Chapter 44 - part one

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"You can't do this, Dimitri. You can't just leave - not without me!"


So it's been what?.. about 4 weeks, Dimitri and I have been living together. I absolutely love it. I mean, he does snore from time to time, but I honestly don't mind. We also get along so well. It's not like we use every minute together, you know. I could be reading a book on the couch, while Dimitri's sitting at the kitchen counter eating or doing some school work. Or I could be washing dishes, while he's setting some laundry over in the washing machine. I don't have to be in his arms 24/7, as long as I know he's here if I need him. Now, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love laying in his arms. But again, we're two human individuals - we do need some space away from each other from time to time.

"We should get some sleep. I got an early class tomorrow morning," I mumble tiredly to Dimitri.

We are currently lying on the couch, while the outro to 'Free Willy' plays on the TV.

"Yeah, me too. Let us go to bed," Dimtri answers me, sounding just as tired.

I nod and say, "That was one hell of a movie, wasn't it?"

"I have to admit, that it indeed was good."

"Good thing, that we still need to watch 2 more movies in the trilogy. But let's save them for some other day, yeah?" I tell him as we throw ourselves onto the bed. I don't even hear him responding, because sleep has already taken over my body and mind pulling me into its slumber.


"Did you have a good time?" Dimitri asks me, as I get into the car.

"Yeah, it was good seeing Emily again. She's doing so much better and the Doctor already thinks that she's good to go. But they're keeping her there another 2 weeks, just to be sure. She was a bit sad about it, but it's better to be safe than throwing her out there if she's not ready for it yet." I tell Dimitri as we drive home.

Dimitri nods along and listens to me talk, even though I doubt he really cares. He never did like Emily, but he also never did anything to get to know her. But I can't blame him. He isn't exactly the most open person. And I would definitely not try to force him, or her for that matter, to become friends. There's no need, really.

As we get closer to our apartment, I remind him to drive directly to the store. We haven't restocked the fridge in a while and we need some dinner for tonight. It's already 7.30 PM and I haven't eaten since 2 PM.

Just as we pull into the parking lot, Dimitri's phone rings. His eyebrows furrow as he reads the number displayed on the screen, but takes it nonetheless.

"This is Dimitri," he says into the phone. I feel awkward just sitting here listening, so I whisper to him that I'll just start completing the grocer list inside. He gives me a slight nod and I hop out of the car. I look over my shoulder, as I walk inside. Dimitri is tense, I can tell by the way he clenches his jaw muscle. I really hope it's nothing serious.

I grab a shopping cart and begin completing the list, just like I said I would. For dinner, I grab some vegetables and chicken so I can make a salad. I'm honestly getting tired of all the junk food I've been eating lately.

Finally, Dimitri finds me inside the store. It's already been about 20 minutes. I'm long done with the list, but I didn't want to interrupt him out in the car.

"Who was that on the phone?" I ask him, trying to sound nonchalant, while I begin to put groceries on the check-out counter.

"Oh, uhh, it was no one really. Nothing important," he says, his body rigid and his eyes not meeting mine. I obviously don't believe him when he says it's nothing important, but I do decide to let it go for now.

"Okay, let's pay and head home then," I tell him, plastering a small smile onto my face. His eyes finally meet mine and his shoulders relax a bit.

"Yeah... home."

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