Chapter 17

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"What was all that about?" My Dad asks me when I arrive at my dorm.

"Oh..." I say shocked. I almost forgot he was even here. "I just needed to say thank you for the gift to my friend."

"Your friend? Do I know her?" He asks me.

"Uhhh... No, you don't know him," I say rather awkwardly.

"It's a him?! Ohhhhh, tell me allll about him," he says in a girly voice.

"Dad stop. He's just a friend I met in class."

"You must be pretty important to this 'friend' since he's gone all this way, and made you all this," he says and points to my gift from Dimitri.

"I guess," I say.

"Well, when do I get to meet this special boy?" My Dad asks me.

He wants to meet Dimitri? Oh God, this can't be right.

"Dad I don't really think he's the type to hang out with his friend's parents," I tell him, but when I see the disappointment on his face, I say, "But I can ask him. I can't assure you that he'll agree, but I can at least ask him."

"That sounds great! What's his name?" My Dad asks excitedly like, he's a little child.


"He sounds interesting."

"Yeah, he's definitely something," I chuckle and step out in the hallway to give Dimitri a call.

After a few rings, Dimitri picks up the phone.

"You do not need to thank me anymore," he grumbles.

"I didn't call you for that," I say awkwardly, hesitating to continue. What the hell am I doing? Am I really gonna invite Dimitri, the boy I like, to meet my Dad?

"Then what is it?" Dimitri asks me, now interested.

"So you know my Dad's here. And he kinda saw the gift and what was inside. When I came back from your apartment he asked me who you were, and I told him you were a friend I met in class. When he found out you were a boy he got all excited. I didn't tell him about the kisses, by the way. But now he wants to meet you. I understand if you don't want to, but I just thought I would ask," I rush out.


"Dimitri, are you still there?" I ask him, after a minute of silence.

"When does he want to meet me?" He asks.

"Uhhh, I don't know. In an hour I think. We can go grab lunch or something. If you don't have any classes, of course," I say hopefully.

"I have a class at 2 PM."

"Oh," I say, a little disappointed.

"But I guess, I do not really have to go. I will meet you at your dorm in an hour, then."

"That sounds great, Dimitri," I tell him softly before hanging up.


Knock! Knock! Knock!

Oh shit. I can tell who it is just from the way he's knocking on my door. It's the same every time.

"He's here," I tell my Dad.

"Open the door! Open the door!" He exclaims.

"I will. Just relax, will you?"

I go over and open the door. Dimitri is standing there wearing black jeans, a simple white t-shirt, and some sneakers. Nothing special, but he still manages to look perfect.

"Hello sir," Dimitri says and try to shake my Dad's hand.

Did he just call my Dad sir? Where the hell did he learn to be formal and nice?

My Dad doesn't respond to him but instead looks Dimitri up and down. Why doesn't he introduce himself to Dimitri?

"So... shall we go?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Sure," Dimitri says and we walk out of my tiny dorm room.

Dimitri is a few feet ahead of us, so I gently elbow my Dad in his stomach and say, "Be nice, Dad. Please. You can't judge him just because he looks scary. He really does have a heart somewhere deep inside. You just have to do a little digging and eventually, he'll warm up... or as warm as he can get. He's a very personal guy. So don't ask him any questions that are too personal, okay? This is very important to me, because Dimitri is basically my best friend, alright?"

My Dad sighs out loud but nods anyway.

"Great," I exclaim and walk up to Dimitri. As soon as I reach his side, he says, "Why did your father want me to come, if he is just as judgemental as every other person, huh? Judging just because I am different and I have an accent. It is absolute bullshit!"

"I'm sorry Dimitri. He's usually not like this. He's just protective of me. I know that's not an excuse, but please just give him another chance. It will really mean a lot to me," I say, trying to calm him down.

Dimitri locks his eyes with me and sighs out loud, just like my Dad had done. "Alright. I will try. But as soon as he says something stupid, I am gone. Understood?"

"Yes, understood," I say smiling up at him. He's really changed a lot, since the first time I met him.

I grab both guy's hands and pull them outside with me. "Let's go get some food, shall we?" I ask. My Dad chuckles in response, and Dimitri just smirks at me. They know how much I appreciate my food.

A/N: Thank you to @temnos for voting. It means a lot to me. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Feel free to point out any grammar mistakes. 

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