Chapter 10

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It has been a couple of days since I last saw Dimitri. He hasn't shown up to class either, so I made a copy of my notes for him. It's Saturday today, so I can head over to his dorm and give them to him. Now I just have to find out which dorm is his. Easier said than done.

I make my way towards the reception and ask, "Hi, I'm supposed to give some notes to Dimitri. Do you know which dorm he is in?"

"What's his last name?" The receptionist asks me. Huh, what is his last name?

"Uhhh, I don't know. Sorry," I tell her apologetic.

"It's okay," she says and types something into her computer.

"You're lucky. There's only one Dimitri at this school."

I sigh in relief. She tells me the directions to his dorm and soon I am on my way.

I knock on door 527. Dimitri's room. Why am I nervous? Oh right, he is probably mad at me.

"Who is it?"

"It's me," I yell through the door.

The door opens and I come face-to-face with a shirtless Dimitri.

"Hi," I say.

"How do you know where my dorm is?" He asks immediately.

"Got it from the receptionist," I tell him.


"So I could give you these," I say and show him the notes.

He looks down at me confused.

"You haven't been in class for the last couple of days, and I didn't want you to miss out on anything. You can keep these, by the way. I already have my own in my dorm. I made a copy for yo-" I am cut off by his lips crashing onto mine. His arms find their way around my waist, as he presses us together. I don't know what to do - this is after all my first kiss. But by the way butterflies and fireworks erupt in my stomach, I know I have to respond somehow. I move my lips in sync with his. My arms find their way around his neck, as I push our heads even closer. This feels good. Maybe too good. A burning feeling form in my lower parts and I crave. I don't what I crave, I just do. I have never felt like this in my entire life. Suddenly, Dimitri backs away from me. He takes the notes from my hand and slams his door in my face.

What the hell just happened?


It's 10 PM now. I'm laying in bed replaying the events from today over and over again. I still don't understand what the fuck happened.

My phone suddenly bings. Who could it be this time at night?

Unknown number:

Nothing happened today.


Who is this?

Unknown number:

It is Dimitri. As I said - nothing happened between us today.

I don't respond to the text. Of course, today is a mistake for him. It is for me too, I think. Now I am just beyond pissed at him, for taking my first kiss away.

I go to bed angry and ready to throw a tantrum at him tomorrow.


I'm walking towards my last class. The one I have with Dimitri. My mind has been occupied all day, with what I should say to him. In the end, I decided to just ignore him completely. I didn't want him in my life to begin with. He was just kinda thrown into it.

I arrive a little later than usual in class, so I'm sure not to sit next to him. Sure enough, there he is, sitting in the same chair as always. I'm not the last in here, so there are plenty of other free seats.

I make my way inside and sit down in a seat, 2 rows down and 5 to the right, from him.

I can practically feel the glare in the back of my head. To be honest, I don't care. I have been nothing but sweet to him, and I will not let him treat me this way.

As soon as the class is over, I storm out. I speed walk all the way to the coffee shop and place my order. I slowly make my way back to my dorm, drinking my coffee on the way. It is nice weather outside today. Maybe I should go on a walk later? I'm so lost in my thoughts, that I don't even notice my arrival at my dorm. Or even worse, who is standing in front of my dorm.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, making sure to keep my voice cold.

"I am waiting for you," he says, but he doesn't look me in the eyes, "I want to talk."

"Then talk."

"Yesterday was a mistake," he starts.

"I know."

"Then why are you mad?"

"Because you kissed me. Then you have the audacity to send me a text, and say forget it. What the hell is up with that? Couldn't you just have avoided kissing me at all?" I ask him utterly confused and angry.

"Well... you kissed me back," he states stupidly.

"But you kissed me first," I say harshly.

He stays silent.

"I'm mad because you took my first kiss from me, and you don't even care," I say defeated.

"That was your first kiss?" He asks, clearly surprised.

"Yes, get over it," I say and walk past him into my dorm. He follows me in there, but don't say anything.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to steal your first kiss," he tells me. Even though his voice and accent are cold, it's sincere. A very weird combination to be honest.

Finally, he looks me in my eyes. Electricity fills the room in a split second. All I can think of is yesterday's kiss. My entire body is getting heated and I know exactly what I need... But he thinks it was a mistake yesterday.

Somehow, Dimitri and I, end up only centimeters from each other. Our eyes never disconnect. His finger slowly trace my lips. It becomes unbearable in the end, so I close the distance between us. Dimitri pulls away for a second, before coming crashing back. This kiss is even more powerful than yesterday. How that's possible, I don't know. Our bodies are pulled flush against each other. His tongue begs to be let in, so I slowly open my mouth. Our tongues mingle together and it feels even better. He pulls our mouths apart, so we can catch our breath. Our foreheads are touching as we look into each other's eyes. Dimitri closes the distance between us, yet again. We back towards the bed, as he falls onto it. He pulls me up so I am sitting on his lap, as we continue to make out. I can feel his erection between my thighs. Dimitri's fingers pull slowly at the hem of my shirt. I pull away from our kiss and look into his eyes. My hands find his and make them stop. I quietly shake my head and look down. I feel awful for breaking our moment, but I'm just not ready for that part yet. A lot has happened in such a short time and it's too much to handle. Dimitri's hands release my shirt. He doesn't seem mad, so at least there's that. I slowly get off his lap. My head is spinning. What the hell just happened? He had just told me it was a mistake yesterday, and we just did the exact same thing - only with more power to it this time.

"Do not overthink it," he tells me, "This is not anything special."

"Why do you say that?" I ask him, hurt by his words.


"You just told me it was a mistake yesterday, and then this happens," I tell him.

"You kissed me first," he states.

"Well, you kissed me back," I fire at him. I'm getting totally deja vu feelings.


"I am going to go now. Goodnight Ruby," he tells me and walks out of my dorm. That Russian accent and the heat still hangs in the air. I sigh out loud and take a nap. To be honest, I don't really know what else to do.

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