Chapter 13

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I'm slowly getting used to the idea of being friends with Dimitri. We've been sharing our notes, walking to class together, getting coffee together, etc. He's also been a lot more relaxed. Of course, he's still his grumpy self, but there's something different about it. Maybe I just don't feel intimidated or scared by him anymore, which is a positive thing in my eyes. I don't know if Dimitri feels the same way, though.

It's a Saturday evening and I'm just sitting in my bed watching Gilmore Girls. Emily is at Harry's place and I'm pretty sure she's gonna spend the night there. She hasn't slept in our dorm for 4 nights in a row now. It seems as her and Harry's relationship is going well. I'm happy for her, but again, I can't help but be a little envious. I've never had someone, besides my family, who loves and cares for me. It has never bothered me in the past, but I'm turning 18 in 2 months, and I would like to, at least, get a best friend. Make fun memories together and stuff like that. Emily and I are friends, but not best friends. We don't spend much time together, and we don't talk about deep stuff with each other. Of course, I find her trustworthy, but I can't help but feel that she doesn't want to create that bond with me, now that she has Harry. And she doesn't have to want that. I'm used to feeling a little lonely sometimes, so I just have to be patient. I can do that. When the right time comes, the right person will come too. That's what I believe in.

As I continue watching Gilmore Girls, my phone bings. It's probably my dad texting goodnight.

Dimitri (Mr. Grumpy):

Is Emily at your dorm?


No, why?

Not a minute later, there's a knock on my door. I walk over and open it, knowing full well who it is.

"Hi," I say.

"Hello, Ruby. I do not have anywhere to sleep."

"Again?" I ask him, but when he doesn't answer, I open my door fully and walk back to my bed. It's only 9 PM, so I'm not tired yet. Aaaand Jess Mariano is waiting for me, so...

"What are you watching?" Dimitri asks me.

"Gilmore Girls... wanna watch?" I ask him.

"Not like I have anything better to do," he mutters under his breath.

I scoot over and pat the spot beside me. We already shared a sleeping spot together in the wild, so it isn't as weird as I thought it would be. We get comfortable and I offer him some chips. I'm, yet again, surprised at how comfortable I am around him. He also seems more laid back after we agreed on being friends.

After a couple of episodes, Dimitri asks, "Who is that?".

"That's Dean. We don't like him, by the way. We are Team Jess," I explain.

"How many times have you watched this show?" He asks me, amused.

"I don't know... about 9 times I think."

He scoffs but doesn't comment on it.

"Hey! It's not my fault that it's an incredible show," I say offended.


After 7 episodes of Gilmore Girls, I look over to see Dimitri fast asleep. Shit, he wasn't supposed to fall asleep. I turn my laptop off and try to crawl out of bed, so I can sleep in Emily's bed tonight.

"Stay," Dimitri mutters weakly. I don't think he's awake. It must be his subconscious speaking.

I weigh my options, but to be honest, I don't even feel like moving, so I stay. I lay down right next to him in my tiny bed. As long as he doesn't cuddle me like last time, it's totally normal for friends to do this... Right? I don't exactly have much experience with the friend and people thing.


When I wake up, Dimitri is gone. His side of the bed is still warm and I can smell his scent on the sheets. Last night was weird but nice. It was one of the few times he and I got along without fighting. He didn't make any annoying comments, so I could get riled up. Maybe we could do this. Maybe we could be friends.

I studied the rest of the day and continued on Gilmore Girls in the evening. Nothing major really. 

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