Part XVI

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[[ June 04, 2021, 7:30 a.m. - Daesagwan-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul ]]

"Aren't you too early to be here, Yoongi?" Y/N said while looking at me with a surprised expression.

"Didn't I tell you last night that I'll visit you today?"

"I know you are coming but I didn't expect you to be here this early. I just woke up and the first thing I see is you cooking in our kitchen."

"You want to know why I came here this early?"

"No." She said while giving me a small smile.

"Because I want to be the very first person you'll see when you wake up, Y/N."

"You think it worked?" She asked in a playful tone while scrunching her nose, looking so adorable.

"I guess it did." Her lips form a big smile, making her look so radiant to my eyes. She's a ray of sunshine. My ray of sunshine. And I can stare at her all day.

She immediately walks to me, her smile never leaving her face and as she stanf in front of me all I can think about is how lucky I am to meet her.

"Good morning, Yoongi." Her voice sounds so lovely, making me want to melt completely.

I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and kiss her forehead, "Good morning, Y/N. My sunshine." I pull her close to me and inhale her scent. "I missed you." I said hugging her tighter. She feel so warm and soft on my touch. I put my chin above her head and gently stroke her hair. How I want to stay like this forever.

"And I missed you too." The feel of her hands around my waist tighten as she said those words. "Thank you for being here with me, Yoongi."

"And thank you for letting me be a part of your life, Y/N." I kiss her temple and smile. "I promise to take care of you. Always."

We stayed like that for a while before pulling away from each other. I clasp our hands together and stare at each other eyes. I see on how my eyes shine on hers, on how they reflect on mine. I lean closer to her and kiss the tip of her nose. Her face turned into an embarrassing reddish hue; a giddy smile creeps on her lips making me let out a huge smile.

Oh God, how I like this girl so much.


[[ June 04, 2021, 9:45 a.m. - Daesagwan-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul ]]

"Y/N. Yoongi." Her mom called the both of us.

"Yes, mom?"

"Me and your Dad will go out."

"Will you be here before lunch?" Y/N asked while getting up. I followed her and bow my head to her.

"I am not sure about that, princess. We might be home a bit late." Her mom turns to me and give me a smile. "You two can just order food for lunch if you want."

"Okay, mom. Take care." Y/N kisses her mom's cheek. "Where's Dad?"

"He's still in the room. Organizing some stuff but he'll come out in a while." She nods her head and talk to her Mom for a bit. I see how happy and comfortable she is right now.


"Dad!" Y/N squeals while running to him. Giving him a big hug. "I missed you!"

"You just saw me last night, didn't you?" He said in a loving voice. "Aren't you being too sweet? Do you need something?"

"I don't." Y/N said laughing. "But if you want you can give me the room adjacent to mine?" She playfully said.

His dad ruffles her hair causing her to whine making me laugh as well. He turns to me and gives me a small tap. "Thank you for making her happy."

"I did promise you that I'll make her happy, Mr. Yang." I shyly said, a small smile coming out from my lips.

"We're heading out now. Enjoy the rest of the day okay?" We both nod our heads and walk them out of the house.


"Yoongi." Y/N suddenly turns to me and I swear my heart almost jump out of my chest. "Let's order food and watch a movie." I am so lost in her eyes that no single word come out of my mouth. "Yoongi?" She said while waving her hand on my face. "Are you even listening?"

"Did you say something?" She roll her eyes and pout. "I just got lost on how beautiful you are."

She hits me while trying to hide her face, "Oh, shut up. You're making me embarrass again!" I laugh at her, removing her hand on her face. "Can you already stop being so cheesy so we can already order food and pick a movie?"

"Sure." I said before giving her a peck on her cheek. Her cheeks immediately turned red.

"I hate you!" She said burying her face on the pillow while hitting my arm.

"I know you don't, sunshine."

She raised her head and stares at me, "You look so much the guy I want to spend my coming days." I was taken aback by her remark that my ears started turning red. I averted my gaze and sit up straight, my face stiff. I hear a suppress laughter from her making me snap my head.

I watch her laugh, her shoulders shaking. And I find myself laughing along with her. How could she sit there and laugh and still look so beautiful?

"I like you, Y/N." She turned her head to me. "So damn much."

"I like you too, Yoongi." Her eyes turned crescent upon smiling making my heart skip a beat.

"Will I ever get use to you saying those words to me?"

"You would." A small chuckle left her mouth. "But maybe not for now."


[[ June 04, 2021, 7:00 p.m. - Daesagwan-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul ]]

"I told you, you don't need to walk me out."

"But I want to. I just want to spend some more time with you before you go home."

"Will you miss me that much, Y/N?" I said teasingly making her chuckle. "We're together for the whole day and still you can get enough of me, Yang

"Because you are so hot I can't resist you, Min Yoongi." She said while shrugging her shoulders.

"I know. No need to state the obvious, sunshine."

She shakes her end in disbelief, "This day will be one of my favourite day." She looks down and play with her fingers. "Because you are the main part of it."

"And you are to me as well. Thank you for being the most beautiful part of my life, Y/N. I will never get tired of saying this one to you."

"I want to tell you something as well." I said before taking a gulp. "Promise me you won't get sad."

"I know I won't."

"Y/N. I am going to talk to her." I said my gaze never leaving her. I reached for her hand and give it a squeeze. "I am going to hear her out like you want me to."

"Okay." She said smiling. "I am glad to know you'll give her a chance to explain herself."

"Is it really okay for you, Y/N." My voice full of worry. "Just tell me and I won't do it."

She squeezes my hand and interlace our fingers, "It's okay, Yoongi. Isn't this what I always wanted? For the both of you to talk?"

"Do you trust me?" I placed my hand on her face and rub her cheeks.

"I do."

"Aren't you scared about me seeing her? What if I flip?"

"Will you?" She innocently asked, her eyes looking straight to my soul. I hold her hand tighter and bring them to my lips.

"You already know the answer."

"Good night, Yoongi." She gently kiss my cheeks and took a step backward. "I hope everything goes well tomorrow."

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