Chapter 22

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"So, when does your flight leave?" My Dad asks me, as we sit at a diner. It's the last day before I go back, so dad and I are spending the whole day together. The first stop is getting some breakfast.

"Late tonight," I tell him.

"That sounds good."

The waiter finally arrive with our food, and we quickly dig in. I almost moan at the taste. Dad and I used to come every Sunday morning, here at this diner to eat breakfast. It's small things like this, that I miss the most.

"Honey, I'm just going to the bathroom real quick, okay?" My Dad says.

"Yeah, sure."

As he walks away, I pull my phone out. Huh, 2 new notifications. One from Emily and one from Dimitri (Mr. Grumpy).

I open the one from Emily first. It tells me to have a good time with my Dad. It was delivered from 3 days ago. Guess I haven't really checked my phone, since

I sigh as I open Dimitri's text.

Dimitri (Mr. Grumpy):

Where are you?

I smile to myself as I read the message.


I'm at home with my Dad. Had to solve some things with him.

Dimitri (Mr. Grumpy):

When are you coming back?


Later tonight, why?

Dimitri (Mr. Grumpy):

We need to talk.

I don't get to answer the message, because my Dad sits down in front of me, and I don't want him to think that there's something wrong. I usually don't use my phone at all, when I'm near him.


Dad and I spent the rest of the day walking around town, buying some new clothes for me and other stuff. We had an absolute blast.

Now, we're back at the house watching a movie, eating take-out. I need to leave for the airport in 3 hours, but I have already packed all my things, so I'm not in a hurry in any way.


Dad and I are currently on our way to the airport. We are listening to George Michael, and screaming the lyrics out in the car. My flight is taking off in 2 hours but I don't have any lugaggae, that I need to check in, so I don't have to be in a hurry.

20 minutes later, we arrive at the airport. I sling my bag over my shoulder, and step out of the car. Dad walks around the car and pull me into a hug.

"I had a great time. Call me if you need anything, or if anything happens," he tells me.

"Me too. And I will," I answer and hug him back.

We say goodbye, and I make my way into the airport. I quickly find my gate, and sit down on one of the chairs. There aren't many people around, but that's understable. It's getting kinda late, and it's not like we're in the busy season.

Finally, the gate open, and passager is allowed onto the plane. I get situated in my seat and grab some snacks from my bag. I munch on those, as the plane takes off.


I walk into my dorm room and throw my bag in the corner. I am so freakin' tired. I landed about an hour ago and it's currently 2 AM. I look around, only to find Emily gone. It doesn't surprise me. I have to remind myself to spend some more time with her. Anyway, I quickly get out of my clothes, because it's hot and I'm sweating and gross. I really want to take a shower, but there's no way in hell I am going out there at 2 AM. Because I'm alone, I decide just to sleep in a training bra and panties. It's Wednesday tomorrow, so I don't have any morning classes, which I am very grateful for. As soon as my head hit my pillow, I'm off to sleep.


Knock! Knock! Knock!

What the hell? I slowly sit up in my bed and look around. It's still dark outside, so I can't have been out for long.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Jeez! What's the hurry? I get up and walk over to open the door. My brain is still asleep, so I don't process the fact that I'm almost naked.

I swing the door open, only to stand face-to-face with a very-tired-looking Dimitri. It honestly looks like he hasn't slept in days.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, slightly aggravated from the lack of sleep.

"I texted you, that we needed to talk... And you said, you would be home late tonight. I did not know how late you meant, but I thought 3 AM would give you enough time to get home an-" he rambles, but I quickly shut him up with, "3 AM?!"

He only nods.

"That's it, I'm going back to sleep. You either go or get inside, I don't care," I tell him.

"But we need to talk," he says as he walks inside the room and closes the door. He suddenly freezes and his eyes start ranking my body. It's first now, I remember I'm basically naked. He looks me in the eyes, pupils dilated. There's a heat forming between my legs, but I am too tired to do anything about it. I jump into bed and pull the covers over me.

"We can talk in the morning," I mutter.


A couple of minutes passes before I realize, he's still standing in the middle of the room.

"Why are you just standing there?" I voice my thoughts.

"Oh, I-" he says, but I rudely cut him off again, "Just get into bed."

I muffle around to give him some space in the small bed, as I feel him sliding under the covers beside me.

"Goodnight Ruby."

"Mmmh," I manage to get out before I'm off to dreamland again.

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