led me towards whoever Karl was.

It was quite late out and I was tired but I kept walking.

Sam seems to notice this slowing down his pace to match mine, "if you want we can do it tomorrow morning," he offered.

"No it's fine," I said, "I don't mind, I really want to learn more anyways, I kinda feel stupid in all honesty."

He had his mask on but I could feel the stare he was giving me, "I don't think so, it is understandable though, you've been on your own for so long you didn't have anyone to teach you these things."

I smiled, I felt grateful he understood so well what my situation was.

"Thanks, Sam, for helping me out," he looked down at me and what I guessed was he smiled, "It's no problem, it's what friends do."

He then grabbed onto my hand interlocking my finger with his, I blushed but didn't try and take my hand away.

it felt nice.

As we got closer to our destination a giant wooden house came into view surrounded by sugar canes.

it looked like a mansion compared to anything you ever built.

Sam brought you to the door knocking a few times before someone answered.

a sleepy dark-haired man with a white bandana answered the door, "who the hell is-"

he seemed more awake when he saw who was standing on his porch, "Sam? Why are you here? And who's this?" He asked pointing to me while still looking up at Sam.

The man was tall but didn't quite meet Sam's height.

"Hey Sapnap, this is y/n, Tommy's friend, do you know where Karl is? We need his help with something," Sam said.

Sapnap turned to me looking me up and down with a suspicious look, I gave him a small smile and waved, his face softened and he grinned, "sure come on in, I'll be back with him."

before he could even walk away a man with a very colorful jacket came tumbling down the stairs dropping a stack of books in his hand.

"Should've seen that one coming," he joked dusting himself off.

Sapnap started having a laughing fit as the man stood up picking his books off of the ground.

I rushed over helping him pick up the books, he looked at me adjusting his goggles on his head, he smiled, "good to see you again y/n!"

I continued to pick up the books and looked at him confused, "what do you mean, 'again'?" I asked.

The books I was holding started piling up higher than my head becoming unsteady and pretty heavy.

Sam walked over also looking confused taking the books out of your hands.

You tried taking them back but he wouldn't let you, keeping them out of reach from you, he let out a laugh as you gave up picking up a few different books off the ground, "aww you guys are so cute," Karl said.

Sam and I both flushed saying at the same time, "no we're not!"

"You guys aren't helping your case," Sapnap said shutting the door and walking over.

We set down the books in a neat pile as the man in front of us looked down at me, he apologized for his behavior sticking his hand out to you, "my name is Karl, and your name is y/n correct?"

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