Chapter 32

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It's 7 PM when I wake up next to Dimitri. We've been asleep for a couple of hours, but I understand why we were so tired. Some wild things happened. Anyways, Dimitri is still asleep, but I can feel my bladder about to explode so I wriggle out of his hold, and stand up from the bed. As soon as I begin to move, I can feel the soreness kick in. This is a lot worse than I thought it would be. This is just evidence of the events that took place earlier.

When I finally reach the toilet, I sigh out loud in satisfaction as I empty my bladder. As I look up, Dimitri is standing in the doorway smirking at me.

"You saw the walk, didn't you?" I ask him, embarrassed.

"Yup. Gotta say, I definitely made an imprint on you, huh," he chuckles.

"Shut up," I tell him and waddle back into the bedroom. I find some new panties in the drawer, that I keep my clothes in, and my fluffy pants. Then I walk over to Dimitri's closet and grab a simple t-shirt.

"Why are you always stealing my clothes?" Dimitri asks me, amusement shining through his voice.

"Because... is it comfortable?" I say, but it comes out more like a question.

He chuckles at me and finds some clothes for himself. I walk over to the nightstand to get my phone, but I notice something unusual on the bedsheets. Shit, I've bled on his sheets. I grab my phone and walk out to the kitchen, where Dimitri is now. He's putting the rest of the groceries away into cabinets and drawers.

"Uh, Dimitri?" I ask him quietly. I know, it's not my fault for bleeding onto his sheets, when I just had sex for the first time, but I can't help but feel a little guilty. Those were brand new, white sheets.

"What is it?" He asks me seriously, as he notices my demeanor.

"Uhh, I kinda bled onto the sheets when we did it."

"Is that it?" He asks me nonchalantly and continues what he was doing.

"Yeah, I guess," I say.

"Then we will just throw them out later - no problem."

I smile and am about to sit on one of the bar stools that are at the table connected to the kitchen counter but stop. I quietly waddle over to his couch and grab a pillow, before walking back over to sit on the stool, just with a pillow underneath me this time. I can feel Dimitri's eyes on me, but I choose to ignore them. Or try to at least.

My phone suddenly blings. It's my Dad texting me about his dinner tonight. He even sent a picture of it. I know he's missing someone to talk to on a daily basis. I miss him too, but at least I've got Dimitri keeping me company. That reminds me of something.

"So, I've kinda told my Dad that we are official now, and he wants to have dinner with us next time he's here. I know you're not particularly fond of that idea, but it would mean a lot to me," I tell Dimitri.

"You will just have to make it up to me some other way then. I am definitely not going without getting something in return," he chuckles at me.

I know he doesn't mean anything by it when he says things like that. I don't mind the 'making it up to him' part, but the 'I am not doing something without it having a benefit for me' just catches me off guard. I don't like it when he says that, especially not when we're in a relationship, where both parties have to do things they don't want to do, fx. having dinner with the parents. That's just what you do when you are in a relationship - you sacrifice.

Something suddenly gets my attention, though. I've never heard Dimitri talk about his parents. Am I even going to meet them? Do they know that I exist?

"I can see the wheels turning in that small head of yours," Dimitri tells me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah..."

"What were you thinking about?"

"Just... am I going to meet your parents?" I hesitate but ask him anyway.

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I can see his entire demeanor change. His face turns cold, his body becomes rigid. I guess that wasn't the best question to ask, but then again, I have to know at least some things.

"No," Dimitri says.

I silently wait for him to continue or elaborate, but nothing more comes.

"Oh, okay," I say disappointed. 

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