Part XIV

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[[ May 29, 2021, 8:00 a.m. - Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul ]]

I finished placing everything on the table when Jin hyung go out of his room. His brows furrow and he looks at me weirdly while scanning all the food above the table.

"Are you sick?"

"Good morning to you too, hyung." I sarcastically said while sitting in the chair beside me. "Also, cooking breakfast don't make me sick."

"That's the point. You never cook breakfast because you never wake up early on weekends." He said while slowly sitting in the chair across me. "Did you hit your head?"

"If you don't want to eat just say so."

"I was just asking! Why are so cranky early this morning." He hisses at me while reaching out for his mug. "Where are you going?"

"I am going to see, Y/N."

"This early?"

"I just said I will." I roll my eyes and continue eating but I feel his gaze on him. "Don't you know it's bad to stare at someone who's eating or did you not learn that in school?"

"So what if I stare at you while you are eating will it make you choke?"

"No, but it will make you shower yourself with a freshly brewed coffee."

"Dude, don't you know how to chill?" He said on a high-pitched tone. "Your temper is much hotter than my coffee."

"Then stop acting dumb and act your age, maybe."

"Fine." He snatches my fork and starts eating. "Go to hell." He said glaring at me.

"Isn't hell where we are now?"

A laughed came out of me when I saw on how his face turned red his eyes almost popping.

"Hyung, I didn't know your face can be redder than it was before."

"And, I didn't know my house is a free trial of hell as well." He gave me a snort and throws a roll napkin at me. "Aren't you meeting Y/N? Why don't you get lost now?"

"I will. As if I'll let hell burn me alive. I am leaving."



[[ May 29, 2021, 12:30 p.m. - Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea ]]

I park my car and immediately rush to where the library is. I was almost out of breath when I reach the entrance of the library.

"Hey, Y/N." I said while catching my breath.

Y/N automatically snaps her head on me, "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly while handing me a bottle of water. "Feel better?"

I nod my head and let out a sigh, "Can we talk? Or are you busy right now?"

"Sure." She said her face smiling. "But let me first finish my class for today and I'll meet you there on the cafe. My class will end at 4."

"Cool. I'll just kill time here at the library before heading to the cafe."

"Okay." She continue putting her things on her bag and carry some of the books she borrowed.

"Let me help you."

"It's okay-"

"I insist and also I'll walk you to your room."

She just smiles at me and let me bring her stuff. We go out of the library and had some small talk before finally reaching her room.

"So, see you later?"

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