Chapter 12

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I walk into my second last class of the day and take my usual seat. But instead of sitting alone this time, a person drops into the seat next to me. I look up and realize it's Oliver - one of the guys I went camping with. I haven't really seen Harry or Oliver since then, and it's nice to see a familiar face.

"Hi, Oliver. I didn't know you were in this class," I say.

"Hi, Ruby. Oh, I transferred to this class instead of my old one. I didn't really feel it, so I'm trying something new, I guess," he tells me.

We talk a little back and forth before class starts. It will be nice to finally have someone I know in this class.


I gather my things and walk out of class, Oliver following me.

"I still have 20 minutes before my next class. Do you want to grab a coffee or something?" Oliver asks me.

"I only have a couple of minutes before my next class, but I would love to grab one another time?" I decline him nicely.

"Sure, that sounds good."

We part our ways and I hurry to my last class. I really need to talk to Dimitri about things. I know I can't stay away from him, giving we have the same friends.

As soon as I see him sitting in his usual spot, I walk over to him. "It can't keep happening," I tell him bluntly.

"I know... How about friends?" He says, immediately knowing what I'm talking about.

I look up at him shocked. He wants to be friends with me? Ha, never saw that one coming.

"I don't even know your last name."

"My last name is Talanov. Dimitri Talanov."

"Oh... well, I guess we're friends then," I tell him, wondering if this is a good idea.

"Yeah... friends."

The professor starts and ends the class pretty quickly. I actually enjoyed this lesson, but I'm happy we only have to write a short essay about it.

Dimitri and I walk out of the class together, and as we're about to part our ways, he says, "See you later, friend."

"See ya," I say and chuckle lightly to myself. 

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