Chapter 27

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It's finally the weekend and Emily and I have decided to spend the day together. We haven't really seen each other lately. I've been spending most of my time, and some nights, with Dimitri this past week. But whenever I'm actually in my dorm, Emily is with Harry.

"You ready?" I ask her, as she puts on her jacket. We've decided to explore some more of the city today.

"Yeah. Let's go," she says and we walk out of our dorm.

We decide, to get some brunch first since none of us ate any breakfast. Afterward, we're gonna do some shopping, which will be great 'cause I could really use some new shoes. The ones I'm wearing are used up.

"So how is it going with you and Harry?" I ask her as we sit down at a small table in some café.

"It's going so well! We're having so much fun and everything's just exciting..." Emily continues to rabble about her and Harry, and I start to regret asking. My ears automatically close off from her blabber, even though I don't mean to make them do. Finally, our food arrives, stopping Emily from talking more. I give the waiter a small nod as a thank you and dig into my food.

"So how is it going for you and Dimitri?" Emily asks me after taking a small bite from her food.

"It's good. We're good," I tell her.

"Come on! Give me some details," she pushes.

"Well, I've been spending some nights there but we haven't done it yet if that's what you're wondering. And otherwise, there isn't really anything new then from the last time we talked," I tell her honestly.

"You're spending nights at his apartment? Damnnn gurl. You're in deep," she chuckles before continuing, "You know, I was actually extremely jealous of you when you first came here."

"You were? What, why?" I ask her now, confused. I deliberately avoid the 'You're in deep' comment.

"Because I've known who Dimitri is for years 'cause of my brother, and not once has he said anything to me. Then suddenly he's warming up to you and honestly, I was thinking 'What the hell do you have, that I don't'. Of course, I don't think that anymore - you two are literally perfect for each other. I guess it just made me feel insecure, I don't know."

I'm taken aback about this confession. I don't like the way Emily just throws it out in the air like that like it's nothing. I thought she always kinda liked me. Guess I was wrong. But come on, 'What the hell do you have, that I don't?' Why would she even say something like that to me? At this point, I'm raging and I just need to get away from her right now. I don't want to say something that I'll regret later. It's not like I want to stop being friends with her, I just need some space. Emily's a nice person, but she's acting differently today and I really don't want to deal with it right now.

"Shit Emily! I completely forgot I had an essay to write for my class on Monday. Guess we'll have to rearrange, okay?" I tell her, placing on a smile. I don't wait for her to answer me, I just head out of the door and walk towards Dimitri's apartment.

A couple of minutes later, I'm here. I reach down and grab the key from his plant, which is sitting next to his front door. I lock myself inside and yell, "God, I'm mad."

Dimitri doesn't even acknowledge me being mad or the fact that I've just walked into his apartment as if it's my own. He just stands in his kitchen looking at me, like I'm a madwoman.

"Ask me why I'm mad," I tell him frustrated.

"Why are you mad?"

"Thank you! And Emily is just getting on my nerves. I just can't handle her right now."

This seems to pique his interest. "What did she do?" He asks me.

"She just made a stupid comment because she was jealous. And now, I'm feeling so fuckin' insecure which I shouldn't feel. I thought girls support girls, right? I mean, she says she's happy for me now, but it sure doesn't feel like that. Why would she even bring it up if it wasn't a problem, huh?" I don't even try to hide my emotions from Dimitri. Everything on my mind just pours out like a waterfall. But I don't think Dimitri's quite followed by the look on his face.

I sigh out loud and force myself to calm down. I simply walk over and hug Dimitri after. All I need is some comfort, and he's the only source that can give me that right now. Dimitri hugs me back, knowing how much I need this.

After a couple of minutes, I let go of him and ask, "So are you making breakfast or shall I?" I didn't get to eat much at the café, so I'm starving. Dimitri smirks at my comment and bends down to kiss me. I let him kiss me for a couple of seconds, before pulling away and whispering, "Breakfast."

He chuckles but starts making me breakfast. 

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